Are we a great team or just a good team?

Reminds me more of 2017 than 2003?!
You been waiting for us to lose so you could quote-reply me? That’s feminine behavior.

This is the best team since 2003. I stand by that statement.

Anyone that thought this team was going undefeated was lying to themselves. It could’ve happed with variance, which is how we were 8-0 or whatever. But it was unlikely.

As I said, this team has warts. The secondary is now banged up as well - I posted in the summer that we couldn’t afford any injuries there. Not having dudes on the outside that can tackle caught up to us against a team that had a good gameplan to exploit it. And even so, cam had the ball with 90 seconds and a chance to win it.

Miami still controls its own destiny. I haven’t read the boards yet, but I imagine there’s a lot more soft-shouldered guys like yourself acting like the sky is falling.

Win the ACC & make the playoff and this season is a success. Mario can recruit off that and we fill in some holes. Losing yesterday changed nothing.