Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

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Wonder what has them so confident
I mean what else are they going to do? “Oh we lick dog *****, we have no shot, Mario is a gawd, we’re screwed forever”…of course their fans are going to inhale the Hopeium - it’s what all fans do.

Which will make it that much better when he comes here. Love that now both the USC and Mich St writers have admitted Miami is in the driver’s seat.
You would think Mario has earned a little bit of respect already but our fanbase honestly has 37% troll bots enabled whenever a breeze of bad news comes our way.



Would love to have Mims. I have wayyyyyyyyy more faith in where Miami as an institution is headed than anything FSU is doing.
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Wonder what has them so confident

rick james cocaine GIF
I mean what else are they going to do? “Oh we lick dog *****, we have no shot, Mario is a gawd, we’re screwed forever”…of course their fans are going to inhale the Hopeium - it’s what all fans do.

Which will make it that much better when he comes here. Love that now both the USC and Mich St writers have admitted Miami is in the driver’s seat.
I was speaking more to the “news” their insiders were referring to. Not sure what info they could’ve received
IMO, there are 2 reasons this kid could pick FSU over us:
-really needs to hear that he has a “guaranteed spot”
-wants to be 3.5 hrs away from home by car instead of 8

If the kid cannot see our OL and see that he would be able to compete in by fall, he isn’t tough enough for this program, plain and simple. We don’t need him if that’s the case. The side opposite Zion is wide open and we cannot teach 6’7” and good weight with athleticism. No one sniffs his jock between Scaife and Campbell on that side of the line (and yes, while we don’t need him, we should really want him on this team). And this is not Mario hedging,’it is justifying why he may choose otherwise.

We have a better coaching staff, better campus, better living space and facilities and better future ahead of us. And we should be able put a far better NIL package together for him.

So unless the above 2 reasons apply, or he is a total country bumpkin that cannot appreciate any city life or large town Coral Gables (**** the UF linebacker that we were trying to get), he should be ours and we add to Nole Tears. And like any recruit not interested in the brand that we are selling for the future, watch out for the train that’s going to run you over.
If I walked up to my HS coach and said I wanted to be guaranteed a starting spot at WR or I’m transferring to Bergen Catholic, he would just punch me in the face.
Not relevant, I know. Just a though for the day.
Good times.
Funny that Bergen Catholic's coach is a Paladin. I can't believe that we couldn't keep the momentum going once Partridge left. Did you go to Joe's or Bosco?
Tallahassee and Athens are about the same distance. Which makes the distance argument pretty weak.

He wants to play, first and foremost. That’s priority #1. If he was playing at UGA, he wouldn’t be leaving. But he’s not, so he is. He knows he can play virtually anywhere else, including Miami and FSU. So distance is not factor #1. Playing time is. If he can get playing time at FSU, plus the distance (2.5 hours), plus the relationship, they are an option for him.
He wants to play, first and foremost. That’s priority #1. If he was playing at UGA, he wouldn’t be leaving. But he’s not, so he is. He knows he can play virtually anywhere else, including Miami and FSU. So distance is not factor #1. Playing time is. If he can get playing time at FSU, plus the distance (2.5 hours), plus the relationship, they are an option for him.
I’m not saying they aren’t. More on its own the distance argument doesn’t make sense. It’s clear playtime and NIL will determine this recruitment.
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