Al-Quadin Muhammad cancelled his ND visit

The army bowl is January 5th. I doubt ND has visitors next weekend because it is so close to christmas. If he doesnt visit the weekend of the 29th, it would be surprising if he went to ND. Please please please get this kid. Exactly the type of player that we are missing.

Lamers are now saying that he has been a silent for a while and AQ has a buddy on the Lamer squad...they think that IF his academics are in order, he is in. BUT the recruitment will not end even if he announces at the AAA game

Hard to say who pans out and who doesn't, but from a recruiting standpoint these are the kinds of kids who statistically favor a return to greatness. You get enough of them and odds are you'll hit bingo on enough elite guys to fare well. cousin is an ND fan and the writers over there still feel confident that he will sign with the Irish. One thing that may deter him from choosing ND not getting through admissions.
Actually it was a Narwhal attack. Very gruesome

DBC stands for.... ?#noob

Dannyboycane. He was an insider on scouts free board that Mike Bakas admitted he got his info from. Died in a terrible animal encounter


WEll now I feel bad. He is probably the biggest ****** in our fanbase. Predicts EVERYONE to Miami. Lives on the scout freeboard. There was a "rumor" that he was eaten by a bear and he made a video to tell everyone he was ok. Its really not ok that he is a miami fan. you should check him out on youtube

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Whoops! Wrong video!


This guy has some passion. He would make a good politician. He should run against Chris Christie.
Last edited by a moderator: cousin is an ND fan and the writers over there still feel confident that he will sign with the Irish. One thing that may deter him from choosing ND not getting through admissions.

LULZ at them trying to set up the admissions excuse on us. We invented that motherfugger.
Drop the religion stuff already and drop the DBC crap, this the recruiting section of the board..
Go to the WEZ if you want to bull**** and talk religion..
imma be honest i NEVER check the kid out all through the recruiting cycle because i thought he was a longshot....

Just looked at the short clip and............."holy sh*t".....kid is a beast....plug n play guy...and if he commits in this class with Matt Thomas ....good lord...that alone would help out our d tremendously.

I just read this thread and watch his clips for the first time, because I didn't believe we had much of a shot until now, and all i can say is... WOW.

That is a big kid moving around pretty good on those clips. Absolutely seems like a kid who will get plenty of time VERY early.
Hard to say who pans out and who doesn't, but from a recruiting standpoint these are the kinds of kids who statistically favor a return to greatness. You get enough of them and odds are you'll hit bingo on enough elite guys to fare well.

Raising those adds significantly is that, for what appears to be the first time in over 10 years, they will be playing for a competent head coach and staff that appears to have the ability to develop talent.
I'm calling bull**** on the academics. If Miami can get him ND can too.

I guess its fun for us to pretend, but this just isn't the truth at all.
It is the truth. It's easier to get into ND then UM

No its not. That is untrue. I have a family member that was accepted to both schools, but the academic requirements to get into ND were higher. UM is very tough though.
Maybe I misspoke/typed from what I have seen is that they are both pretty similar so if one would have issues getting into one it would stand to reason that he couldn't get into the other.