Any word on Nesta?

Pretty sure he’s gone. He was saying all year last season this was his last ride. Totally should stay but unless Mario works some magic I think he’s another in a long line of leave early mistakes.
I've always thought Nesta has been one of our better defensive players the last couple seasons.

Much rather have him back than not.
Same. Dudes clown Nesta but the real ones know he makes any defense he's on better. Plays tough, never ending motor and plays with plenty of passion and heart. I would love to have him back with a coach like Mario.
Why? He had flashes but was pretty underwhelming. I bet you only watch the ball when you're watching the game. Nesta is average. He won't play in the league & we have studs at DT.
Nesta has a couple plays per game that make you say wow. He's one of the few Dlinemen that will chase that down a player 20 or 30yards down field. He's one of the emotional leaders of the team.
Another year in the right system may elevate his draft stock. I'd rather see him get rewarded for his loyalty to the crib than see him waste his potential, so I'll gladly take Nesta back.
Appreciate all he did but glad his time at Miami is done.