Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

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Yeah, scouts watch film. They don't care what your team did. Surely playing on an elite team gets you more attention from the media, but it doesn't really matter too much. Cream rises to the top via the tape and testing. That's really what it's all about.

For example, in the 2021 draft, Christian Darrisaw went 23rd from VT. They're probably about as good as FSU. So yes, kids like Leatherwood and Sewell played for good teams. But plenty of high picks at tackle come from unheralded situations. Again, it's what you put on tape and how you test at the combine/pro day. If you're elite at tackle, you can do more than enough to be highly selected regardless of most other factors.

Again, the point was not "will the NFL world somehow find Mims someday". The point was whether he would "stand out" at F$U (i.e., being the one good guy on a ****ty OL).

The kid is leaving THE DEFENDING NATIONAL CHAMPION for more playing time. He should want to maximize his next opportunity, as he is running out of time to build a highlight reel before the draft. A guy like that simply has a better chance to show great performances when he is playing on a better team, otherwise he should just transfer to Jackson State and destroy a bunch of Division I-AA competition.
You actually made his point. McKinnie was dominant, but the rest of the team around him was dominant too. And in that situation, a great player can perform even better (you're not trying to overcompensate for lesser players, you're not trying to do too much, etc.) and you'll get more attention from scouts.

If you put McKinnie on some of UM's worst offensive lines, he's still McKinnie, but he may not play with the same confidence and aggression, and he may not be noticed. In fact, many OLs are questioned about whether they can adapt to a particular blocking scheme if they haven't done it before, which is independent of their physical size/strength. Not denying that McKinnie was a dominator, just saying he may not have been noticed and/or picked as high if he was playing on the 2021 F$U offensive line.

I know we'd all like to think that the best players will always be spotted and selected, but this is why "small school" guys have slid down the draft, historically. And don't even get me started by how many UM players have gone in the 6th or 7th rounds over the past 15 years because we haven't been "2001-dominant" since that time, and how those same players likely would have gone in the 2nd or 3rd rounds if they had played on that 2001 team.
To your last point, and then to see those low drafted guys thrive in the NFL. Backs up that they had talent, but didn’t get the attention on a bad team. KJ Osborn most recently, I’d say. Had a great second year with the Vikings. Was reliable here but slid to the 5th.
FSU gon have to fire up the ole he was never a take spin soon nuff.
They beat you to the punch already. They said "if he ends up at Miami he was never a take." He'll go see the circus there grab some popcorn see the bunch of clowns there before heading here to see a real coaching staff.
I wonder if Jermaine Johnson's success as a transfer from UGA has any part of his interest in FSU? Like Johnson he would be the "big fish" and certainly stand out. I could see Norvell and Atkins selling that... Not sure how much , if any, overlap they had at UGA

The entire defensive line of Georgia may be drafted ahead of Jermaine Johnson or he'll be drafted right in the middle of that UGA DL run...the "success" of that transfer to FSU seems overblown, considering its likely Johnson is drafted in roughly the same spot with or without the transfer, IMO.

Also, we put a R1 EDGE transfer into the league very recently, too.
Again, the point was not "will the NFL world somehow find Mims someday". The point was whether he would "stand out" at F$U (i.e., being the one good guy on a ****ty OL).

The kid is leaving THE DEFENDING NATIONAL CHAMPION for more playing time. He should want to maximize his next opportunity, as he is running out of time to build a highlight reel before the draft. A guy like that simply has a better chance to show great performances when he is playing on a better team, otherwise he should just transfer to Jackson State and destroy a bunch of Division I-AA competition.

It doesn't matter. More importantly for him, he was a project coming out of HS. If he's smart, he should want to go somewhere that he'll be coached the best, which should put Miami in the driver's seat. Jermaine Johnson already had a few years of elite coaching under his belt, he was just stuck behind kids who were even better than he was, so he decided to leave. Mims is stuck behind kids who are better than he is in a similar fashion, but he's nowhere near the "plug and play" prospect that Johnson was. He needs to be coached.

That being said, were he to continue to develop, and reach his potential (big "if" under Atkins), he could and would absolutely stand out at FSU regardless of the guard next to him and Jordan Travis, etc. Does it help to play surrounded by a bunch of All-America's? Sure. But it really doesn't matter if you're truly a first-round talent.

And running out of time? He's 1 year out of HS. He can't even go to the NFL until the 2024 draft, at the earliest. He's got 2 years to put whatever he's going to put on tape. Jermaine Johnson was running out of time, I'm pretty sure last season at FSU was his 5th out of HS.

Lastly, the "****** OL" argument is a year or two expired. FSU certainly doesn't have a great OL, but those years of being the worst in the country are in the past. They actually had #'s 1 and 2 in YPC last year in the ACC (believe it or not, I was shocked when I noticed it at the end of the season), and their offense actually averaged more yards per play than ours did. Travis is a ****** thrower and their receivers are overall trash, but they ran the ball pretty successfully last year and the OL was much more competent than it's been in years past. There are several reasons why Miami would be a better choice than FSU for Mims, but the "not standing out" or players around him argument isn't really one of those.
He talking about us?
Newberg got their fan base all hyped about him going there. Yesterday Mims was all Nole. Now their thread is only talking about aliens, Costa Rican prostitutes, and other random bs. They seem real defeated and Newberg isn’t offering any kind of help. It seems like they’ve changed their stance on Mims. Newberg is forever a troll. It seems like he might be heading to On3.
Newberg got their fan base all hyped about him going there. Yesterday Mims was all Nole. Now their thread is only talking about aliens, Costa Rican prostitutes, and other random bs. They seem real defeated and Newberg isn’t offering any kind of help. It seems like they’ve changed their stance on Mims. Newberg is forever a troll. It seems like he might be heading to On3.
But the list in that post sounds like a slow day on CIS.
Don’t feel like taking screenshots, but the tune has definitely changed. I’m about 4 pages in and most of them have given up hope. They must have gotten news that he’s visiting them for 1 night then 3 nights for us. The last 2 pages have been some guy showing pictures of his hookers he sees in Costa Rica. No joke.
They’re feeling like they’ve been lied to again. One of their insiders posted that the reported fave team (Miami) was actually not in contention. And then they find out he’s spending the weekend in Miami and Miami has been in touch for weeks.
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