Blake James, exceeded expectations in every way. BRAVO!!!


And as it relates to this topic, my best read on Blake James is that he knew the deal when he accepted the job working for ****lala. You do as she says or she will destroy your life. That's how Clintonites roll. Now that ****lala is gone, he has an opportunity to make moves and get things done. Granted, the change in the wind coming from the Board of Trustees is the 2000 pound elephant in this discussion but Blake seems to be getting it done. We'll learn a lot more about him in the years to come.

Checkers mentalities.. This is chess.. Ask yourselves this.. How much did players donate to the []_[] under Foote and how much did they donate under Shalala? If anyone would know what the problem was with the football program the players would. Especially the former ones. Show me one article where a former player blames Shalala for micromanaging the program.

They can find a bunch of porsters on this site blaming Shalala, but the players? They'll be looking for awhile.

I'll go a step further and say be surprised if anyone who worked there or went to school at the []_[] who would co-sign that nonsense. That talk is just plain stupid and needs to die.

Real question, b/c I notice the low post guys tend to always stick up for Shalala...but are hughHONEY and MaHONEY the same porster??

Yeah, in addition to berating my other account over Kaaya, now I've decided to spend my day collaborating with myself on Shalala. It's a lot of fun, you should try it. You do realize Mahoney is a dorm at Miami, and Hugh Honey was a character on It's always sunny in philadelphia? Probably not.


And as it relates to this topic, my best read on Blake James is that he knew the deal when he accepted the job working for ****lala. You do as she says or she will destroy your life. That's how Clintonites roll. Now that ****lala is gone, he has an opportunity to make moves and get things done. Granted, the change in the wind coming from the Board of Trustees is the 2000 pound elephant in this discussion but Blake seems to be getting it done. We'll learn a lot more about him in the years to come.

Checkers mentalities.. This is chess.. Ask yourselves this.. How much did players donate to the []_[] under Foote and how much did they donate under Shalala? If anyone would know what the problem was with the football program the players would. Especially the former ones. Show me one article where a former player blames Shalala for micromanaging the program.

They can find a bunch of porsters on this site blaming Shalala, but the players? They'll be looking for awhile.

I'll go a step further and say be surprised if anyone who worked there or went to school at the []_[] who would co-sign that nonsense. That talk is just plain stupid and needs to die.

Real question, b/c I notice the low post guys tend to always stick up for Shalala...but are hughHONEY and MaHONEY the same porster??

Probably not, but we've more than proven that donna had people coming to this site a few years ago trying to sway the debate in a pro-golden manner. As moderators it made our lives ****. The only thing they succeeded in was angering our fan base even more.

Not to bring politics into it but this is typical of the clintonite model - control the debate with faux-3rd party participants. My guess is these guys work at UM and/or have some level of connection to the administration.
Everyone needs to ask themselves

What year did shalalalala take over?

What did she do since she took over?

I think that sums it up


And as it relates to this topic, my best read on Blake James is that he knew the deal when he accepted the job working for ****lala. You do as she says or she will destroy your life. That's how Clintonites roll. Now that ****lala is gone, he has an opportunity to make moves and get things done. Granted, the change in the wind coming from the Board of Trustees is the 2000 pound elephant in this discussion but Blake seems to be getting it done. We'll learn a lot more about him in the years to come.

Checkers mentalities.. This is chess.. Ask yourselves this.. How much did players donate to the []_[] under Foote and how much did they donate under Shalala? If anyone would know what the problem was with the football program the players would. Especially the former ones. Show me one article where a former player blames Shalala for micromanaging the program.

They can find a bunch of porsters on this site blaming Shalala, but the players? They'll be looking for awhile.

I'll go a step further and say be surprised if anyone who worked there or went to school at the []_[] who would co-sign that nonsense. That talk is just plain stupid and needs to die.

So you're saying the debate is over? lol
Checkers mentalities.. This is chess.. Ask yourselves this.. How much did players donate to the []_[] under Foote and how much did they donate under Shalala? If anyone would know what the problem was with the football program the players would. Especially the former ones. Show me one article where a former player blames Shalala for micromanaging the program.

