another one of those posts from Pete….

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I would prefer it if my son were returned to where you found him, Andrew
Some people are going to be so disappointed if it's not the news they are expecting.
A lot of their reputations come from releasing the stories first, but sometimes, the information is wrong, or releasing things early screws up the recruiting. There's been more than a few kids that were thinking of flipping, Ferman would broadcast it, and then the other teams' coaches clamped down on the kid. It would probably be better, instead of leaving something like that out there, to say that he has some information, but can't release for whatever reason, or just not say anything at all, especially if it's going to affect the commitment.
A lot of their reputations come from releasing the stories first, but sometimes, the information is wrong, or releasing things early screws up the recruiting. There's been more than a few kids that were thinking of flipping, Ferman would broadcast it, and then the other teams' coaches clamped down on the kid. It would probably be better, instead of leaving something like that out there, to say that he has some information, but can't release for whatever reason, or just not say anything at all, especially if it's going to affect the commitment.

Yeah, that would go over really well with the Neanderthals in this place.
this thread is improving

oh and angryibis said it best. If Pete wants to really be respected for what he does and be professional about it - I'm offering constructive criticism. Otherwise he can be the next Fermin.
I am always amazed that people complain about FREE information.

my beef is not with the price, its with the teasing and subsequent waiting period.

he cant announce it yet, he was more than likely notified yesterday and was told to keep quiet until it is announced. he did us a favor by telling us to prepare for some news to happen in the next day, which he didnt have to do at all

Listen, I couldn't care less one way or the other, but how again did "Pete do us a favor, by telling us to prepare for some news that was going to happen today"?

This is all about Pete and not about "us".

Pete does a good job, but this is nothing more than him looking to advance his rep. Again, that's fine, just call it what it is.
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