Anyone catch Feldman this morning?

2 year bowl ban 31 scholarships for 3 years same as USC...Reggie Bush got more then all the UM players did OJ Mayo

This makes sense to us, problem is the NCAA seems to be trying to go past the statute of limitations to show the LOIC has been an ongoing issue.

I m not disagreeing with your guess on the actual penalties, but I am willing to bet the NCAA thinks what happened at Miami is worse than USC, not b/c of the dollar amount, but rather the amount of people involved and the length of time it was supposedly going on.

I still think we are getting 3 year bowl ban and 5 scholarships per year for 3 or 4 years. Hope I am wrong and it is 2 bowls and 3 scholly's per year for 3.
I've said all along on other Canes sites that your latter scenario is my prediction. They just can't prove every accusation that Shapiro gave to Chuckie Robinson. Too many loose ends, too circumstantial. But--this has been big enough in the media and they will be able to prove enough that the 2 bowls (last year and this year's) and 3-5 schollys for 3 years tops are what we get. Also keep in mind how forthcoming we've been with stuff we've been able to find ourselves, and how we've suspended or even booted players for even possible infractions.

If we get worse, we should pull together a mob with pitchforks and torches, and go burn the NCAA's compliance offices to the ground.

Unfortunately this isn't a court of law; they dont have to prove things to penalize for them. Fortunately, I believe (hope) the NCAA realizes that even though some of Shapiro's stuff has proven to be true, perhaps some of it is exaggerated or worse.
Let's hope this picture is not worth a thousand words..

Feldman is a Cane and a reputable reporter. Just because we don't like what he's saying is no reason to try to discredit him. Conversely, when a Feldman type says these things, it gives me pause and has me worried. What happened at ESPN only makes him more credible.
Feldman is a Cane and a reputable reporter. Just because we don't like what he's saying is no reason to try to discredit him. Conversely, when a Feldman type says these things, it gives me pause and has me worried. What happened at ESPN only makes him more credible.

THIS IS JUST SO TRUE! There will NEVER be another PSU disgrace .... such a significant Delta between what PSU's administrative leaders (including the President and the AD) and coaching staff (Including the Head Coach) have done and any other university in the history of the NCAA. For someone to make a comparison to PSU is just idiotic and uneducated in understanding the severity of what took place at PSU!

To mention PSU and Miami in the same sentence when talking about sanctions is a misguided statement. He lost all credibility right there.
Let's hope this picture is not worth a thousand words..


i don't think it will be because it doesn't show anything we don't know already. campbell wrote an article right after the story broke that said he had met shapiro before (didn't get a good vibe either) and allen was obviously connected. i don't think that any reputable investigator will speculate this was some old generation meets new generation thing and draw a conclusion, but i guess you never know these days.
Feldman is a Cane and a reputable reporter. Just because we don't like what he's saying is no reason to try to discredit him. Conversely, when a Feldman type says these things, it gives me pause and has me worried. What happened at ESPN only makes him more credible.

Actually, Feldman has been known to erroneously report things in the past. Would say that in "major" stories he has more often been in error than correct. The problem is that we do have way too many "Feldman Types" who don't do their homework well to uncover the "facts" and make statements and report based upon "hearsay". Be it in sports or in politics .... the art being a true "reporter" has fallen by the wayside. Just think of all of the errors in the Yahoo articles. Again, they were based upon "hearsay" ..... and the recent CBS article was "ALL" hearsay from a former $8 hr waterboy who's claim to fame was being an errand boy for a Napoleonic Midget who is now sitting in jail for an almost $1 billion fraud. So, thanks for your opinion on Feldman and "Feldman Types" ..... I just have significant difficulty agreeing with your opinion!
like I said before, if waiving nameless receipts around saying I bought this player that item and here's the charge is good enough to bring a program down, I have a list of receipts that I'll tie EJ Manuel and Tim Tebow to

I've never been to jail so my word must be worth more than a convicted liar
Feldman has no axe to grind and is pretty reputable I guess if he isn't talking about his alma mater. Several people have said this and whatever we end up with only matters with the bowl bans. Kids want to go to bowls, if we don't there will be recruiting issues. If we are bringing in redshirt type of kids who want to be Canes it wont really matter. Only thing that scares me is if they allow kids to bolt without sitting a year, those disgruntled kids could run and really kill our depth.
like I said before, if waiving nameless receipts around saying I bought this player that item and here's the charge is good enough to bring a program down, I have a list of receipts that I'll tie EJ Manuel and Tim Tebow to

I've never been to jail so my word must be worth more than a convicted liar

This is basically the defense Robinson uses. Shapiro says I took so and so here, and paid for them. Here is my proof, a receipt, or a photo, or someone saying he saw them both at that place. None of it means the player showed up with Shapiro, or was given anything by Shapiro. It's not evidence and in a court of law more would be needed to prove any allegation that Shapiro makes.
like I said before, if waiving nameless receipts around saying I bought this player that item and here's the charge is good enough to bring a program down, I have a list of receipts that I'll tie EJ Manuel and Tim Tebow to

I've never been to jail so my word must be worth more than a convicted liar

This is basically the defense Robinson uses. Shapiro says I took so and so here, and paid for them. Here is my proof, a receipt, or a photo, or someone saying he saw them both at that place. None of it means the player showed up with Shapiro, or was given anything by Shapiro. It's not evidence and in a court of law more would be needed to prove any allegation that Shapiro makes.

