2013 S&P+ vs 2012 S&P+

Nah man your perfectly logical explanations (with visual aids) are totally irrelevant, because SCHEME MAN.

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So what about his play calling/play design is so horrible that it makes us so bad on third downs?

it sucks.... leaving so much space for any offense to continue to exploit, scared to constrict windows when one of the 2 best units on the team is the secondary (the other is the OLINE) w/ AJ Highsmith not on the field.

So then you have Shayon Green running into zone 10 yards back looking ridiculous, it's all a form of prevent. Even when Miami is somewhat aggressive on defense it's soft.

EX.) Jimbo calls a timeout, he sees exactly what Miami's going to do on defense, stubborn *** D'onofrio thinks the time out was for no reason at all except for an extra water break, so when FSU gets on the field, they call a bubble screen and takes it to the house.

All of the players are so far up the field, Shayon Green running to get in a soft zone 10 yards up the field and allows the offense to set up perfectly underneath..... now that was happening the entire game. Not to that extent w/ the big play TD but the offense was able to constantly do any and everything they wanted to underneath.

Coach D say "well i'm going to prevent the deep ball by scheming away from the LOS" even though ur secondary is talented enough to meet that challenge.... it was a terrible game plan from start to finish b/c he shouldve realized the game wasnt going to be 1 dimensional.... FSU wasnt going to sit there and try and throw hailmary TDs all game so where was the ***n adjustment or pre planning so you wouldnt have to adjust?

Not a talent issue imo
Defense is a lot better obviously but there is a reason why Miami has choked on 3rd and 4th down conversions in ACC play this season and it's not talent.

smh dude you've really stuck your heels in the dirt about the scheme on D being our problem for everything. I though my post in WCD's thread would be the last on the scheme matter but I guess this will be it.

I'm going to use j of just a couple philosophies of the dalai lama of college football (Satan) for this illustration.

Essentials of winning Secondary

All good defensive football players are good tacklers- YOU MUST BE A GOOD TACKLER

Always know the game situation: Down, Distance, Period, Time Remaining, and Score of the Game.

Remember those two keys ok

Now what defensive coverage we are playing doesn't even matter for this excersice (although in my non-expert opinion I thought everyone played it well, although I think TC should be carrying that shallow since his key went outside to the flat, but that's neither here nor there). Anyway remember or key "know down and distance", it's 3rd down and 10

So the reciever catches a 3 yard give or take a few inches pass

Defense has him boxed in for what will be at best a 7 yard gain setting up a 4th & 3 early in the game in Wake territory. Good stop for the defense....Howeva

Not only will Crawford miss the tackle he doesn't even force the WR to cut inside where our big badazz LB is waiting to knock his block off.

Again we don't care what the defensive coverage call is here for this just remember what Saban said "Always know the situation" It's 3rd & 10 in our RZ

The reciever catches what amounts to a 3 yard pass, but this time our guys are in position to stop him immediately for a 4 maybe 5 yard gain. Since Saban says, "YOU MUST BE A GOOD TACKLER" we are about to make Wake to have to kick a FG......

Sigh....my, my, my miss the tackle allow reciever to pick up extra and setup a 4th & short and we know what happens next

I save the best for last. Remember Always know the situation. It's late in the 4th, Miami has a 3pt lead the absolute worse thing we can do is give up a TD. Smh forget the fact that we are in man coverage and TC lost his man on the misdirection (not important) look at this horsesht attempt at a tackle from a LBer

Like I said I'll make this my last post on the matter, because IDK if my none expert opinion on the matter is any better than yours. However I feel like people get to caught up in the end result and forget all the other things that have nothing to do with the "scheme" that contribute to our failures on defense. I mean some of the biggest plays in the Wake game occurred while D'ofino had us playing Man (ie the bomb on Artie, the big 4th and 5, the TD on TC just to name a few). I mean seriously the guy can't win for losing iyam haha.

Also I'm not saying some play calls are without fault, but that goes for any Coach, however, when I think of the issues I have with what's being taught or done on defense there are other issues that come before scheme to me and one of them is tackling. I understand the concussion stuff has effect how much hitting we can do in practice, but I see little 6 year olds on Saturdays with better form then I see from some of our players during games.

look man everybody knows tackling is key, thats in ANY defense.... Miami's secondary does a good job at that, but yes there were lapses against WF regardless the scheme left those wide receivers wide open like D'nofrio was scared of them. You think Tracy Howard, Antonio Crawford, and Ladarius Gunter cant matchup w/ WF's receivers and close those gaps in space.... squeeze the areas where the QB can get the ball off 2?

