You don't solve a depth issue but creating a future one. If you sign 8 DB's and likely only 1 of them redshirt you find yourself in a position where it's hard to recruit DB's in 2019 and potentially having a mass exodus in 3-4 years with kids graduating. We're not Bama yet, we need to build depth the right way to fix it not just recruit whoever will commit.
How is loading up on elite DBs not "the right way" to fix our depth issues?? Josh Jobe is technically a 2019 commit and 1 or 2 more would obviously redshirt, issue resolved.
Remember in 2007 when we took 7 WR's and then took 0 in 2008. Then we had Bosher our punter out playing WR? Overloading creates just as many problems as it solves.
*It spreads coaching thinner trying to coach up all those new guys at once.
*It increases chances of transfers and tarnishing reputations with the local HS you recruited from (wasted resources and schollies)
*It creates a 2019 DB recruiting problem (way harder to sell kids to commmit to an overloaded young roster)
* It creates a 2021/22 mass exodus problem if you aren't able to redshirt/retain/and recruit 2019 properly
* You can only put so many DB's on the field, we could use help at TE, OT, DT,RB much more than an 8th DB.
How the **** are you figuring Jobe a 2019 commit? Kids not even allowed to play HS because he's so old.