They can find a bunch of porsters on this site blaming Shalala, but the players? They'll be looking for awhile.

I'll go a step further and say be surprised if anyone who worked there or went to school at the []_[] who would co-sign that nonsense. That talk is just plain stupid and needs to die.

Real question, b/c I notice the low post guys tend to always stick up for Shalala...but are hughHONEY and MaHONEY the same porster??

Probably not, but we've more than proven that donna had people coming to this site a few years ago trying to sway the debate in a pro-golden manner. As moderators it made our lives ****. The only thing they succeeded in was angering our fan base even more.

Not to bring politics into it but this is typical of the clintonite model - control the debate with faux-3rd party participants. My guess is these guys work at UM and/or have some level of connection to the administration.

That's the 3rd time you've brought politics into your posts on this thread. Please don't act like you don't have an agenda. Disgraceful that you're on here masquerading as a representative of this site.

There are alumni on this website and we're going to defend the President that did great things for our school. If "fans" don't like it, they can suck it.
Blake James is a putz and the only thing he's been good at is staying out of Richts way. You're fooling yourself if you think Blake had anything to do with the recent surge in momentum, Richt is the boss here and he's the one steering the ship.
When Shalala left BJ became a boss, period

Nah, she doesn't operate that way. BJ had more $$ and things fell right with Richt. Your statement is woefully uninformed, inaccurate, and it shows you've never really spent time around the university.

Shalala wanted Barry Alvarez in 2001. So remember that every time you repeat that flaccid narrative.

I respectfully disagree w u Mahoney. Hurricanes pre Shalala, during Shalala, and post Shalala. I don't need to be "around" the University to know that. Furthermore, if u don't think our athletic dept took a hit to babysit all of Shalala's personal ambitions, then we have nothing further to discuss.

Anyone can respectfully disagree with me, but simply holding an opinion based in ignorance doesn't validate said opinion.

And as it relates to this topic, my best read on Blake James is that he knew the deal when he accepted the job working for ****lala. You do as she says or she will destroy your life. That's how Clintonites roll. Now that ****lala is gone, he has an opportunity to make moves and get things done. Granted, the change in the wind coming from the Board of Trustees is the 2000 pound elephant in this discussion but Blake seems to be getting it done. We'll learn a lot more about him in the years to come.

Checkers mentalities.. This is chess.. Ask yourselves this.. How much did players donate to the []_[] under Foote and how much did they donate under Shalala? If anyone would know what the problem was with the football program the players would. Especially the former ones. Show me one article where a former player blames Shalala for micromanaging the program.

They can find a bunch of porsters on this site blaming Shalala, but the players? They'll be looking for awhile.

I'll go a step further and say be surprised if anyone who worked there or went to school at the []_[] who would co-sign that nonsense. That talk is just plain stupid and needs to die.

So you're saying the debate is over? lol

This isn't a debate. This is people who don't know anything who claim to know something. Pure fantasy. It's the birther argument of the NCAA.
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Checkers mentalities.. This is chess.. Ask yourselves this.. How much did players donate to the []_[] under Foote and how much did they donate under Shalala? If anyone would know what the problem was with the football program the players would. Especially the former ones. Show me one article where a former player blames Shalala for micromanaging the program.

They can find a bunch of porsters on this site blaming Shalala, but the players? They'll be looking for awhile.

I'll go a step further and say be surprised if anyone who worked there or went to school at the []_[] who would co-sign that nonsense. That talk is just plain stupid and needs to die.

Real question, b/c I notice the low post guys tend to always stick up for Shalala...but are hughHONEY and MaHONEY the same porster??

Probably not, but we've more than proven that donna had people coming to this site a few years ago trying to sway the debate in a pro-golden manner. As moderators it made our lives ****. The only thing they succeeded in was angering our fan base even more.