Yes they can, like i said in any scheme open field tackling is important, the problem is D'nofrio doesnt give a **** about the talent he has and wants them to play a static role on defense that is easy for offensive coaches to exploit during games..... Our LBs are 2 big to be asked to cover in wide open space so long and so often but D'nofrio keeps them in space regardless.... things like that makes no sense.

Look it's easy to say well this person made a mistake on this play thats why (for example) wake forest converted blahblah.... any coach can always put that excuse on to a player and if that was acceptable across the board No coach would ever get fired.
Boston College and Syracuse are going to have more players drafted to the NFL then Miami



Miami has put more guys in the NFL the past 5 years then Ohio State while winning half the amount of games.



Yeah but now we have a coach and talent, no? Players are getting drafted so its sure as **** not talent that was the issue when Randy was here.
what's D'nofrio's excuse?

Oh, I don't know...but it might have something to do with having to rely on a bunch of guys who wouldn't start anywhere else in the ACC.

lol you are hilariously ridiculous if you believe that....

Every starter on this defense could start for any team in the ACC not named FSU, and some of them would start for FSU as well.

You've left me speechless. Just when I thought this board had reached its peak of stupidity...

You had a bunch of posters on here thinking they would beat FSU and taking names of people who disagreed. Now FSU is way more talented and we are 4 years away.

Huh? I predicted we'd get pounded. You have me confused with someone else.
what's D'nofrio's excuse?

Oh, I don't know...but it might have something to do with having to rely on a bunch of guys who wouldn't start anywhere else in the ACC.

lol you are hilariously ridiculous if you believe that....

Every starter on this defense could start for any team in the ACC not named FSU, and some of them would start for FSU as well.

You've left me speechless. Just when I thought this board had reached its peak of stupidity...

You are obviously retarded.....

Deon Bush and Rayshawn Jenkins would start on every team in the ACC not named FSU, and Deon Bush healthy would start there 2.

Tracy Howard and Ladarius Gunter would start on every team not named FSU and VT but they would definitely push on both teams.

Denzel Perryman is starting on any team in the country.

Anthony Chickillo would start on most teams in the ACC, Shayon Green would too except for Clemson, VT, and FSU. The DTs would start on most teams in the ACC not named FSU and VT as well.

You are stupid and just want to make excuses for why the coaching has been so pathetic on 3rd and 4th downs.

I have news for you. None of what you just porsted is even remotely true.
According to Sebastian and lovelamp..... the entire defensive roster needs to be overhauled before D'nofrio can be held accountable for anything wow.

We have to wait for Tracy Howard, Deon Bush, Artie Burns, Jermaine Grace, and Raphael Kirby all graduate, then D'nofrio will have better talent on the roster. smh

If you were paying attention, or could read, you would know that I have stated repeatedly that our underclassmen are very talented, but lack experience. The roster does not need an overhaul. It needs to continue with what they're doing, which is replacing less talented upperclassmen with more talented underclassmen, preferably after giving them some time to develop mentally and physically. Many of these talented underclassmen have been rushed onto the field out of necessity, and some have handled it better than others. The fact remains that D'onofrio is hand-cuffed right now...he has upperclassmen with experience, but severe physical limitations...he has underclassmen with all the physical tools, but without the experience. Put the two together, and you get the defense we've seen last year and this year, the difference being that one Shannon class was replaced by one Golden class...hence the improvement. Get it?
Wake Forest had drives of 10, 7, 41, 29, 3, and then 0 (INT). What the **** are you all even talking about? They needed an Artie Burns freshman **** up on 3rd and long and a 4th down conversion to score 1 TD and a Tyrone Cornelius/AJ Highsmith special to score another one. They had 361 total yards which is what the 96th offense in the country averages. They scored 21 points which is what the 103 offense in the country averages. Wake Forest did jack **** other than convert some third downs on short plays against Cornelius and then get lucky on a blown tackle.

