another one of those posts from Pete….

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this is Pete right now

I am always amazed that people complain about FREE information.

Would the ******** complaining about free information tell us what it was. Only info i've seen came from Papii and not one porster complained about it.
First rule of Recruiting Fight Club -- Always wait for Lake Lewis to confirm before fapping.
I am always amazed that people complain about FREE information.
my beef is not with the price, its with the teasing and subsequent waiting period.

he cant announce it yet, he was more than likely notified yesterday and was told to keep quiet until it is announced. he did us a favor by telling us to prepare for some news to happen in the next day, which he didnt have to do at all

Listen, I couldn't care less one way or the other, but how again did "Pete do us a favor, by telling us to prepare for some news that was going to happen today"?

This is all about Pete and not about "us".

Pete does a good job, but this is nothing more than him looking to advance his rep. Again, that's fine, just call it what it is.

Because he notified us that some type of news will happen the next day. You don't see any other site telling us this. Some times you can't let the hat out of the bag too early. And unfortunately it seems as though this is one of those cases.
I am always amazed that people complain about FREE information.
my beef is not with the price, its with the teasing and subsequent waiting period.

he cant announce it yet, he was more than likely notified yesterday and was told to keep quiet until it is announced. he did us a favor by telling us to prepare for some news to happen in the next day, which he didnt have to do at all

Listen, I couldn't care less one way or the other, but how again did "Pete do us a favor, by telling us to prepare for some news that was going to happen today"?

This is all about Pete and not about "us".

Pete does a good job, but this is nothing more than him looking to advance his rep. Again, that's fine, just call it what it is.

Because he notified us that some type of news will happen the next day. You don't see any other site telling us this. Some times you can't let the hat out of the bag too early. And unfortunately it seems as though this is one of those cases.

Ah man shut the **** up. Good ******* grief.

Pete's a liar...and a thief....muuuuuurrrrddddeeerrrrer

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Captain's log 0074552 -- Posters are becoming impatient, running low on gifs
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