Bolden out for the year

Came back to this thread thinking it would get better and man you guys are brutal. Talk about "Your only as good as your last envelope - Sil from The Sopranos" mindset. Bolden was a solid player for us and a stud at times last year. Very short memories.

I would hate to see the thread when a guy like BJ Jennings or Gurvan Hall sits out the season or hits the transfer portal. You guys will absolutely murder them.
Came back to this thread thinking it would get better and man you guys are brutal. Talk about "Your only as good as your last envelope - Sil from The Sopranos" mindset. Bolden was a solid player for us and a stud at times last year. Very short memories.

I would hate to see the thread when a guy like BJ Jennings or Gurvan Hall sits out the season or hits the transfer portal. You guys will absolutely murder them.
His "last good envelope" came a long time ago, before the Clemson game, LAST YEAR! About 16 games ago.
Right there with you. I personally think he has major talent and I believe Bevin when he says Bubba was playing injured. Good luck to the kid.
Guys play with bumps and bruises all the time. While I do wish Bubba the best in his aspirations of playing pro ball, I 100% believe that him shutting it down is tied to his playing time being reduced and him saying, no thanks, I'd rather get ready for the pro day. It's basically his way of doing what guys generally do before the bowl game. And it sucks. Quitting in the middle of the season due to basically losing ur starting job is how I see it, but maybe it's just me. His tweet basically echoed him attempting to defend himself, when if nothing has been done, then there's nothing to defend right?
Came back to this thread thinking it would get better and man you guys are brutal. Talk about "Your only as good as your last envelope - Sil from The Sopranos" mindset. Bolden was a solid player for us and a stud at times last year. Very short memories.

I would hate to see the thread when a guy like BJ Jennings or Gurvan Hall sits out the season or hits the transfer portal. You guys will absolutely murder them.
Bro, cmon now...reports surfacing about his playing time being reduced and then he ups and shuts it down for the season....that don't smell fishy to you? He's a Cane regardless but that doesn't mean we have to support or agree with this decision. After the season we can all root for him at the pro day, but for now, he stands alone since it "appears" he quit on the team due to being benched
Could subpar results resulting in reduced playing time be the end result of a nagging injury? I would certainly say so. We know he can play at a very high level and at one point was the best tackler on the team. He didn't all of a sudden forget how to tackle, play, etc.

I've said it before on here, this system is trash. He's a double high cover two safety. What he's asked to do from play to play is blitz from wherever, cover a corner, grab the TE going down field uncovered, and essentially assume he's gotta come up because the guys up front can't tackle anything other than a tire.

Add in some injury, good luck. Best scenario for him is to hit the road and either focus on the next level or get healthy and go somewhere they don't play a dumbass defensive scheme that benefits nobody. Diaz is doing everyone in defense a disservice, every player on this team could be better.

So good luck to him. Smart move, bounce, and I don't blame you. You guys sit here and rip this staff daily and double down on it with the players. They can't all be bad and flashes from players is all you'll continue to see as it's ridiculous what they're all asked to do.
So the coaches let this man play with a torn shoulder. What idiots. No wonder he been out there slide tackling
last year during COVID I had the opportunity to attend every home game and watched Bolden closely. I feel he has been super over rated and felt he was risk adverse and afraid to initiate solo tackles. In Atlanta prior to the Alabama game this year when the team walked from the busses into the stadium I was impressed by how much he had grown and added muscle for this year but so far watching the games he seemed hesitant to take on one on one tackles. I think he is all about himself, prepping for the next draft, and could care less about the "U". I'm glad to see him go and hope it opens the opportunity for one of our very talented underclassmen to shine! Just one more case where the (self serving) portal doesn't always work !
Last year during COVID I had the opportunity to attend every home game and watched Bolden closely. I feel he has been super over-rated, risk adverse and afraid to initiate solo tackles in space. In Atlanta prior to the Alabama game this year when the team walked from the busses into the stadium I was impressed by how much he had grown and added muscle for this year but so far watching the games he seemed hesitant to take on one on one tackles. I think he is all about himself, prepping for the next draft, and could care less about the "U". I'm glad to see him go and hope it opens the opportunity for one of our very talented underclassmen to shine! Just one more case where the (self serving) portal doesn't always work !

Love it. Real Hurricane through and through.

he will be remembered with the likes of a vaughn telemaque safety for us.
Vaughn skateboarded and tackled Roddy Jones into a flip that landed him on the baseball turf. Did I get that right? Time flies. We still haven't won **** since then.