Billy Gibson

But no wonder it happens.

We have slime on this site that will applaud these mercenary divas and tell them “go get yours, young bull”...what do these geniuses have to say when they wash out
The message board simps have been brainwashed by the local leeches who are selling our local recruits. The simps are too dumb to see through the real motives ($$$$$) of the pimps when the pimps start trashing UM (because UM doesn’t sling the bags like the bag schools) and trying to spread the “go get yours, bull” line of inanity.

Then, there’s the detached CIS trash who always run in to every thread where a baggot screws UM to wish him well and show off to the other fake classy morons who write their moms thank you notes when they steal cigarette money from her purse.
If the kid doesn’t become a cane I could care less what happens to them. In this particular case the kid was a better fit here, but decided to play games and it turned out bad for him.

Apologists like you are part of the reason he made a choice to be stupid. If he had real mentors, they would’ve told him to quit f***** around and sign with Miami, where you fit best. Instead they said, “go where they show you the most love.” Life has consequences and he’s learning that the hard way.

Oh get out your feelings. You’re insulting a kid because he opted to go sign with another school 3 years ago. You know absolutely nothing about being a mentor. You’re a clown insulting someone over a football decision. I bet you feel tough behind your keyboard talking up. From all accounts, football just didn’t work out for him. It could of happened here as well. He never got into any trouble, football didn’t go as plan. It happens. My point is, you don’t say karma when a kid flips in our favor but doesn’t pan out here.

It’s just football. I don’t understand with y’all being fake mad and becoming happy when their football aspirations don’t go as plan. As long as the kid doesn’t break the laws, it’s their decision.
Oh get out your feelings. You’re insulting a kid because he opted to go sign with another school 3 years ago. You know absolutely nothing about being a mentor. You’re a clown insulting someone over a football decision. I bet you feel tough behind your keyboard talking up. From all accounts, football just didn’t work out for him. It could of happened here as well. He never got into any trouble, football didn’t go as plan. It happens. My point is, you don’t say karma when a kid flips in our favor but doesn’t pan out here.

It’s just football. I don’t understand with y’all being fake mad and becoming happy when their football aspirations don’t go as plan. As long as the kid doesn’t break the laws, it’s their decision.

Lmao nobody is talking “tough” or insulting him. I’m laying out the facts and you’re schilling for him and whoever helped him ruin his football career. It seems to me like this kid could’ve used someone like me in his life instead of someone like you and maybe it would’ve worked out.
Lmao nobody is talking “tough” or insulting him. I’m laying out the facts and you’re schilling for him and whoever helped him ruin his football career. It seems to me like this kid could’ve used someone like me in his life instead of someone like you and maybe it would’ve worked out.

Someone like you? Get out of here. The kid only been in school for 2 years. His career is far from over. If he rs, he still has 3 years remaining. If not, he has 3 to play 2. If he finds the right situation he’ll be fine. The way you’re talking you would of gave up on him if he came here and didn’t do well his first two years. Please, stay as far away from students as possible because you’re too emotional to give any objective as advice. Maybe Billy would not have been a good fit out here either. He may be a g5 talent. Either way, he has to find the best situation for himself.
Keontra Smith was not a “replacement” recruit. That’s crazy. You don’t know what you are taking about.

People on here love “combine numbers” so go look at his and then get back to me and tell me he was a “replacement”.
I’m not one of those people who only care about combine numbers.

I care more about production and film.

I actually love Smith’s film, and think he will be a stud here, but there were articles with him saying he was ****ed it took Miami so long to offer him while other Safeties he knew were getting them.

His film was also mostly from the LB position and if he doesn’t get better in coverage his future is at Striker.

Why was he waiting for the offer?

B/c we definitely had $tevenson, Battle and Gant ahead of him, and Banda whiffed.

Banda sucks at recruiting.

No way around that.

Thank God he and Rumph can develop these guys, but imagine if they had the super elite guys at the top of our board to work with instead of their back up plans?
Someone like you? Get out of here. The kid only been in school for 2 years. His career is far from over. If he rs, he still has 3 years remaining. If not, he has 3 to play 2. If he finds the right situation he’ll be fine. The way you’re talking you would of gave up on him if he came here and didn’t do well his first two years. Please, stay as far away from students as possible because you’re too emotional to give any objective as advice. Maybe Billy would not have been a good fit out here either. He may be a g5 talent. Either way, he has to find the best situation for himself.

The objective decision would’ve been to go to Miami where he was committed and where he fit the defense. Not go 3000 miles away from his support system, bc he wanted to “feel the love” he wasn’t getting from other schools bc he was committed. It didn’t work out just like a majority of the people on this board said including myself.

But who cares about that right? You got a chance to say “go get yours, good luck kid,” along with every other person that sat by and watched him make the wrong decision
The message board simps have been brainwashed by the local leeches who are selling our local recruits. The simps are too dumb to see through the real motives ($$$$$) of the pimps when the pimps start trashing UM (because UM doesn’t sling the bags like the bag schools) and trying to spread the “go get yours, bull” line of inanity.

Then, there’s the detached CIS trash who always run in to every thread where a baggot screws UM to wish him well and show off to the other fake classy morons who write their moms thank you notes when they steal cigarette money from her purse.

A legion of trash people running out from under their mother's basement tripping over themselves to be the first to congratulate the petulant children for scorning the local university for a quick buck.
Lmao nobody is talking “tough” or insulting him. I’m laying out the facts and you’re schilling for him and whoever helped him ruin his football career. It seems to me like this kid could’ve used someone like me in his life instead of someone like you and maybe it would’ve worked out.


If a kid flips to UM, we know: (1) he IS going to get a good, private education from a globally recognized university, and (2) he IS NOT flipping because he took bag money.

BIG difference in the circumstances, pretty much every time.

If a kid flips to UM, we know: (1) he IS going to get a good, private education from a globally recognized university, and (2) he IS NOT flipping because he took bag money.

BIG difference in the circumstances, pretty much every time.

People on here wanna act like you’re a bad person or insulting the kid when you don’t feel bad for them. How about the kid obviously made the wrong choice and it’s his and his peoples fault. If we could recognize it, so could they. It’s what is wrong with kids these days. People let them off the hook and lay the blame elsewhere. Welcome to the real world kid. Actions have consequences