Not to bring politics into it but this is typical of the clintonite model - control the debate with faux-3rd party participants. My guess is these guys work at UM and/or have some level of connection to the administration.


LMFAO. WOW dude. You made my day. You are koo koo for cocoa puffs if you think anyone at the []_[] cares what people on this site think.

And by "we've" you mean there's more of you? like, a league of people who believe what you believe?
That's the 3rd time you've brought politics into your posts on this thread. Please don't act like you don't have an agenda. Disgraceful that you're on here masquerading as a representative of this site.

There are alumni on this website and we're going to defend the President that did great things for our school. If "fans" don't like it, they can suck it.

1) Ive never brought politics into it. Ive only pointed out the factual mindset that the clinton mafia is known to have used in all things they do. donna shalala is a key figure within that organization. She went from working for the clinton's to UM to immediately back to working for the clintons. It is you who is trying to deny this.

2) As for your comment in bold, thank you for saying what all of us "market-based" fans knew about you campus-based fans all along. You HATE us, think you're above us and feel that UM should disassociate itself from the market-based fans. In short, donna and her crowd have a high level of disdain for the residents of the very city from which the university draws its name. Oh the irony.

What I doubt you remember is that it was we, the local market based fans who built UM football, waaaaay back when UM was known as "Sun Tan U." Then once UM had its brand name built, along comes donna to sever those ties. An make no mistake, she actively did that. Thankfully, there was still enough power within the board of trustees to put your mindset in check. Look at the season ticket sales increase in year one of the post-shalala era.

Again, keep doing your thing. That's the best way for the real fans of UM football to see who and what you guys truly are.

Have a great day. :)
That's the 3rd time you've brought politics into your posts on this thread. Please don't act like you don't have an agenda. Disgraceful that you're on here masquerading as a representative of this site.

There are alumni on this website and we're going to defend the President that did great things for our school. If "fans" don't like it, they can suck it.

1) Ive never brought politics into it. Ive only pointed out the factual mindset that the clinton mafia is known to have used in all things they do. donna shalala is a key figure within that organization. She went from working for the clinton's to UM to immediately back to working for the clintons. It is you who is trying to deny this.

2) As for your comment in bold, thank you for saying what all of us "market-based" fans knew about you campus-based fans all along. You HATE us, think you're above us and feel that UM should disassociate itself from the market-based fans. In short, donna and her crowd have a high level of disdain for the residents of the very city from which the university draws its name. Oh the irony.

What I doubt you remember is that it was we, the local market based fans who built UM football, waaaaay back when UM was known as "Sun Tan U." Then once UM had its brand name built, along comes donna to sever those ties. An make no mistake, she actively did that. Thankfully, there was still enough power within the board of trustees to put your mindset in check. Look at the season ticket sales increase in year one of the post-shalala era.

Again, keep doing your thing. That's the best way for the real fans of UM football to see who and what you guys truly are.

Have a great day. :)

I've never denied Shalala's presence with the Clintons - it's you who continues to bring it up over and over.

I don't hate the fans of Miami, at all. I hate when the fans of Miami try to denigrate the school and devalue the substantial gains in academia the University has had. YOU are the ones who hate the alumni. This is a psychological phenomenon known as projection.

I'm glad the athletics are doing well, and I continue to donate to the athletic programs. "Fans" like you, who hate the alumni, can continue to disparage us all you want. You can continue to live in your own ignorance and lack of self-awareness.
That's the 3rd time you've brought politics into your posts on this thread. Please don't act like you don't have an agenda. Disgraceful that you're on here masquerading as a representative of this site.

There are alumni on this website and we're going to defend the President that did great things for our school. If "fans" don't like it, they can suck it.

1) Ive never brought politics into it. Ive only pointed out the factual mindset that the clinton mafia is known to have used in all things they do. donna shalala is a key figure within that organization. She went from working for the clinton's to UM to immediately back to working for the clintons. It is you who is trying to deny this.

