Rumor 2nd REALLY STRONG Recruiting Wave About to Hit

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You mentioned me when I wasn’t talking to you, otherwise you wouldn’t have had anything to let go. As a mod you should know better than anyone how the block/ignore button works.

The prediction I was referencing as the one people seemed to be questioning and wondering what happened (not me, check my post history) was from Leeds, not Cribby. So when he came in here making that post minutes after mine about people questioning his predictions, that’s why I said if it doesn’t apply let it fly. That’s what he should be doing anyways . Dude been on here in the recruiting game how many years and still defending his track record against impatient and unreasonable fans with no sources, why ?

Then here you come with the same apparent assumption that I was talking about Cribby, asking me the same exact question twice. Which I answered twice. When you didn’t get the answer you were looking for, you said “carry on as you wish” One three word post after that “I should have stopped” ? And that’s grounds for a ban ? lol ok

I’m sure I’ll get banned again for this post because the power you have on here seems very important to you and that’s all good, but don’t parade around about people being emotional when you got in your feelings that quickly after I was minding my business participating on a public forum when you butted in.
Glad to have you back.

K thx.

@surfcane would be the appropriate person to ask I believe.
Some waves are slow. Think longboard waves and most Florida waves. I would say no ore than 15 MPH. Faster waves think Bali bukit peninsula etc require short boards and I think 20 MPH is accurate. Huge waves like Nazarre in Portugal are another thing and prob 30 mph? All are fast enough. The harder thing is the split sec you have to get up from prone and set your line. You have to do that on at most 2 Sec.
Some waves are slow. Think longboard waves and most Florida waves. I would say no ore than 15 MPH. Faster waves think Bali bukit peninsula etc require short boards and I think 20 MPH is accurate. Huge waves like Nazarre in Portugal are another thing and prob 30 mph? All are fast enough. The harder thing is the split sec you have to get up from prone and set your line. You have to do that on at most 2 Sec.
I’ve taken my kids to the DR and PR to surf but never in the winter when the waves are bigger. We were in Lisbon this summer but never made it up to Nazare.
I’ve taken my kids to the DR and PR to surf but never in the winter when the waves are bigger. We were in Lisbon this summer but never made it up to Nazare.
I was in Lisbon last month and stopped off at Nazare on the way from the Duoro Valley to Lisbon. You didn’t miss much (neat little beach town but the set is just North). The waves were probably head and a half high but nothing like what comes during the winter months.
I get it. What I don't necessarily get is the "accountability" angle when someone is sharing info for free on how things are trending or even an interesting unsubstantiated rumor. Sometimes it could be hyperbole but it's a message board where we talk about possibilities not certainties so everything should have the disclaimer TIFWIW. Keeping score of when someone is wrong because a circumstance or variable changed and being disappointed with an outcome of where an 18-19 year old recruit spends their next 3-4 years seems a little crazy IYAM. Also comparing message board "insiders" to paid professional journalists seems a little asymmetrical as well but I digress.. sorry for the long boring post in advance


Things change.

I want to know what people are hearing. Any rational, well adjusted person understands that nothing is for certain.

The insiders never guarantee anything. They just give opinions on the data they have at the time. That data is ALWAYS CHANGING.
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