the storm

Banned Under CIS Martial Law until 11/5/20
May 10, 2014
So their coaches shook hands after the game today but their players stayed in the dugout & did not do so. Were their players not allowed to come out & shake hands with Canes players? Did BC coaches think more bad feelings would erupt or did their players just want to act like a bunch of babies? UM won fair & square so why were they acting like cry babies? I don't get it.
Were you at the game? Cops came on the field. There was going to be no handshake and no traditional celebration. Michelangeli was over the top. I'm sorry. Very bad sportmanship on his part. If I were Morris I would tell him if ever pulls a stunt like that again he can go play for another school. It is a shame because the kid had a huge game.
Were you at the game? Cops came on the field. There was going to be no handshake and no traditional celebration. Michelangeli was over the top. I'm sorry. Very bad sportmanship on his part. If I were Morris I would tell him if ever pulls a stunt like that again he can go play for another school. It is a shame because the kid had a huge game.

**** the end might be near!

i agree with you. Lol
Classles on Michelangeli's part. Loved the win, and the homerun, but he acted like a complete moron. Run the bases and celebrate accordingly. Absolutely classless.
Classles on Michelangeli's part. Loved the win, and the homerun, but he acted like a complete moron. Run the bases and celebrate accordingly. Absolutely classless.

oh ****. If there was any more proof needed that the end is near, here it is.

I agree wholeheartedly with what you are saying. In fact I won't be surprised if the next series with BC has a few hit batsmen.
No, I wasn't at the game. What did he do? I know he flipped the bat (no big deal) and then exchanged words with BC catcher but what exactly did he do to warrant criticism? It wasn't clear on TV. Horrible announcers.
I was horrified by his behavior (and Abreu's for that matter). Thank goodness for Arteaga and a bunch of UM players.
No issues until michelangeli started facing the catcher up before he touched the home plate. Instead of running towards his teammates and celebrating he runs sideways and makes gestures to the catcher. Stupid

These kids forget the ncaa and the schools are run by a bunch of pansies who dont want to offend our precious snowflake students. I am sure they are setting up some counselors for the snowflakes and some social justice rubes are trying to get their worthless departments more money by threatening boycotts and sitins.
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No, I wasn't at the game. What did he do? I know he flipped the bat (no big deal) and then exchanged words with BC catcher but what exactly did he do to warrant criticism? It wasn't clear on TV. Horrible announcers.

He was pumping his fist rounding the bases too. If it was the bottom of the 9th and he did that fine but not the bottom of the 7th even if it basically wrapped the game up. The bat flip wasnt that bad.
Trust me: ESPN is already replaying this incident over and over. While the bat flip didn't seem that egregious to me, we have to remember this is MIAMI and the press is always ready to pounce on any perceived "transgression" of this sort by any of our players. Morris has got to tell this kid to tone it down or he will sit for a game or two (if he isn't tossed by an umpire first). We are still HATED and always will be.
If BC didn't like it, then they shouldn't have given up 2 HR and 7 RBI to our 9 hole hitter. F BC. No issue at all with Batflip Edgar. I hope he bat flips and talks smack all over Omaha too.
B.C Catcher.......View attachment 36528

A young man in a very tough series and no telling what the catcher was saying to him that we couldn't hear.He hits a grand slam that sends his team to the College World Series.I can't imagine what he was feeling in that moment.There was obviously some unheard trash talking before he got the hit.Big stage,big moment, I think we might be a little too tough with all the criticism towards him.I would like to have seen him a little more reserved but how would any of us act in the same situation? Baseball needs more emotion in it in my opinion.Otherwise it's like watching golf.Bottom line,great win and on to Omaha.
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Classles on Michelangeli's part. Loved the win, and the homerun, but he acted like a complete moron. Run the bases and celebrate accordingly. Absolutely classless.

Thousands of people attended, and millions more around the world watched on television, the recent funeral of a sportsman who people used to call a classles jerk too.

Get off the "unwritten rules" kick...Society changes.
Classles on Michelangeli's part. Loved the win, and the homerun, but he acted like a complete moron. Run the bases and celebrate accordingly. Absolutely classless.

Thousands of people attended, and millions more around the world watched on television, the recent funeral of a sportsman who people used to call a classles jerk too.

Get off the "unwritten rules" kick...Society changes.[/QU

Taunting is not accepted in any sport, especially in college.
Lol. A lot of females types in this thread. Are y'all serious? get a life. The kid was ecstatic and was living in the moment. People forget that this ain't the majors. Some of these kids will never go anywhere near the big show. Let them have their moment in the sun. Go Canes!
We're already being called "Classless Thugs" on ESPN's page about the CWS. Some things never change,,,,,,,,,and never will. After seeing that GD Flutie pass a billion times over the years, I think it's about time we gave ESPN, BC. and the rest of these pansy fans something to beyotch about. They can dish it out but, as usual, they can't take it.
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no one wants to talk about the catcher talking **** to him as he's coming down the third base line and before he starts skipping i guess? F BC - i want to dominate, i don't care what we do while we do it.
Look, we're going to be branded as thugs even if there is proof that BC's catcher started the whole thing. Instead of fighting it and worrying about ESPN being fair to us, embrace it. Laugh at the BC pitcher for grooving the pitch to end his team's season.