2) As for your comment in bold, thank you for saying what all of us "market-based" fans knew about you campus-based fans all along. You HATE us, think you're above us and feel that UM should disassociate itself from the market-based fans. In short, donna and her crowd have a high level of disdain for the residents of the very city from which the university draws its name. Oh the irony.

What I doubt you remember is that it was we, the local market based fans who built UM football, waaaaay back when UM was known as "Sun Tan U." Then once UM had its brand name built, along comes donna to sever those ties. An make no mistake, she actively did that. Thankfully, there was still enough power within the board of trustees to put your mindset in check. Look at the season ticket sales increase in year one of the post-shalala era.

Again, keep doing your thing. That's the best way for the real fans of UM football to see who and what you guys truly are.

Have a great day. :)

I don't like Shalala but it's painfully obvious you have an agenda. Get real.
These are the questions I asked, but without a direct answer yet.

1. Did Shalala exerted a fairly strong influence on the program?

2. Do you think that she was influential in taking the Golden firing off the table at the end of the 2014 season?

Simple questions.

So you know where I'm coming from, I am an alumnus, a long-time contributor to the school and athletic department, and very much appreciate what DS has done for the school academically and otherwise. I'm just wondering what you guys think her role was in the athletic department. I get the sense that you seem to think she was just an innocent bystander. All presidents of universities with major football programs have a certain amount of accountability with respect to the program. That's reality.
When Shalala left BJ became a boss, period

Nah, she doesn't operate that way. BJ had more $$ and things fell right with Richt. Your statement is woefully uninformed, inaccurate, and it shows you've never really spent time around the university.

Shalala wanted Barry Alvarez in 2001. So remember that every time you repeat that flaccid narrative.

I respectfully disagree w u Mahoney. Hurricanes pre Shalala, during Shalala, and post Shalala. I don't need to be "around" the University to know that. Furthermore, if u don't think our athletic dept took a hit to babysit all of Shalala's personal ambitions, then we have nothing further to discuss.

What personal ambitions? It's comical when idiots with ZERO connection to the University attribute things to Dr. Shalala, because of her political affiliation. Tad Foote was in all likelihood a Republican, did that mean that he fully supported athletics? Dr. Shalala, despite being a supporter of Bill Clinton and the New Democrat movement, rarely brought her own personal beliefs into Ashe. Frankly, if Dr. Shalala had those kind of ambitions, she would have never taken the job here, she could have accomplished more, made more money and furthered her alleged ends a lot better by serving as a lobbyist. Dealing with a bunch of sidewalk alumni isn't worth it, when you have the opportunities she had. Dr. Shalala loves being around college kids, she took an active interest in most of us, she worked her butt off to make sure that the University of Miami became a world class institution, and that the value of our degree remained at an acceptable level.

Ooooooooooooooooh, defensive much, aren't u? Look, homie, I'm not disrespecting you, so don't disrespect me, ya understand? First, u have 0 idea how connected or not connected I am, do you? As a matter of fact, u have absolutely 0 insight as to who on this site is truly connected to the University and in what capacity, so I would suggest before you create a blood aneurism on the right side of your brain by going out of your way defending Shalala, you relax.

However, I thank you for going on your rant, b/c u furthered many of our points. Let's be clear, Miami is a fantastic University; one of the best in this country, and to a certain extent, the world. Shalala went out of her way to create a top notch school of academia...her baby was U Health...that was her passion. She may very well have loved to be around the students and a great Academic President for the school. If this was US Weekly, Reuters, or the Wall Street Journal, my friend, you would have no argument here. However, you're not on any of those sites, you're on CIS. On here, we talk sports, we talk about OUR football program; the same football program that put the little private school in Coral Gables on the map. The same football program that brought prominence to the University of Miami, increased tuition cost, and flooded the school with applications year in and out.

So let me be very blunt with you; your fuzzy, feel good story further makes the argument that Shalala's focus was on academics and not athletics. As a President of a University, that's particularly known for football, it's imperative that you find a happy median between athletics and academics. I would argue that she failed in that area. The Pundits of Shalala argue that she wanted to hire Barry Alvarez, which showed she was committed...(hahahahahahahaha) Barry Alvarez ran a pre-dated offense that worked in the slow BIG10 which is why non of his players were worth a **** in the NFL. He would've been ate alive here as a coach. He would've been Al Golden on steroids.

