Stop it Vern. We could have had Jameis Winston back there and we'd have gone 6-6, but that's not the point. Kaaya takes a giant **** on Heaps and it's not even close. Kaaya threw more TD as a true freshman than Heaps did in his career. If somebody didn't want KAaya starting over Heaps, obviously their football talent evaluations are not to be taken seriously.
Your not getting the point... we all agree talent wise Kaaya was better then Heaps and Williams.... Florida players wanted Treon over Driskel....and Miami players Wanted Williams over is what it is... Treon cant throw right now but he gave them a better chance to win for whatevfer reason. our best players felt same way about Williams..
This is what you told us: "Reason why players wanted Heaps to start over Kayaa? Because Kayaa is a ****, Heaps earned their respect..How? I dont know."
None of which explains anything. Basically your throwing **** against a screen of your hate for Kaaya. Next time explain a little more instead of just talking **** cause you dont like him.