Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

Can he get better under this staff? Sure but my theory is that after a couple years, you are who you are. Poor work habits can improve, but he’s not starter material imo.
Confused as to how you can in one post you get on people for saying that his attitude is **** poor yet you absolutely agree that he is immature.

Yeah most def man because **** poor attitude and immature are the same thing. You got it boss
Richt put up with his bs, now let’s see if Diaz has the marbles to get rid of N’kosi. Perry is a ticking time bomb and should have been thrown off of team last year.
I don’t know gang, he could’ve been doing his Post about anything. I don’t follow players on social media but that’s just me. I don’t want to be that fan who’s having a knock down with a player over their performance in game. Like others said, if Perry’s immaturity and social media lovin’ is more important than football we will all know/see it as will Enos and Diaz. There’s really nowhere for N’Kosi to run and hide. Not sure I’d like everyone dissecting my every post.

i think the point is that if perry were smarter in the beginning, this wouldn't be an issue now
Yeah most def man because **** poor attitude and immature are the same thing. You got it boss

So tell me.. What positives have you seen from this kid since he stepped on the campus?

He did not travel with the team to Texas because he was suspended for an undisclosed team rule. Immature
He posted a video flashing wads of cash. Immature
He posted a video while banging someone. Immature

These are the only incidents that I know of... Is there more?
So tell me.. What positives have you seen from this kid since he stepped on the campus?

He did not travel with the team to Texas because he was suspended for an undisclosed team rule. Immature
He posted a video flashing wads of cash. Immature
He posted a video while banging someone. Immature

These are the only incidents that I know of... Is there more?

drug tests is why he was suspended
as an alumni of UCF, they have not "built" anything. UCF had a nice run, but that's what it was and it will end next year

i dont think theyre going to be that frost team every year, but they've had an insanely impressive 2 year run. id kill for that "nice" run from miami esp in the ****tiest p5 division. our best run has been a smoke and mirrors 10 wins that leaves you getting blasted in a bowl at home
This kid is at the extreme level of immaturity and lack of common sense. Rather it's school, neighborhood or professional life, you generally see many of the same people everyday.
it’s just a way of letting girls on his social media know he's ready to smash some new. he's just fishing for replies from chicks.

id prefer the starting QB at miami to take a more direct approach, but it doesnt hurt to throw a line in the water once in awhile and see what bites.

If he can't just tell chicks he wants to bang, then how can he lead on the field? This is the last straw for me.
drug tests is why he was suspended

So based on that you could say that this would be deemed a **** poor attitude towards his playing career no? His 'attitude' towards the opportunity that he has been given by receiving a full ride to a Power 5 university is poor no?

Now my point is that whether you want to call it attitude or immaturity.. To me it falls under the same umbrella.