2024 Aydin Breland 4* DT from Mater Dei

Like i said earlier, sounded like logistics. But of course our emotionally unstable fans went ham crying about 8&4 bags. Like i said, enjoy your summers and chill tf out. There will be times to freak out, but it cant be over everything
Interesting, According to Ferman's recruiting assistant, Breland is not visiting anywhere this weekend. He responded to their inquiry via a text message..
Geo said something similar last night. If it’s not Miami this weekend it’s that he is going nowhere due to a conflict.
Dude peoples schedules change. **** happens. He could very well just have had something come up and he can’t make any event.
We had a bum on here down voting my post because i said something similar. Kids lives in Cali and been making tons of trips all summer, including to us. These things burn u out. They basically have no time for themselves as teenagers and on top of that their seasons are coming up soon. Not everything is a negative against us or where he is leaning.