A Canes fan: When and Why for you?

Going on 51 years now. đź‘´

Two older brothers: one a Gator for life the other a Nole for life. So my choice was simple as that.

Saw the Canes beat the Univ. of Tampa Spartans and the great Freddy Solomon in 1974 at the old Tampa Stadium and was hooked for good
Those UT teams were pretty good in that era. If I remember correctly, they won a D2 national championship in the 70s. I live in the area and have driven past their old stadium many times. Never understood why they canceled their football program at UT.

born in Orlando in '91. Grew up very close to my uncle who was a die-hard FSU fan.

Just to be different, I started following the canes (because he hated them) closely around '97/'98 and then got hooked.

Two sides of this coin:

"I like the Canes because my dad, granddad, brother, uncle was an alum and/or fan.


the contrarians like you or me:

"My brother(s) or dad or uncle or best friend or neighbor was an FSU or Florida or Notre Dame fan so I went the opposite direction" :ROFLMAO:
My dad’s parents lived in the shadow of the Orange Bowl when they came over after the Holocaust. He used to walk to all of the games when they couldn’t give tickets away.

My dad is a double alum, sorta. He wound up studying hard and getting a scholarship to go to UM. At the time, there was no accelerated 6 or 7 year med program, but they accepted him before he graduated from UM undergrad. So he graduated Miami medical school but was one class shy of graduating undergrad. He has appealed to every President since he was there in the 70s and none have given him the degree.

Anyhow, first memory is Catholics/Convicts 88 game. Told me to boo the guys in gold. Did the same the next season at the OB. We had season tickets my whole life.

This season, I took my four year old daughter to the GT game after she showed an interest and watched the FSU game with me. Now she runs around waving to me with the Cam Ward celebration, she pairs her clothes to be green and orange and she cannot wait to go to her next game. She is understanding the strategy now and the general idea of the sport. It is amazing to watch and this season will always be a win for me and hold a special place in my heart, regardless of GT and Syracuse.
My earliest memory of CFB was when we beat Oklahoma and Melvin Bratton blew out his knee. My dad (a PSU lifer) was explaining how bad a dude MB was. He even had to admit how good of a squad that was.

98 UCLA game where Edge went off piqued my interest. I had never seen a RB dominate that way before.

We opened the next season with OSU (Eddie George was my favorite player, so my favorite school was OSU) and we ran roughshod with James Jackson and Najeh. I immediately renounced my OSU fan hood and have been a fan ever since.
didn't know much about college football when I moved to the US at age 16 for school. read Cane Mutiny by Bruce Feldman and got hooked by the underdog and us against the world story
Ironically I was initially an FSU fan until I was about 13/14. My dad despite being from Ohio, started following Miami whenever we moved down here.

I made the right change ironically during one of Miami’s worst games ever (1998 VS Syracuse). I remember my dad saying of Miami gets down by 21, they will start fighting. I’ve been a fan of The U ever since. Been to numerous games, have had so much gear over the years and bleed Orange and Green.