• 7-5 or worse

  • 8-4

  • 9-3

  • 10-2 or better

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I expect us to be competitive against TAMU and Clemson.
I expect us to lose at least one ACC game where we are the favorites.
I expect us to whip Forfeit State at home.

Do all of that plus win a bowl game and I'll consider the season a resounding success.
Middle finger spamming 10% of you mofos with this post.

go fuck yourself middle finger GIF
I think we actually beat Clemson, they are a 8-4 or 9-3 program as well.
But we lose to TAM, Pitt, and maybe drop 1 more mid to late season we shouldn't due to depth.
9-3. I base this record off the fact that we are thin at certain spots and I juries will happen. I think every game is winnable on our schedule and we could easily exceed 9-3 if everything goes our way.
I’m at 8-4. 9-3 if we stay healthy and someone steps up at WR. We aren’t losing to UVA though. They lost their entire oline.
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My question is what game will the fans start booing the OC play calling after we Run, Run? Pass every 3 downs? Or Run on 3rd and 7? Lashlee isn't here people. If he was then I'd like 9-3 and 10-2. But I really hope I'm wrong but I don't see our offense being explosive under Mario/gattis
8-4. I think we struggle on offense against the big schools early in the season but we hit all cylinders by season end.
9-3. Think we lose at GT in ATL looking ahead to the Clemson game
10-2. I think there are many things that an improved coaching staff can do, but I don't think it makes us play more than one game above our level. I think this roster is an 8-4/9-3 type roster. I think the staff gives us a "Plus-1" in the win column. I'm going with 10-2 because there are plenty of posters who are going with 9-3 being reasonable and conservative...

Eff being conservative. It's HURRICANE SEASON, LFG!!

I’m 8-4/9-3 territory. I’d be surprised, but not too surprised if we finish with 10+ wins.

If our defense can crack the top 30 and TVD plays like he did last year, we could play with every team on our schedule.

I just think (1) there’s too many holes on the roster. Our o-line is meh, our LBs are meh, and our receiver talent is abysmal.

And (2), College is an offensive league now, and I’m a bit worried about Gattis’ and Mario’s proclivity to pound the rock and whip opposing teams physically. I don’t think we have the oline for that, but we do have a gunslinger. Hopefully they call games to our strength (QB).
Bump. Only 30% of posters on here (210 of 693 voters) thought we would be 10-2 or better. I expect at least half of the 10-2 crowd thought we'd lost to A&M, too. So 80%+ of us expected to be 2-1 right now. :unsure:
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We have holes. But we are formidable. And if we fix the QB-to-WR connection, we can beat anyone left on our schedule.
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