***ACCCG: Canes v. Clemson***

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So what's the odds Rosier could beat the girl in the Dr. Pepper throwing challenge?
If Kaaya doesn't leave Rosier NEVER starts a game at Miami. What Richt has managed to wring out of him is amazing. Rosier isn't a starting caliber qb, but you can thank the previous regime for that. He's exceeded expectations.


Not impressed w Richt’s play calling AT ALL!

What is he going to call? O-line cant handle their d-line and rosier cant throw.

How bout screens, runs up the middle instead of east/west runs, bubble screens, use the TE, post up Cager and Langham....there’s a plethora of play calls you can make

We tried running one screen tonight and it was a disaster. The problem is we don’t make screens our focus and when you only dabble in them, they rarely work.
All I want is for Rosier to give someone a chance to catch it. I understand not tryna throw picks but **** our guys cant catch it either. Also I say **** the run for now throw bubbles as a makeshift run game until they adjust to that.
I hope the recruits at least heard herbie mention that our cbs have amazing technique
Pretty clear rosier has topped out. Doubt we see him play another snap after bowl game.
Rosier has a really odd look to him the last two games, I don’t what it is, but it’s odd.

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Just my opinion but the biggest difference in the game is the play of the offensive lines for both teams. Malik is maliking and the coaches certainly could call a better game but the Oline play is shockingly different.

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So far, during those 21 points - I was watching D'Onofrio's defense.

I sure hope Perry is ready next season - everyone else seems to have a QB - and we don't.
Not impressed w Richt’s play calling AT ALL!

What is he going to call? O-line cant handle their d-line and rosier cant throw.

How bout screens, runs up the middle instead of east/west runs, bubble screens, use the TE, post up Cager and Langham....there’s a plethora of play calls you can make

We tried running one screen tonight and it was a disaster. The problem is we don’t make screens our focus and when you only dabble in them, they rarely work.

my whole playin career was exactly what u said. my best screen team was in high schoool as we practiced it so much...guaranteed 10 yds. sny team i was on...that didnt focus..it was ****ty
Top to bottom this staff is weak.

It was said when they were hired too many inexperienced or mediocre coaches.

Outside of Kool and Dugens, they all can diaf.
If we had a bonified #2 I would pull the trigger now.

That in itself is a major problem.Our backup sucks coon balls pubic hair.Kid is of HS quality ..... so we have two Choices.one actually the second involves burning Pertys shirt and I don’t think a Richt will do that.
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