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F**k, are you serious? You think anyone needs reminding? I can't even get a full week without this crap, WTF is wrong with you?

Get it together. If you believe in the hire, you look back at these types of times and appreciate the different direction. It should only make you happier about a new chance.

Very true, but give it a rest. Five years of crap right on the heels of five other years of crap, lets just take a few days to be happy about this. There will be plenty of time over the summer to rehash our painful past, but I'm trying to enjoy a little bit of time before I have to lose my voice screaming at the tv during whatever craptastic bowl we end up in.
Very true, but give it a rest. Five years of crap right on the heels of five other years of crap, lets just take a few days to be happy about this. There will be plenty of time over the summer to rehash our painful past, but I'm trying to enjoy a little bit of time before I have to lose my voice screaming at the tv during whatever craptastic bowl we end up in.

Give it a rest? You mean by sending the message that "thank goodness this stuff is over?" I think that's the definition of putting it to rest. No one is going at each other. I think you're being a little dramatic.

I actually found this thread because a Treon Harris thread was bumped on the recruiting board and I looked through the database. There's nothing better than looking at lows and knowing we're likely to bounce back now.
* Reason why players wanted Heaps to start over Kayaa? Because Kayaa is a ****, Heaps earned their respect..How? I dont know.

few people here i recall D$ said it as well.. IF Kaaya does not start it would be a tragedy .. that Kaaya was clearly the best QB we had.. Heaps SUCKED.. Williams was ok/ good but Kaaya CLEARLY is the better QB.

you lost credibility with your post after this garbage
That era's over, folks. This was one of its lowest points. Let's close 'er up and begin our trek to Charlotte next year.
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