A Canes fan: When and Why for you?

I been at it for 62 or 63 years. My dad was in FDNY and retired to the banks of the Peace River in Punta Gorda in 1958. His sister and her husband moved to Miami a little before. She dominated competitions for fastest medical typist in Miami. She got associated with Doctors on the Orange Bowl Committee and did clerical stuff for them.

My Dad played some semi-pro ball in NY. He and my mom were no strangers to football, and quickly became fans of the George Myra Canes. Of course I was like 6 or 7 so they'd leave me with my older sisters in Punta Gorda and go over for a few games each season and party with my aunt and her husband. We watched them pretty regularly on TV and that sparked my interest.


I was a child and saw this happen. Done.
The U 30x30 docs did it for me.

As someone from Italy, it was challenging to catch college football on TV—only the NFL was available on cable. Nevertheless, I fell in love with the sport. My background in basketball and my uncle’s experiences at UConn, while living in New York during the late 80s, where he became an avid fan of all the pro teams, helped shape my understanding of American sports.

It was Chip Kelly and his remarkable Ducks that truly drew me into college football. That team and its offense left me in awe.

Yet, my love for the University of Oregon didn't blossom fully, though I admit to feeling a bit of affection—at least I don't harbor any animosity towards them like many others do.

Then, ESPN Classic entered my life, showcasing the 30x30 series during the day. Once I watched parts one and two, I was hooked. It was around 2014/2015, right at the sunset of the Golden Era. I still remember the moment Coach Richt was hired, and when I discovered this site, it was as if I had found my home; just like Brigham Young, I knew:

"This is THE place."
january 2, 1984 orange bowl v. Nebraska. i was a freshman at georgetown. i lived in the northeast and was at my parents for winter break. A bunch of high school friends watched the game. its was cold as **** outside, there was snow on the ground, and on the tv there was this beautiful tropical game going on with these badass brothers whooping on a predominantly lilly white nebraska team. i was hooked.
Born in Canton, OH

34 Years old

Cousin went to UM in the early 2000’s, that’s when they went on my radar.

October 11, 2003 - I watched #26 for Miami absolutely dominate a game against FSU in the rain and mud. That afternoon, I fell in love with football. And The U was injected into my veins.
Going on 51 years now. 👴

Two older brothers: one a Gator for life the other a Nole for life. So my choice was simple as that.

Saw the Canes beat the Univ. of Tampa Spartans and the great Freddy Solomon in 1974 at the old Tampa Stadium and was hooked for good

Born in Miami in 1974 on campus at Doctor's Hospital. Family bought 'All Sports' that year, too—we owned allCanes until 2016.

Season tickets at the Orange Bowl; started going to games in 1980 and put to work at the family shop by 1985-1986 during summer breaks.

Player and coaches always in and out of the shop and I was always getting things signed. My uncle owned Redd's Cleaners next door—popped over one day and he says to me, "I want you to meet the new head coach of the Canes—this is Mr. Jimmy Johnson" and I shook the man's hand while he was grabbing his dry cleaning.

Went to Ron Fraser's baseball camp for years; game at The Light, while at the Orange Bowl six Saturday's every fall.

Wound up heading to University of Florida after two years at MDCC; private school pricing and wanting out of Miami—but never wavered in loyalty. Drove down every Saturday for home games and rocked Canes gear all over campus. Had to endure 1996 and 1997 football seasons in Gainesville; the Gators with their first natty, as well as dealing with 5-6 for the Canes and probation bottoming out a year later—but lived and died with the Canes and didn't even bother walking at UF; just had them mail me my diploma.

Didn't step foot back on that campus until September 2002 for the 41-16 beat-down. Glorious.

Started covering the Canes for Grassy.com while I was a student at Florida, as well—Bryan Knoll giving my second writing gig and still grateful (after a one-month stint at The Independent Florida Alligator and quitting as I hated the Gators and realized I only wanted to write about things I cared about; namely 'The U'.)

Spent the next 25 years in San Diego—still returning home for games when I could and living and dying by Miami athletics.

Got in the blood very early and never looked back; a legit fanatic now going on 45 years.
Growing up in Iowa in the 80s and before the explosion of cable tv (remember the tv where you only had 11 or 13 available rotary channels?), my choices were limited to Iowa, ISU, ND and Miami. I was the lone wolf who sided with Miami.

My junior year in HS, my dad took me to the Miami v Iowa game in Iowa City - I definitely stood out in my section, lol.
Going on 51 years now. 👴

Two older brothers: one a Gator for life the other a Nole for life. So my choice was simple as that.

Saw the Canes beat the Univ. of Tampa Spartans and the great Freddy Solomon in 1974 at the old Tampa Stadium and was hooked for good
I do remember the game and Freddy was in two of my classes. He was a very nice person and a **** of an athlete. I too was in attendance at the ole Sombero
1975 in Key West. Played baseball and across from the park was George Myra's pizza. After every game we use to go there. He had all his stuff on the walls about him at the U. Became a fan right then and there. Never met George I believe his brother ran that place.
Welcome to another Conch

George’s Daddy Jimmy and his mother ran Mira’s Pizza….hung out there a lot.
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I was a child and saw this happen. Done.
I was in a bar in Marietta Ga. With my younger brother an FSU fan. We were pretty loud and pretty drunk, but when the Canes won we both let out hollers and head butted each other. He opened up a gash above my eye,.. they threw us out. But, hey it’s a Cane Thing.
1986. Impressionable 11-12 year old. Heard alotta hate towards the U - didn't play nor care about FB, but I loved the generational, racist hate flowing towards Miami and....that started the affair....FF to 99, got an offer to attend JWJ at UM Law, came for the summer headed into 2000 season, was on the ride and forever.