Rumor 2nd REALLY STRONG Recruiting Wave About to Hit

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Listen up you shrieking putz… I’m going to make this brief. Everybody can see what you did in here. You responded like a jackassing Karen like you so often do to numerous other posters. Going forward when I see you doing it, I’m not going to ignore it like I did recently when you were hounding @bobbydigius , @djnellz and @Confidence1000. I’m going to jump in and go after you. And I’m going to look for reasons to go after you until you stop it.

And yeah, I’ll absolutely ban you in brief spurts now without hesitation and use other means to dissuade you from acting like a jackwad all over the board until you stop doing it.

Everyone please feel free to @ me on the board openly when Karenical Embolism does his little Karening thing and I’ll be there.

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I’m all about the board being an equal opportunity type place, personally. Karen is a lame and constantly argues just to argue while doing the very mental gymnastics she accuses everyone else of doing but she is a Cane and this is a place for Canes. The only thing I ask of her and yes @Cryptical Envelopment im talking to you, save the fvckin rants. Learn how to be more succinct in your points.

Holy bat**** lol.

All I I said, to another poster who mentioned a town was, "Puerto Plata? Meet any Russians? Lol. #ifyouknowyouknow."

Just because the "lol" and "#ifyouknowyouknow" didn't tip your 160 IQ brain off, you've now not only twisted my words above, but made an absolute statement and misquoted me because that revisionist garbage helps defend your ridiculous behavior.

You're a mod who uses this place as his personal fiefdom to attack posters whenever you want, then you ban or thread ban them so they can't respond to you, like you will now. You started this whole new spat in this thread with your obnoxious little "stay in your lane" nonsense in an innocuous conversation even though it was YOU that didn't know what we were talking about, but its always everyone else's fault, right? Why? Literally, why start a fight with a poster when you're supposed to be a mod, even? Why did you start crap up when everything was fine?

Then I get... whatever tween cartoon nonsense attack you just posted above, because that's what you do. No one was fighting. No one was arguing. Everyone was having fun. But you, a mod, had to take it there. "Stay in your lane," what an ******* thing to say, for no reason, when you're ignorant to the joke, even. Why must you start so much crap here? And you're a MOD? What a clown show.

I hope being the king meter maid of all these super important pixels 17 hours a day is giving you the satisfaction you seek, and I'm sorry if you're having a bad weekend, but really, stop.

Now I am going to go read and post about our new locker rooms, cause that's what matters, and you can keep at it. Thanks.
He doesn't want to date you.
I’m all about the board being an equal opportunity type place, personally. Karen is a lame and constantly argues just to argue while doing the very mental gymnastics she accuses everyone else of doing but she is a Cane and this is a place for Canes. The only thing I ask of her and yes @Cryptical Envelopment im talking to you, save the fvckin rants. Learn how to be more succinct in your points.
The Karening shît is done. I’m clipping it when I see it.
I've been out with covid and some savage vertigo....did we fucc in the last 9 days? 🤔
Costa Rica Ocean GIF by Chris
The Karening shît is done. I’m clipping it when I see it.
Look I’ve been guilty of spamming the board arguing with people over some BS but I’ve tried to reel it in and the last time with Karen I just bowed out cause it was pointless. She is a smart person, but obsessed at arguing and will always twist something into another thing. When she dropped D$ real name multiple times in a post, I was out…
Look I’ve been guilty of spamming the board arguing with people over some BS but I’ve tried to reel it in and the last time with Karen I just bowed out cause it was pointless. She is a smart person, but obsessed at arguing and will always twist something into another thing. When she dropped D$ real name multiple times in a post, I was out…
She’s been Karening since she joined the board. It’s enough already. Dropping D$’s name multiple times in that rant wasn’t an accident. He was gracious about it.
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