7on7 Practice Notes


Nov 4, 2015
Don't know the credibility of the poster, but this was posted on TOS (I found it on 247, so idk where it originated from).
"I will go through the new guys who have stood out..


Perry looks extremely athletic in a 7v7 setting.. He is quick,not fast, and moves through his progressions well. Arm strength is an 8 or 9/10, and his touch is decent. He has struggled a few times on the intermediate passes, second guesses whether to fire it in or throw it softer. Overall he has a nice all around game in a 7v7 setting..

Weldon- The kid has an extremely soft touch on deep passes and intermediate throws.. Can fire it when needed, but likes to provide a very catchable ball for the wideouts..Arm strength is a 7or 8/10, and he moves very very well.. Throws better on the run right now than Perry, but also isnt quite as confident in his decision making.. Several pumps before delivering the ball often.. I am not quite sure he is ready, but athletically he is probably our best overall guy.. Has bulked up nicely, and looks every bit the part of a bigtime college qb.. His deep ball is one of the best I have seen in a while.


What can I say, the kid is doing everything in his power to be the starter, he looks great, he moves well, arm strength 6 or 7/10, and he has worked a lot on his footwork and timing.. He carries himself different than both Perry and Weldon, he is extremely liked and extremely confident.. The wideouts and backs respond immediately if he calls for them, and his reads are much quicker than Perry and Weldon.. His short passes have gotten MUCH better, and his deep ball is getting better as well.. Athleticallyhe is a solid kid, and if he rolls out game one as the starter I will feel super comfortable as I believe he has all the tools to run this O effectively..


two newcomers who have had a great showing so far:

Thomas- This kid is hands down the most electric player I have seen at wideout for us in years.. His quickness is unreal, and his ability to hit top speed and outrun a defender is elite.. I watched several guys lineup and challenge him, only Young could stay with him briefly, but once Thomas gets a step he extends the gap quickly.. He made two deep catches for quick scores against Delaney..Now for reference, I watched Delaney physically overpower Richards and take away his inside move, he pushed him toward the sideline quickly so he would have sideline help.. He tried that with Thomas but Jeff just blew by him both times..Kid is awesome, will be fun to watch..


Not as fast as Jeff, but extremely quick, and has above average to almost elite top end speed.. Looks extremely similar speed wise to Richards, and may actually give him the nod on top end speed. He doesnt like when guys get physical with him at the line, Delaney is extemely physical, and it ****es Harley off going up against him.. Delaney wants tochallenge you at the line, and Harley likes when guys give him some room to set up his moves.. Not sure how effective he will be against the physical cbs, but if anyone plays off of him its easy pickings for Harley.. His speed allows him to work extremely well in the middle and if he also gets a step its hard to stay with him deep.. Overall I am extremely pleased with both of these speed guys..

Dallas- Obviously Dallas had a quiet spring but he has made nice progress this summer, his hands and quickness provide a nice safety net for qbs.. He is routinely a favorite for all the qbs.. He for sure has the most catches of the new guys and while he doesnt have the top end speed of Thomas, Harley and Richards, he is right there with short speed.. Look for him to be a first down machine come fall ball..



Very fast and athletic, will be our fastest or 2nd fastest cb behind Young.. Provides the best frame and quickness to be an elite cb.. Not as physical as Delaney, but still holds his own. Had two nice picks recently, one off Perry and one off Cade..Loves to run, likes to play off and let the wideouts move some, uses his speed to almost bully the slower guys...Very solid kid..


My favorite player on defense so far, kid is electric.. Quick, physical, and loves the challenge.. Has had some problems with a few wideouts, watched Mullins just Moss him a few times, and Bandy was kind of frustrated, but he doesnt skip a beat, just goes right back to challenging anyone who lines up against him.. Faster than expected, as far as quickness he is as good as anyone, havent got a chance to see his long speed much..Will be a great asset on special teams and filling in this season..


One of the most physical cbs I have ever seen in person.. Wants to bully the wideouts...He has caused more frustration than you can imagine.. Watched he and Mullins go at it a few times, both jawing and pushing.. Mullins got him once and Delaney knocked Mullins to the ground the next time around..Fast, not elite fast, but fast, and if the wideout is a weaker guy you might as well write him off, Delaney will just overpower him and run him out of the play.. Will be a starter here, pleasantly surprised at his ability..Great lockdown guy..

Extremely impressed with these guys, the best depth and playmakers we have had in while, absolutely love it.."

"Ok Evan is obviously there, but I just see an average player who hasnt progressed since spring...Imo if he starts we are in trouble..

