2025 Ben Hanks Jr 4* CB from Booker T Commits to the Gator

Mertz may not be Wuerfel or Tebow, but he is a serviceable QB, who's played a lot of ball, and been at UF with a full year under his belt.

This is still a road game. So yeah, it's still a bit of a landmine in my view

But I still firmly believe once the game kicks off, and things settle in, Miami has the better team. And yes, there is no downplaying this game with me. It's vital, both in the short and long term

Again, the future is NOW

I laughed my *** off when they got him out of the portal last year

But he was legit, on a lot of throws though having pearsal out there making DB’s look silly certainly helped
I’ll just say a few things.

For months, I’ve heard that UGA is hard after a dade corner. No names, but I’ve seen a few UGA guys down here quite a bit since the Spring eval period opened up.

Hanks and his family really enjoyed the trip to Athens.

Then the last few days everyone has been talking about Ewald to UGA…


He is my CB1 and a must get.

Ewald or hanks is your #1? Ewald I feel like has too much cane influence surrounding him so if he committed early to them I’d feel better about an eventual flip than Hanks

But regardless either should be in play come ESD if/when either commit elsewhere in the summer
Ewald or hanks is your #1? Ewald I feel like has too much cane influence surrounding him so if he committed early to them I’d feel better about an eventual flip than Hanks

But regardless either should be in play come ESD if/when either commit elsewhere in the summer

Hanks is my #1 DB this cycle.

Ewald is a guy you take as your 4th DB and work on his physicality.
I laughed my *** off when they got him out of the portal last year

But he was legit, on a lot of throws though having pearsal out there making DB’s look silly certainly helped
Brock, early on at Wisky, Mertz looked like he would be the best they ever had. And then for whatever reason, he just tailed off and leveled off.

But yeah, he will not be the worst QB that Miami faces -- by far -- in this upcoming season
Brock, early on at Wisky, Mertz looked like he would be the best they ever had. And then for whatever reason, he just tailed off and leveled off.

But yeah, he will not be the worst QB that Miami faces -- by far -- in this upcoming season

Yeah I don’t watch Wisconsin games so no idea how it all ended so poorly, I just know I saw those gross stats his final year and how mad their fans were when they landed him and I thought it was a hilariously bad take

But he balled I won’t lie, with a terrible OL and an even worse defense
They tried to get more vertical in their spring game. Mertz went 15-27 (55%) 1 TD 1 INT. He threw for 240 yards but 110 came on two passes against their really weak DBs. The final score was 19-17 so even when they made a point to be more aggressive, it didn’t turn into actual points and just highlighted how inaccurate Mertz is when asked to actually throw forward passes.

They just don’t have playmakers. If you look at their individual numbers last year, you’d think they were a good offense but they were pretty much dead average in most categories. Scoring, total offense, yards per play, etc. it reinforces the idea that it’s hard to score a lot gaining 5 yards at a time. Their more explosive running back is in Athens now and the returning back is more of a plodding type. Not a game breaker. Their only explosive receiver from last year got drafted but they did bring in a productive transfer to take his spot. Their offensive line is below average at best. They’re going to have to resort to grinding it out while dinking and dunking in the passing game. Honestly I’m glad we play them early. It’s unlikely they’ll have more than a tiny package for Lagway and Mertz can’t beat us. They could be dangerous at the end of the year when they’ve thrown in the towel on 2024 and go all in on Lagway. Especially if Billy is canned and the new play caller has nothing to lose.
They’re spring game was unimpressive bro them boys had to win on a walk off field goal lol I couldn’t look at it and feel like they truly improved if we being honest the offensive line was giving up so much pressure to guys who we all know haven’t produced any pass rush in real games the **** was just comical honestly
@DMoney in the June 28, 2024 Bank

Of the prime-time targets, CB Ben Hanks is probably the most uphill battle (Florida legacy). While I hope we don't lose any battles, the "best" team to win those battles is Florida. They will likely collapse on the field and reopen their class again.

He said he's going to sit down with his family after he took all his OV's & make a decision sometime between July & August before the season starts.
Excellent. Thank you.

No doubt we'll be applying full court press while he's in decision mode. Ewald seems to be recruiting hard for us. Let's get Stubbs in the boat and doing the same.