Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

How many of you posting on here about him seeing the same people every day are actually alums who graduated since the school hit the ~10K undergrad mark?

  1. Yeah, you see a lot of the same people every day. Most people tend to like that. It's called having friends.
  2. IF you want to not see so many of the same people, get out of your element a little. Take some classes outside your school.
Yes, it's a relatively small school. Especially once you get into courses in your major. But I went to a large enough high school, and it wasn't anywhere near that.

Lol this Kosi post really triggered you.

You getting way to serious about it. Every college is like like a big high school to someone like kosi.

The big take away here has nothing to do with UM and everything to do with Kosi. Sadly this kid is going on 3 years removed from high school and realistically could have been thinking let’s go the league and get paid but instead he’s still thinking he’s in high school but on a grander level.
If you made friends with the people around you, you would actually be happy to see the same people everyday.
Probably those same people he sees every day are tired of him & his dumb attention seeking tweets too! Once again he displays poor judgement via social media. If he doesn't get it by now he never will. Let's hope Tate is eligible.
Lmao y’all stop going off every single thing a kid post social media. Tbh if I had the blessed opportunity to go UM I’d feel the same way after a while as far as the culture and where I’m from and what I’m used too. The only black kids the football team are around are themselves and the basketball team. It’s the same way one my boys back in Hs explained going to st. Thomas aquanis was for him. It’s just different. I’m sure those couple of white kids who get free rides and choose a HBCU might feel the same lol

As long as he not posting another porno video I’m good with perry holding the clipboard while Tate balls
Same fools that were screaming Kosi da gaaawwww 2 years ago, while us reasonable porsters were saying pump your brakes, are now the ones saying kick him out because of a cryptic tweet.

Well, listen up. Nobody that counts really cares about some meaningless teenage tweet. Get a hold of yourselves.

Do you think Manny cares? He doesn’t. He cares about the same thing as reasonable posters care about, that is, let’s see who’s going to compete and perform to be one of our quarterbacks this year.

He’ll either make the cut, or he won’t. Personally, I do want him there competing.

We need every able-bodied swinging dlck working hard to try to be the Miami quarterback.

You’re an idiot if you don’t want him there competing.

Let the best man win, and let’s quit obsessing like hormonal teenage girls over silly meaningless social media posts, like he’s some dude you want to date.
He's justifying his decision. When things start to go south in any relationship, your mind starts reaching out for any little thing to justify the decision your subconscious has already made.

That said, you know he and others read these boards. At times we forget that even though they are fully grown adults, nobody likes to hear people call them stupid or put them down personally. I'm guilty of that myself at times and I will gladly apologize for it. Perry knows the perception is that he doesn't stand a chance. But he's the only one who knows whether that's true or not and can do something about it.
He's justifying his decision. When things start to go south in any relationship, your mind starts reaching out for any little thing to justify the decision your subconscious has already made.

That said, you know he and others read these boards. At times we forget that even though they are fully grown adults, nobody likes to hear people call them stupid or put them down personally. I'm guilty of that myself at times and I will gladly apologize for it. Perry knows the perception is that he doesn't stand a chance. But he's the only one who knows whether that's true or not and can do something about it.

I have no idea what’s in his head. That’s why it’s important we don’t obsess over it. What counts is what happens when the practice bell rings
I know this board is tired of his antics and I’m not dying on Perry’s hill, but this is pretty mild, saying a small school is small is not bashing. I do see the bad for recruiting angle, but the HS kids already knew that
Someone on a FB Canes page posted this screen shot. This kid seems to not realize the opportunity at his disposal. His mental makeup is concerning as one of the potential future leaders of this ballclub. Could be something or could be nothing *
shrugs. *View attachment 81345
I miss that view, I miss that lake and walking around that lake and campus,don’t Miss sidestepping duck **** in my flip flops however🙌🏿

And now wow at Perry but wow at you all still picking apart a kids social media and the opinions you all take away from it. Him simply saying UM is a small school and he sees the same people every day means his attitude his **** poor, lol.

Is the kid immature? Absolutely. I think he has proved that already. But what are grown men that follow and screen shot his social media posts all the time?

Standing Ovation!

Kid has a Miami tattoo but it means nothing I guess

And now wow at Perry but wow at you all still picking apart a kids social media and the opinions you all take away from it. Him simply saying UM is a small school and he sees the same people every day means his attitude his **** poor, lol.

Is the kid immature? Absolutely. I think he has proved that already. But what are grown men that follow and screen shot his social media posts all the time?

Confused as to how you can in one post you get on people for saying that his attitude is **** poor yet you absolutely agree that he is immature.
it’s just a way of letting girls on his social media know he's ready to smash some new. he's just fishing for replies from chicks.

id prefer the starting QB at miami to take a more direct approach, but it doesnt hurt to throw a line in the water once in awhile and see what bites.