Walton, not going to lie, of course I love challenging people over him, but he looks really good..Still wish he had more speed, his ability to catch is outstanding, and I hope they use him more in that apsect..

One other thing, Gus felder is unreal, the kids love this guy... He has done an outstanding job of keeping everything organized this first part of summer, very respected, one of the best hires of anyone on this staff.."

"Weldon is physically more ready than Perry, but his hesitation and second guessing would be a nightmare in a game like fsu.. Perry doesnt hesitate, he just quickly go throughs progressions and then fires, doesnt always make the right read, but he gets the ball out quicker and with more authority.. So imo its between Perry and Rosier, as Weldon is shirting imo..I will say Rosier starts game one..Perry has the goods, but if History serves as any guidance, Richt always likes experience early in the year.."
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Some of this stuff seems to be on par with what we have heard from Pete and D-Money. However, some of this seems to be just someone trying to sound like an insider. For instance, the poster mentioned that Jeff Thomas is faster than Mike Harley, and then also said that Harley is quicker than Jeff. That statement needs to be flipped around. He also mentioned that Dallas had a "quiet" spring. If the poster is plugged as he seems to want people to believe, this comment should have never been made.
Some of this stuff seems to be on par with what we have heard from Pete and D-Money. However, some of this seems to be just someone trying to sound like an insider. For instance, the poster mentioned that Jeff Thomas is faster than Mike Harley, and then also said that Harley is quicker than Jeff. That statement needs to be flipped around. He also mentioned that Dallas had a "quiet" spring. If the poster is plugged as he seems to want people to believe, this comment should have never been made.

Thomas is faster than Harley
Rosier will be our Tee Martin! Take us to the playoffs this year, probably will not win it, but will make the final four.
Some of this stuff seems to be on par with what we have heard from Pete and D-Money. However, some of this seems to be just someone trying to sound like an insider. For instance, the poster mentioned that Jeff Thomas is faster than Mike Harley, and then also said that Harley is quicker than Jeff. That statement needs to be flipped around. He also mentioned that Dallas had a "quiet" spring. If the poster is plugged as he seems to want people to believe, this comment should have never been made.

Thomas is faster than Harley

Thomas is definitely quicker. On film, I was under the impression that Thomas was faster as well. However, coming from Derrick Smith, Harley is faster. I trust his opinion over my personal evaluation, and frankly, yours as well.
Some of this stuff seems to be on par with what we have heard from Pete and D

Thomas had the fasted recorded 40 at the open last year. beat out Chris hendo. who knows maybe he is faster than Harley. He certainly accelerates faster.
Some of this stuff seems to be on par with what we have heard from Pete and D

Thomas had the fasted recorded 40 at the open last year. beat out Chris hendo. who knows maybe he is faster than Harley. He certainly accelerates faster.

I'm with you, my man. The last thing I want is for this thread to be hijacked by the "who's faster than who" argument. At the end of the say, I am just happy that there is an infusion of speed on the team now. I simply made the comment based upon what was shared from one of the DB's on the team. Didn't mean to make this bigger than what it is.
Hot Take: Jeff Thomas is going to be the best wr on the team before the end of the season.
Nice to hear good stuff on Rosier. My preference is that we don't go into Tally with a true freshmen so it'd be nice to see some buzz with the other guys. It seems like all the players are always posting workouts and highlights with Perry but you never see that stuff with Rosier and Sherriffs
Hot Take: Jeff Thomas is going to be the best wr on the team before the end of the season.

Jeff Thomas will be the biggest threat and open up the offense. However, he's going to make way for Richards to go off. Defenses will have to protect themselves against Thomas going deep. My prediction is the Richards finishes first in yards and touchdowns
Rosier will be our Tee Martin! Take us to the playoffs this year, probably will not win it, but will make the final four.

We would be fortunate if this is the case. I believe Martin set the college record for consecutive completions that year.
Thanks for passing on the 411 assclown11

This time of year we're desperate for news.
Im buying the hype pete is selling on perry but i really want rosier to win the job. He can run the RPO better than it was ran last year and if he has improved his accuracy like this thread is stating thats great news.
Im also curious to see who wins the 2,3,4 WR positions. Cager and mullins sound like possession receivers and JT4 sounds like he could contribute in a way dorsett did his jr yr if he has a great yr
Richards and Thomas on the field together is going to be an absolute nightmare for defenses to have to try and cover. Also, like I've said before, I'm cool with Rosier starting, if he's improved that much.