30 for 30 Catholics vs Convicts thoughts?

The movie was boring. If it didn't have us it wouldn't be a thing.

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Complete ND fluff piece

But it didn't make them look good

it made them look the white elitist basically the football version on Duke

I think people can see Miami was the victim, remember those celebrations made us look bad but today that stuff likes tame and just a team having fun. We weren't convicts we were black. Those white kids were blatantly breaking the law it was just white collar crime like copyright and trademark infringement.
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To be honest, I never realized that Miami scored after the so=called fumble. I did not follow the team that closely in those days. I wonder if Holtz's reaction was genuine when he was shown the replay of the last Miami touchdown. Interceptions have been the bane of Miami's existence. Between that game and Testaverde in the desert, that might have been two additional titles.
I might be in the minority, but I enjoyed this one. I thought it was fair and honest. Even covered some of the intrinsic racism and elitism present at Notre Dame. As much as I hate Notre Dame (and make no mistake this was a HUGE Notre Dame and Lou Holtz suckfest), they did not do a disservice to The U at all. Made me long for the glory days almost as much as the two U 30 for 30's.

Jimmy Johnson is still the man and was the star of this thing if you ask me. You can tell that this man has a disdain and hatred for Notre Dame and Lou Holtz even to this day. The part where they talked about him playing and coaching for Arkansas under Broyles, only to be passed up for the HC job (his dream job), by Lou Holtz was brutal.

My favorite part was when Jimmy was talking about the Gerry Faust blowout. He revealed a side of this "infamous" game I'm not sure we've heard before when he talked about how Maryland came back from 30 to beat us his first season, and then how they were celebrating a victory against Boston College only to have Doug Flutie throw his famous Hail Mary to steal the victory. Jimmy said he had suffered too many heartbreaks, and from that moment on, he was not going to let his team take their foot off the pedal. I really hope more coaches paid attention to this segment
Complete ND fluff piece

But it didn't make them look good

it made them look the white elitist basically the football version on Duke

I think people can see Miami was the victim, remember those celebrations made us look bad but today that stuff likes tame and just a team having fun. We won't convicts we were black. Those white kids were blatantly breaking the law it was just white collar crime like copyright and trademark infringement.

HUGE point that probably went over most people who watched head. They also tresspassed on a couple of occasions as well. Props to you for pointing that out.

Lou Holtz talking about save Jimmy Johnson's *** for him in the pregame, while at the same time, we're literally in the other locker room saying a prayer.

Like I said, I thought the filmmakers were extremely fair and honest with the depiction of both squads.
To be honest, I never realized that Miami scored after the so=called fumble. I did not follow the team that closely in those days. I wonder if Holtz's reaction was genuine when he was shown the replay of the last Miami touchdown. Interceptions have been the bane of Miami's existence. Between that game and Testaverde in the desert, that might have been two additional titles.

This is why I wanted Richt to go for two against FSU, It's in Miami's DNA.

As for the "documentary." ND fans will like the elitist parts and reinforcement of their, dare I say it, privilege, as it was created by one of their own. Their feeling that they are doing things "the right way," while being oblivious to the obvious contridictions, i.e. Pat#2 gets his money to start the t-shirt business from a guy on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), then later "uses his entrepreneurial skills to be a great success" working at the CBOT...Yeah, BS, total cronyism (or nepotism) on display. Heck, we are supposed to feel sorry for the guy when he can't see his name on the wall because he and the Captain of the NOTRE DAME basketball team put out that racist shirt.

Speaking of racist, I'm wondering (not really, E$ECPN practices selective outrage) where was Jamele Hill, Stephen A Smith and Michael Smith "embracing debate" on just how racist the whole thing these Notre Dame students did? I'm sure ND got a first look at the documentary, since so many scenes, i.e. Rice throwing the football, the 58-7 banner, were shot recently on campus. Didn't they object to the basketball captain, the real pusher of the shirts, talking the whole time with an ND jacket on? How does Tony Rice hang out with these racists? I don't want to start another Alabama thread, but this is what burns up a lot of white guys whose career (military) was very racially integrated: The selective outrage. Colin the SF QB can kneel for every esoteric reason under the sun, be it police, castro, etc. but when specific racism is practiced by people in his own industry, i.e. big time football, not a peep. I posted an Urban Meyer exchange in another thread:


Where is Colin Kaepernick doing his research and making public statements about Urban? Did he watch this last night? Is his press conference scheduled to discuss this? To point out ND's tacit approval of this highlighting of a racist act? More importantly, is he going to call out Tony Rice, Todd Lyght, etc. for maintaining relationships with these racists? In a post above, I called out these White, Irish Catholic-descent elitist d-bag racists for who they are, but where is the accompanying outrage by black influence leaders against this collaboration? Again, SELECTIVE outrage.

Finally, this piece shows just what tools we have to deal with still to this day:

Miami Hurricanes Football a Long Way From 'Catholics vs Convicts'

Good on Professor Jessop for calling out Matt Fortuna...Love to see him take her up on the class offer, then get his bald, fat *** thrown in Biscayne Bay to reinforce the lesson!
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Jimmy was right when he said that calling a fumble by Gary at the goal line cost him another National Championship and gave Holtz a NC. It was apparent he was bitter that Holtz got a NC because of the ref's bad call.
Jimmy was right when he said that calling a fumble by Gary at the goal line cost him another National Championship and gave Holtz a NC. It was apparent he was bitter that Holtz got a NC because of the ref's bad call.

Well, Jimmy has one and Holtz has one...As for the NFL:


Starts @2:35

Holtz left the Jets before the season was over with only three wins, so he failed miserably in the NFL. Jimmy has two SB rings and would have had a third but for Jerry Jones.

Oh, he would have beat Holtz scrawny ***.
I thought it was a fair treatment overall. Of course had an ND bias as to be expected since it really wasn't about the U.

Can't believe that ND player thought the Gary play was a fumble. He sounded foolish especially after the repeated slow-mo shots.

Too bad the rivalry ended like it did.
I went to bed about halfway through. Was so bored. Maybe it got more interesting at the end.

Official bagman of the WEZ