Barry Jackson in depth about the defense/D'onofrio

i guess what it really is for me when it comes to donofrio is that his sideline demeanor is sloppy. his pants are too big and he looks like he isn't wearing an undershirt.

i firmly believe in looking the part. i understand it's football and it's hot and in the elements and whatnot, but sheesh, do u have to look so disheveled?

randy, for all his failures at least looked the part

This is a joke, right?

I think some of the WEZ posters think they're far superior to us shlubs on the football board, so they like to drop in and toy with us poor inferior souls and then go tell each other how dumb we are and what a toilet the football board is.

Dorito: There’s not a coverage we don’t have. We pressure a lot of different ways; I probably ran five different safety pressures last year. I’ve never been so stubborn that I say, ‘This is what we do.’ It’s about the players and what can they do well. I never get boxed in and say, ‘This is our scheme.’

I don't like the philosophy of going with the defensive strategy, of not blitzing your linebackers, but being fine with blitzing your safety...

We didn't blitz any LBs last year? I could have sworn I saw differently.

Yeah, EJ and Perryman thinks we blitzed...