Don't confuse the 'morans' with logic, man.
I cant wait until the All conference list comes out for 1st,2nd, and 3rd teams.....

according to lovelamp and sebastian nobody on the defense is going to be on the list.

Actually, I pointed out Perryman and Howard as the only two guys who might crack the F$U two deep. Carry on...
Oh, I don't know...but it might have something to do with having to rely on a bunch of guys who wouldn't start anywhere else in the ACC.

lol you are hilariously ridiculous if you believe that....

Every starter on this defense could start for any team in the ACC not named FSU, and some of them would start for FSU as well.

You've left me speechless. Just when I thought this board had reached its peak of stupidity...

You are obviously retarded.....

Deon Bush and Rayshawn Jenkins would start on every team in the ACC not named FSU, and Deon Bush healthy would start there 2.

Tracy Howard and Ladarius Gunter would start on every team not named FSU and VT but they would definitely push on both teams.

Denzel Perryman is starting on any team in the country.

Anthony Chickillo would start on most teams in the ACC, Shayon Green would too except for Clemson, VT, and FSU. The DTs would start on most teams in the ACC not named FSU and VT as well.

You are stupid and just want to make excuses for why the coaching has been so pathetic on 3rd and 4th downs.

I have news for you. None of what you just porsted is even remotely true.

I have news for you only a clueless clown like you would believe that the guys i listed wouldnt be able to start on any other ACC team.... smh **** u stupid.
I cant wait until the All conference list comes out for 1st,2nd, and 3rd teams.....

according to lovelamp and sebastian nobody on the defense is going to be on the list.

Actually, I pointed out Perryman and Howard as the only two guys who might crack the F$U two deep. Carry on...

naw shut up u just said none of our starters would start for ANY other team in the ACC.... GTFOH
I remember when Miami use to fire Def. Coordinators for having a 30th ranked defense smh those were the days.
I cant wait until the All conference list comes out for 1st,2nd, and 3rd teams.....

according to lovelamp and sebastian nobody on the defense is going to be on the list.

Actually, I pointed out Perryman and Howard as the only two guys who might crack the F$U two deep. Carry on...

naw shut up u just said none of our starters would start for ANY other team in the ACC.... GTFOH

No, that's not what I said. I said "having to rely on a bunch of guys who wouldn't start anywhere else in the ACC.". Reading is fundamental...
I remember when Miami use to fire Def. Coordinators for having a 30th ranked defense smh those were the days.

Really? When was that?

Them days zone was talking about

yall need to learn ya history..... the infamous Tim Walton had UM's defense ranked 33rd the year he got fired in 2007

2007 Team Defense rankings

/ we were saying?
I remember when Miami use to fire Def. Coordinators for having a 30th ranked defense smh those were the days.

Really? When was that?

Them days zone was talking about

yall need to learn ya history..... the infamous Tim Walton had UM's defense ranked 33rd the year he got fired in 2007

2007 Team Defense rankings

/ we were saying?

Sure that wasn't just Randy scapegoating?

Dude fired hundreds of coordinators during his term. Instead of firing himself
I remember when Miami use to fire Def. Coordinators for having a 30th ranked defense smh those were the days.

Really? When was that?

Them days zone was talking about

yall need to learn ya history..... the infamous Tim Walton had UM's defense ranked 33rd the year he got fired in 2007

2007 Team Defense rankings

/ we were saying?

Sure that wasn't just Randy scapegoating?

Dude fired hundreds of coordinators during his term. Instead of firing himself

lol oh how quick we forget things.... Every Miami fan in the country was screaming wanting Tim Walton fired b/c our "defense sucked"

you all are so comfortable being mediocre now that you have thrown out all standards and expectations except when it comes to ranting at the QB.

33rd ranked defense got Tim Walton fired that was the standard, now what's the excuse?
I'm sorry guys but constantly throwing up GT like it's relevant just shows that ur trying to hard.....

When was the last time Syracuse played GT?.... b/c they have never played against a Paul Johnson GT team before.

Has nothing to do w/ the fact that they shut down WF to ZERO points while Miami gave up 21 points even though we have way more talent.


Did this sound good in your head? Take off your tinfoil hat.

When was the last time we played Wake Forest?

OH that's the new excuse? smh

What excuse, we won the game.

You have no point and you constantly falsify what actually happened (i.e. SCORED AT WILL). Move on to something else.