You meant to tell me that if I take a picture with a hot female movie star, that doesn't equate to me having secks with her?
WOW ...... How suddenly "Feldman .... is pretty reputable" .... guess we have some new young folks on this board that never knew or have forgotten that Feldman got his start down here and really overloaded his butt a number of times by stating things, based upon hearsay, that proved to be significantly in error! Can't count the number of times on another board that people made fun of Feldman being so inaccurate on so many things! It is not a matter of an axe to grind .... its a matter of doing your homework and finding the facts not just listening and reading what others say and write .... then putting out an article / blog / interview like you are some type of authority when really you are just spouting second hand info! In short ... we hate talking heads who do this and should be aware that there are "talking keyboards" out there that do the same!

Feldman has no axe to grind and is pretty reputable I guess if he isn't talking about his alma mater. Several people have said this and whatever we end up with only matters with the bowl bans. Kids want to go to bowls, if we don't there will be recruiting issues. If we are bringing in redshirt type of kids who want to be Canes it wont really matter. Only thing that scares me is if they allow kids to bolt without sitting a year, those disgruntled kids could run and really kill our depth.
like I said before, if waiving nameless receipts around saying I bought this player that item and here's the charge is good enough to bring a program down, I have a list of receipts that I'll tie EJ Manuel and Tim Tebow to

I've never been to jail so my word must be worth more than a convicted liar

This is basically the defense Robinson uses. Shapiro says I took so and so here, and paid for them. Here is my proof, a receipt, or a photo, or someone saying he saw them both at that place. None of it means the player showed up with Shapiro, or was given anything by Shapiro. It's not evidence and in a court of law more would be needed to prove any allegation that Shapiro makes.

My personal favorite is how, after the manager and owner of the bowling alley refuted Shapiro's claims, Robinson replied by saying that "it's irrelevant what they say because I have people that say otherwise". In essence he made himself the arbiter of what is true or untrue. I truly believe that if Shapiro himself came out and said " I made it all up", that Robinson would still stick to his guns. This is his jihad in my opinion and regardless of what he says, I bet he feels some pressure to be proven right.
like I said before, if waiving nameless receipts around saying I bought this player that item and here's the charge is good enough to bring a program down, I have a list of receipts that I'll tie EJ Manuel and Tim Tebow to

I've never been to jail so my word must be worth more than a convicted liar

This is basically the defense Robinson uses. Shapiro says I took so and so here, and paid for them. Here is my proof, a receipt, or a photo, or someone saying he saw them both at that place. None of it means the player showed up with Shapiro, or was given anything by Shapiro. It's not evidence and in a court of law more would be needed to prove any allegation that Shapiro makes.

My personal favorite is how, after the manager and owner of the bowling alley refuted Shapiro's claims, Robinson replied by saying that "it's irrelevant what they say because I have people that say otherwise". In essence he made himself the arbiter of what is true or untrue. I truly believe that if Shapiro himself came out and said " I made it all up", that Robinson would still stick to his guns. This is his jihad in my opinion and regardless of what he says, I bet he feels some pressure to be proven right.
Robinson dismisses any idea that he could be incorrect, or lied to by Shapiro. He even rationalizes using the abortion story, despite not even any of the type of 'corroborating' evidence he has for the other claims. His complete belief in the veracity of Shapiro's claims gives evidence to how Shapiro was able to swindle almost 1 billion from people.
2 bowl bans (1 served), 7 scholarships per year for 3 years and 5 years of probation (possibly longer). Thats it. PSU was the example the NCAA set, its not gonna kill 2 programs within 1 year. So everyone relax and enjoy are return to prominence. Its happening and neither the NCAA or anyone else is stopping it.
WOW ...... How suddenly "Feldman .... is pretty reputable" .... guess we have some new young folks on this board that never knew or have forgotten that Feldman got his start down here and really overloaded his butt a number of times by stating things, based upon hearsay, that proved to be significantly in error! Can't count the number of times on another board that people made fun of Feldman being so inaccurate on so many things! It is not a matter of an axe to grind .... its a matter of doing your homework and finding the facts not just listening and reading what others say and write .... then putting out an article / blog / interview like you are some type of authority when really you are just spouting second hand info! In short ... we hate talking heads who do this and should be aware that there are "talking keyboards" out there that do the same!

Feldman has no axe to grind and is pretty reputable I guess if he isn't talking about his alma mater. Several people have said this and whatever we end up with only matters with the bowl bans. Kids want to go to bowls, if we don't there will be recruiting issues. If we are bringing in redshirt type of kids who want to be Canes it wont really matter. Only thing that scares me is if they allow kids to bolt without sitting a year, those disgruntled kids could run and really kill our depth.

I am curious about these previous made up and inaccurate stories, b/c I dont remember them, but then again I have only been following Miami closely for a little over 10 years. Also, he interviewed Allen, it wasn't hearsay. Now you can say that Allen made it all up (why he would want to I do not know) and that Feldman shouldn't trust just one person, but that's not second hand information; Feldman is the one that did the interview.