A moment of honesty


Dec 6, 2015
Guys, we aren't "The U" as we all know and love. The high level guys, and even the really good gems don't see Miami in that way right now. The only remedy for our recruiting woes is to go out and win games and show that it can be done here. Lets face it, bad coaching hires have gotten us to this point. Im hoping Richt can get this thing turned around.....we better hope we can get the top guys in 2017 and 2018 with winning big games.

Guys, we aren't "The U" as we all know and love. The high level guys, and even the really good gems don't see Miami in that way right now. The only remedy for our recruiting woes is to go out and win games and show that it can be done here. Lets face it, bad coaching hires have gotten us to this point. Im hoping Richt can get this thing turned around.....we better hope we can get the top guys in 2017 and 2018 with winning big games.

Guys, we aren't "The U" as we all know and love. The high level guys, and even the really good gems don't see Miami in that way right now. The only remedy for our recruiting woes is to go out and win games and show that it can be done here. Lets face it, bad coaching hires have gotten us to this point. Im hoping Richt can get this thing turned around.....we better hope we can get the top guys in 2017 and 2018 with winning big games.

Completely agree with you. The only solution we have is to win games and the rest will fall in place.
This guy lol
The same thing happened to Michigan last year when Harbaugh took over its too late to get certain players, next season we have a guaranteed top 10 class at worst.
This guy lol
The same thing happened to Michigan last year when Harbaugh took over its too late to get certain players, next season we have a guaranteed top 10 class at worst.

For all intensive purposes, lets hope you are right. Im thinking we can get to a ACCCG this year, depending on how things play out....but we need to start winning to get the right talent in here
Guys, we aren't "The U" as we all know and love. The high level guys, and even the really good gems don't see Miami in that way right now. The only remedy for our recruiting woes is to go out and win games and show that it can be done here. Lets face it, bad coaching hires have gotten us to this point. Im hoping Richt can get this thing turned around.....we better hope we can get the top guys in 2017 and 2018 with winning big games.

This guy lol
The same thing happened to Michigan last year when Harbaugh took over its too late to get certain players, next season we have a guaranteed top 10 class at worst.

For all intensive purposes, lets hope you are right. Im thinking we can get to a ACCCG this year, depending on how things play out....but we need to start winning to get the right talent in here

intensive purposes:monkey-serious:
Our class is solid, period. Next year it should be much better. I was hoping, still am, that Richt will get a couple guys on signing day that surprise us all. If it doesn't happen we'll all live. I did expect some excitement from recruits about him being the coach at UM...
Agreed. Our brand is on life support, due to bad coaching and no help from administration... but we have two things two look forward to:


2) UM is still located in the most fertile recruiting grounds in the country

CMR wins 10+ the flood gates will open back up.
This guy lol
The same thing happened to Michigan last year when Harbaugh took over its too late to get certain players, next season we have a guaranteed top 10 class at worst.

For all intensive purposes, lets hope you are right. Im thinking we can get to a ACCCG this year, depending on how things play out....but we need to start winning to get the right talent in here

Intense. Like a circus fire.
When Butch took Damione Lewis out of Texas in '97 and DJ Williams out of California in 2000, we were a blip on the college football radar. No excuses.
Guys, we aren't "The U" as we all know and love. The high level guys, and even the really good gems don't see Miami in that way right now. The only remedy for our recruiting woes is to go out and win games and show that it can be done here. Lets face it, bad coaching hires have gotten us to this point. Im hoping Richt can get this thing turned around.....we better hope we can get the top guys in 2017 and 2018 with winning big games.
I agree..
We've been pathetic for years and just had a coaching change. Not sure why people were thinking Richt would get a top 5 recruiting class in 2 months. Most kids who made up their minds had them made up a long time ago, it's hard to flip them. And some kids actually believe in the word commitment and stick with those they gave their word to. It's nice to get that flip but it's also nice to have guys like Brad Kaaya who stick it out when the heat turns up. We ****** and moan when kids flip on us but praise them for honoring their commitment to us while praising kids who flip to us at the last second reneging on their commitment made to others.
When Butch took Damione Lewis out of Texas in '97 and DJ Williams out of California in 2000, we were a blip on the college football radar. No excuses.

What 5 star out of state monsters did Hero Butch pull his first recruiting cycle at UM?
I'm undecided which is more ghey. Posts like this or posts by eunuchs that have never met a kid and have zero connections to a kid but rush to be the first to wish him the best of luck and proclaim that "he made the right decision for him" as he bolts South Florida for another program. I'm thinking they might be the same type of person posting these things so I might have to deem it a tie.