Rumor 2nd REALLY STRONG Recruiting Wave About to Hit

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It is. Definitely something you don’t see down here in Miami. Santo Domingo is bigger and has more things but I personally like Santiago better. Cleaner. Less traffic and still has the essentials. Love the women of el Cibao and my baseball team is Las Aguilas Cibaeñas.
Maybe it’s because I’ve been in Santiago so much that the grass is greener in SD.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been in Santiago so much that the grass is greener in SD.
Lol true maybe vice versa for me. If you haven’t been there, try parador Corazon de Jesus in jarabacoa. Not too far from Santiago. Excellent smoked ribs with an amazing view.
My wife is from Santiago. I like Santo Domingo better. Lol. Kite Beach in Cabarete is where I was about a year ago. I sat out there for hours watching those guys. I’ve been before that as well. It’s just a cool thing to see.
Santo Domingo is so much larger. I understand that it's natural for people to compare the largest and 2nd largest city, but I find it silly in the case of DR.
Giving me Baez vibes, he use to tweet the block is hot all the time lol. #storm18
I get where this is coming from but by all accounts Smith is REALLY good at his job… lame tweets aside

Never heard the greatest things about Baez and still don’t to this day. But it appears he’s in a lesser role from I have been told
Recruiting at a high level for the first time since the turn of the century and these guys still complaining. I was a “mope” for wanting the last 5 coaches gone but these are the real mopes. Christ
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I lived in Santo Domingo, DR for 6 years for school. Got sent to Puerto Plata for a rotation and, of course, we went up a couple days early and stayed in Cabarete. People kept telling me about the kite surfing out there but when I pulled up to the beach and saw hundreds of kites in the air as far as the eye could see was when I really realized that place is known for that.
Puerto Plata? Meet any Russians? Lol.

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