Whatever narrative you want to create about Dr Shalala is great; I'm sure she was one of the best fundraising, student loving, champion for academics Presidents the university may have ever had; but, when it came to athletics, I would argue that wasn't her forte, and that's been validated by hiring decision after hiring decision, and the attrition of ADs we had under her watch.
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really like what James has done and think he is a huge step up from the last 2 ADs . I also like many of the things Shalala did for the school and she was great during the investigation but I do think she deserved some criticism . Really don't get people bashing James though but whatever .
These are the questions I asked, but without a direct answer yet.

1. Did Shalala exerted a fairly strong influence on the program?

2. Do you think that she was influential in taking the Golden firing off the table at the end of the 2014 season?

Simple questions.

So you know where I'm coming from, I am an alumnus, a long-time contributor to the school and athletic department, and very much appreciate what DS has done for the school academically and otherwise. I'm just wondering what you guys think her role was in the athletic department. I get the sense that you seem to think she was just an innocent bystander. All presidents of universities with major football programs have a certain amount of accountability with respect to the program. That's reality.

She had respect and they would take her opinion into consideration within reason. I would say other than advocating for Shannon (which she felt she needed to) she's never really had a dog in the fight as far as coaches go. Otherwise she's a hands-off delegator.
These are the questions I asked, but without a direct answer yet.

1. Did Shalala exerted a fairly strong influence on the program?

2. Do you think that she was influential in taking the Golden firing off the table at the end of the 2014 season?

Simple questions.

So you know where I'm coming from, I am an alumnus, a long-time contributor to the school and athletic department, and very much appreciate what DS has done for the school academically and otherwise. I'm just wondering what you guys think her role was in the athletic department. I get the sense that you seem to think she was just an innocent bystander. All presidents of universities with major football programs have a certain amount of accountability with respect to the program. That's reality.

She had respect and they would take her opinion into consideration within reason. I would say other than advocating for Shannon (which she felt she needed to) she's never really had a dog in the fight as far as coaches go. Otherwise she's a hands-off delegator.

That's your opinion, because you don't actually know. That does not sound like it's based on any actual insider knowledge.

I disagree that she was a "delegator" in terms of setting the direction and vision for the program. She was on the record defending Golden on several occasions, and I think it's reasonable to assume she definitely exerted influence on the athletic department. It's a commonly held belief that Shalala was NOT on board with firing Golden after 2014.
That's the 3rd time you've brought politics into your posts on this thread. Please don't act like you don't have an agenda. Disgraceful that you're on here masquerading as a representative of this site.

There are alumni on this website and we're going to defend the President that did great things for our school. If "fans" don't like it, they can suck it.

1) Ive never brought politics into it. Ive only pointed out the factual mindset that the clinton mafia is known to have used in all things they do. donna shalala is a key figure within that organization. She went from working for the clinton's to UM to immediately back to working for the clintons. It is you who is trying to deny this.

2) As for your comment in bold, thank you for saying what all of us "market-based" fans knew about you campus-based fans all along. You HATE us, think you're above us and feel that UM should disassociate itself from the market-based fans. In short, donna and her crowd have a high level of disdain for the residents of the very city from which the university draws its name. Oh the irony.

What I doubt you remember is that it was we, the local market based fans who built UM football, waaaaay back when UM was known as "Sun Tan U." Then once UM had its brand name built, along comes donna to sever those ties. An make no mistake, she actively did that. Thankfully, there was still enough power within the board of trustees to put your mindset in check. Look at the season ticket sales increase in year one of the post-shalala era.

Again, keep doing your thing. That's the best way for the real fans of UM football to see who and what you guys truly are.

