A Few Guys Arguing Non-Stop [F/K/A "Let’s check on Lane Kiffen"]


U don’t see the irony that his best yrs came under sanctions WITH Pete’s players, & his worst yrs came after the sanctions with HIS players?

Dude, imma be honest, u can have the last word, but u’re not going to win this back & forth on this subject at SC b/c while u were admiring from afar, I was actually here. So pls, carry on & u can debate w/ urself or any other who decide to respond to ur last post.
Well yes thats how it would work. After sanctions is when things go down hill. Then they get better the farther you are removed from sanctions. Some of the players you would get go elsewhere because they dont want to play through sanctions. So in turn your recruiting and record drops.

Gotta love the ole im right your wrong. Im not gonna post anymore. Its a football DISCUSSION forum. You think youre right even while having his class numbers thrown in front of you. Have i once said he was a better recruiter than pete? **** no.

I have been reading most of this thread and I do agree with some of things you have said. I also agree with some of the posts @crossover22[]_[] has made. Both of you have some valid points to your arguments.

However, I don't agree with your last statement. Two totally different situations. Coker took over the most loaded and talented team in the history of college football. He did indeed win the championship immediately, as expected. Coker had a lot more success in his first few years, but slowly ran us into the ground. Lane took over a good USC team, but nowhere on the talent level of 2001 Canes. That USC team was also put on probation before Lane took over and several key players transferred before the season began. They lost scholarships and bowl eligibility immediately. It was not possible for Lane to have the success like Coker.

Overall, Lane still failed at USC. I think Lanes situation at USC is more comparable to Butch's situation at UM. Both guys taking over a good team, but already on probation and having sanctions already imposed. Started out decent for both, despite the probation. Crashed on the 3rd year for both (as the loss of scholarships were at peak). Obviously, Lane was fired 5 games into 4th year while Butch was retained. Guess we will never know how it would have played out at USC.

This is not a shot at Mario, this is more of a knock on Coker. Mario is doing some great things right now with this recruiting class. This is what he's getting paid the big bucks to do. I just get annoyed when Coker is compared to any competent coach, just because he has a natty.

To make a long story short: Kiffen and Mario>>>>>>>Shannon/Diaz/Golden>>>>>>>Nathaniel Hackett>>>>>>Rich Kotite>>>>>>me>>>>Larry Coker.

Yes, and I wasn't trying to build an Ultimate Marvel unified universe either. I wasn't trying to make fact-by-fact comparison of the entire life story of Coker to the entire life story of Kiffin.

I'm just saying something very simple.

Butch built it at UM, Coker enjoyed that momentum.

Carroll built it at USC, Kiffin enjoyed that momentum.

Did each one (Coker/Kiffin) encounter different fact patterns that brought their rides to a screeching halt? Yes.
A joke. No one recognized it and i said you can call me whatever you want after you said you would call me a bunch of names. I said thats fine as you wouldn't say it to me.

25 years congrats. You wont take the bet because you know im right and your wrong. Simple ****.

Everyone on this board knows what "Titanic" and "February 17th, 2023" mean. Everyone except you.
For the record, ppl wonder where the “Kiffin Can’t Recruit” narrative came from, & it came from his time at SC.

Kiffin’s name was a hot commodity as an OC at SC. Hence, he went from CFB OC to the NFL as a HC (it also helped he was the son of a well-respected NFL DC). We know he epically failed w/ The Raiders, but he was given a pass at the collegiate level b/c of his time at SC & let’s be frank, he’s polarizing.

At UTenn, in a transition class, he got the #8 class. His first two yrs at SC, he brought in back to back #3 classes. Then something weird happened, & no, it had chit to do w/ sanctions, b/c he was bringing in the #3 classes during this time. The SC class in yr 3 dipped a bit to #8, after the sanctions, & in his final half yr, bottomed to #13.

Now why do I use the term “bottomed” out? Here were SC’s class rankings after Pete got them rolling:

2002 - 8
2003 - 2
2004 - 2
2005 - 2
2006 - 1
2007 - 2
2008 - 4
2009 - 2

SC under Carroll was a recruiting machine, & Kiffin took full advantage of that momentum those first 2 yrs & carried on that recruiting prowess, & then yr 3 that momentum went away. It’s b/c Kiffin relied upon SC’s brand vs. actually recruiting. I can unequivocally tell u he had layups at SC feeder schools & refused to contact or follow up. SC fans, til this day hate him.

When Kiffin is under someone as a #2, he can recruit b/c he has no choice. When he’s the #1, he’s inconsistent. That’s y The Portal is great for him; minimal work, convince guys who want PT who r bouncing around to come in vs. having to deal w/ a high profiled player from HS who’s impressionable & indecisive.
Good stuff on the rankings. Kiffen was recruiting coordinator under PC, and was named recruiter of the year.
Lol. I will say that his last class at USC even though it was ranked 12 had the highest avg per player at 96.37. #1 Alabamas avg was 93.25. USC could only bring in 12 bc of the sanctions.


I guess we can crown Kiffin the King of Klass Average. Maybe he recruits better when he only has to focus on 12 guys. That's not lazy is it?
not lazy when you are prohibited by the NCAA from bringing in more.

Lol have to be trolling at this point

It's beyond tiring that all of you Kiffin *********** have to make an excuse for poor Lane on everything.

If Kiffin makes an illegal left-turn, you'll be in here talking about how he was previously given a legal dispensation to make left turns whenever he wants.
It's beyond tiring that all of you Kiffin *********** have to make an excuse for poor Lane on everything.

If Kiffin makes an illegal left-turn, you'll be in here talking about how he was previously given a legal dispensation to make left turns whenever he wants.
I just state facts. How y'all view them is another thing. And who even started this thread. It wasn't a pro-Kiffen person lol
Good stuff on the rankings. Kiffen was recruiting coordinator under PC, and was named recruiter of the year.

I’m well aware, which is y I said when he’s under someone, he’s a better recruiter b/c he has no choice.

U also need to understand that at this time, Kiffin was busting his *** to reach a certain status. Once he achieved that status, he tapered off tremendously.

Like at a certain point, data becomes out dated & irrelevant. What are the current trends? To continue to bring up something that was accomplished 15 yrs ago, or being a benefactor of inheriting a USC program that was legit recruiting itself does not equate to Kiffin being a good recruiter. U know how I know that? B/c there’s tangible data showing from 2012 (while at SC)-present it’s fallen off.

And for the ones defending this **** poor effort this cycle stating “his strategy is to recruit small HS classes & use the portal”, I think he needs a new strategy b/c Ole Miss had the #2 Portal Class for 2022, & all that led to was going from 10-3 in 2021 to 8-5 in 2022, on a 4 game losing streak.
Actually i wanted clawson way more than mario.

Lane and clawson were my top 2 choices.

Mario lost to mtsu and duke and youre balls deep on his johnson.

I absolutely support Mario. You’ll be the clown still talking about MTSU when Mario turns this thing around. Meanwhile, your hero just had an epic collapse in year three.