30 for 30 Catholics vs Convicts thoughts?

The best part was when lou Holtz talked about how notre Dane goes above and beyond doing it the right way. The dude can barely even talk. You know he was reaching deep in his boosters pockets

I'll admit that the TD at the end was BS, but if the Gary fumble hadn't been called we would have been kicking a FG on that play to take a 34-31 lead.

The fact that they stated, b4 this documentary aired, the term Catholic v Convicts still follows both teams today.

ESPN has done its damnedest to keep us stuck in the past, crippling our rep; whether it's harping on facilities (that has been upgraded), where we play (that has been upgraded), it being a poor job (although we're in the best recruiting area), or airing documentaries that highlight the worst of us, vs embracing that we have one of the best football programs in history along with being a top 50 school in the nation academically.
The best part was when lou Holtz talked about how notre Dane goes above and beyond doing it the right way. The dude can barely even talk. You know he was reaching deep in his boosters pockets

Yeah...doing it right...
"I didn't realize Tony rice didn't take his SAT's"
ND goes to a Prop 48 kid to win their only Natty in 50 years.
I'll admit that the TD at the end was BS, but if the Gary fumble hadn't been called we would have been kicking a FG on that play to take a 34-31 lead.

It's BS that they even focused on that.
That play had nothing to do with the outcome.
Cleveland Gary's play had everything to do with the outcome.
Took a while to get going because we obviously don't give a crap about ND.
60% ND slant as expected. 2 things:
1. They spent a bit of time on our last TD to pull within one. It didn't look like Brown had possession as he hit the ground.
I assume this was done to show that Miami benefited from a bad call as did ND on the Gary play.
I'll trade calls. Give me the Gary TD. The Brown 4th down would have never happened. We would have kicked the game winning 28 yard FG on that play.
2. The narrator says of the '89 game that Holtz would not put up with any fighting and would bench players who did. He said because of this, "perhaps a more subdued ND" lost to Miami the following year.... yeah, a 10-0, #1 ranked ND team is going to go into that Miami game "subdued' because of something BooHoo Lou said before the game. Don't think so. A great defense, a 4th and 43 conversion, and an 18 play 10 minute TD drive was the reason for the subdue-sion.

The 1989 ND game is the greatest football game I have ever been to. The intensity in the OB was amazing. Started during warmups and lasted the whole game.
Classic bait & switch, the t-shirt angle was about 10% of the film & the Notre Dame stroke job was the rest. I knew thats what was gonna happen & I turned it off 2/3 through. Never to be watched again, it was ND fan garbage.
I still hate that final play call. He goes to the smallest guy on the field in Leonard Conley. Why? I know he felt pressure, but he said that was the designed call. Conley was short and not the best receiver (although he was fine as a receiver). Meanwhile, UM had 2 very good TEs in Chud and Bethel. Argh.

As for the 30 for 30, as someone pointed out, a much better subject would have been the following year's game. I have never felt such raw emotion when we celebrated. I must have flipped off 200 ND fans walking out of the OB.
Definition of Irony
- We are viewed as the convicts but the truth is a few ND kids broke the law
- Yes - they broke copyright law but we broke the law by wearing fatigues?

Part Two - What coach put 5 programs on probation
- Little hint - NC State, Minn, Arkansas, ND and South Carolina
- Amazing Lou gets a free pass
the best part are the UM parts the geek ND guys selling shirts backstory is lame

The UM parts are about 5% of the documentary.

I was very disappointed by the film. The only interesting part to me was when they talked about how many trademark infringements the ND shirtmakers committed.
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