Have a great day. :)

I think you're insecure about your fandom, but i'll validate you if that's what you need. Just because you didn't go to Miami doesn't make you any less of a fan. The football program belongs to the community and always has. However, you are in no position to cast aspersions about the inner-workings of the university. That, at the very least, requires familiarity with the University itself, which you don't have. That is where you play yourself.
These are the questions I asked, but without a direct answer yet.

1. Did Shalala exerted a fairly strong influence on the program?

2. Do you think that she was influential in taking the Golden firing off the table at the end of the 2014 season?

Simple questions.

So you know where I'm coming from, I am an alumnus, a long-time contributor to the school and athletic department, and very much appreciate what DS has done for the school academically and otherwise. I'm just wondering what you guys think her role was in the athletic department. I get the sense that you seem to think she was just an innocent bystander. All presidents of universities with major football programs have a certain amount of accountability with respect to the program. That's reality.

She had respect and they would take her opinion into consideration within reason. I would say other than advocating for Shannon (which she felt she needed to) she's never really had a dog in the fight as far as coaches go. Otherwise she's a hands-off delegator.

That's your opinion, because you don't actually know. That does not sound like it's based on any actual insider knowledge.

I disagree that she was a "delegator" in terms of setting the direction and vision for the program. She was on the record defending Golden on several occasions, and I think it's reasonable to assume she definitely exerted influence on the athletic department. It's a commonly held belief that Shalala was NOT on board with firing Golden after 2014.

okay, she's the president and short of firing a coach you defend them at all turns. Her endorsement means nothing about her influence over the program. You are making 'reasonable assumptions' but i'm not. I know what I know to be true. As a hurricane club member you can dig for more factual information from wherever you want to verify what I say.

and to be honest, based on the burden of fact on this site, anyone who's walked the campus could be considered an "insider".
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I'd bet that there isn't one person in this board that knows what James would be credited with or what he does on a daily basis.

Considering such, it won't stop people from making opinions based upon nothing but the ramblings in their head. Those notions are then parroted about as fact.

I look at it like this. The powers that be, who determine who our AD is, kept him employed when he could've been let go. They see whatever in him and I'll roll with that.
These are the questions I asked, but without a direct answer yet.

1. Did Shalala exerted a fairly strong influence on the program?

2. Do you think that she was influential in taking the Golden firing off the table at the end of the 2014 season?

Simple questions.

So you know where I'm coming from, I am an alumnus, a long-time contributor to the school and athletic department, and very much appreciate what DS has done for the school academically and otherwise. I'm just wondering what you guys think her role was in the athletic department. I get the sense that you seem to think she was just an innocent bystander. All presidents of universities with major football programs have a certain amount of accountability with respect to the program. That's reality.

She had respect and they would take her opinion into consideration within reason. I would say other than advocating for Shannon (which she felt she needed to) she's never really had a dog in the fight as far as coaches go. Otherwise she's a hands-off delegator.

That's your opinion, because you don't actually know. That does not sound like it's based on any actual insider knowledge.

I disagree that she was a "delegator" in terms of setting the direction and vision for the program. She was on the record defending Golden on several occasions, and I think it's reasonable to assume she definitely exerted influence on the athletic department. It's a commonly held belief that Shalala was NOT on board with firing Golden after 2014.

okay, she's the president and short of firing a coach you defend them at all turns. Her endorsement means nothing about her influence over the program. You are making 'reasonable assumptions' but i'm not. I know what I know to be true. As a hurricane club member you can dig for more factual information from wherever you want to verify what I say.

and to be honest, based on the burden of fact on this site, anyone who's walked the campus could be considered an "insider".

Nebulous self-aggrandizing statements like "I know what I know to be true" do not make your case. Unless you're actually on the BOT, or are a confidant of Blake or the president, you don't know anymore than I.

Your main theme seems to be to absolve Shalala of ANY accountability in the sad state of the program the last ten plus years. Sorry, but that's not how leadership works. She's not a figurehead. She's a university president with power, influence, and a bully pulpit. To say it's all the BOT, et al, is a copout.