30 for 30 Catholics vs Convicts thoughts?

This 30 for 30 sets back arguments against white privilege at least 5 years...What a bunch of smug @$$holes!
This 30 for 30 sets back arguments against white privilege at least 5 years...What a bunch of smug @$$holes!

Don't these ND guys realize this movie will actually help miami.In the other U movies if you're not a miami fan you'll hate miami and all the swagger but ND is victimizing miami here.They're coming across as racists,elitist.This movie will change some fans perception of the canes.
Why are we hooting and a hollaring over a documentary that features one of Miami's premiere losses in the 80s?
Why are we hooting and a hollaring over a documentary that features one of Miami's premiere losses in the 80s?

Look at the comments, nobody is hooting and hollering. Maybe you are because they had a CFP commercial on with your beloved Urban and O$Uck
This documentary is terrible. Of course it's being narrated from the ND side. But my god, it's pretty bad. I'll give ol' Billy some credit here. His documentaries are immensely better than this ****.
Will this help us with recruiting?

I would show it to every South Florida recruit being pursued by Notre Dame and HC Brian Kelly to really show who runs that $#!+hole!

To put it in perspective, I was born into an ethnicity and a religion that makes me an ideal candidate to be a Notre Dame fan. After seeing these condescending pricks who were behind that shirt, their similarity spanning to even a name, well...It makes me even more thankful that the only college football team I've ever followed, heck the university I sent my son to, is the UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI HURRICANES!!!!
This documentary is poison for every young black recruit that is being pursued by ND and Miami at the same time. Period.
What ****es me off is that a mediocre Notre Dame team GAVE US THE F***ING GAME and we still couldn't close the deal this last time out.

Mediocre is being generous...that was the tail end of the Richt play calling debacle that was our putrid October. Hope the rust is now off.
