Ezekiel Marcelin commits to Miami

Ezekiel Marcelin commits to Miami


Comments (206)

Not only that. He said in the interview that D Nic and Cristobal offered him as a freshman. D Nic was still at Louisville when he offered.

As a freshman he had offers from Kentucky, Vols, Tamu, Michigan, Auburn, and us.

Again, we never know who’s gonna pan out.
But dudes on here acting like we flipped some dude from Stetson or some sht.
LOL, we’re not looking for a “typical” UM LB, we’re looking to do things the right way, and FFS, that doesn’t include a 205 pound LB.
That should be the minimum weight of our safety. This kid has followed instructions and worked his *** off to put on size for a reason and at 218 he’s getting close to where he needs to be! Kudos to the young fella!

You “don’t want him to come in over 220”, SMFH, that asinine south Florida mentality has to change if we’re ever going to compete!
You got it ...you know it my man. lol We wouldnt understand.

Tell me the weights of Bobby Pruitt who they are pubbing right now....and how much does Wesley Bissainthe weighs/ Ill hang up and listen.
LOL, we’re not looking for a “typical” UM LB, we’re looking to do things the right way, and FFS, that doesn’t include a 205 pound LB.
That should be the minimum weight of our safety. This kid has followed instructions and worked his *** off to put on size for a reason and at 218 he’s getting close to where he needs to be! Kudos to the young fella!

You “don’t want him to come in over 220”, SMFH, that asinine south Florida mentality has to change if we’re ever going to compete!

According to the article at the top, the avg weight for a D1 LB is 215-230. I'm not sure what the problem with a 220 LB is.

Kyle Dugger is one of the NFLs premier defensive players and pancakes offensive linemen when he comes on a blitz. He's 6'2 220. What's the fuss about?

According to the article at the top, the avg weight for a D1 LB is 215-230. I'm not sure what the problem with a 220 LB is.

Kyle Dugger is one of the NFLs premier defensive players and pancakes offensive linemen when he comes on a blitz. He's 6'2 220. What's the fuss about?
Not a thing wrong with 220. But everything wrong with suggesting our LBs should be 205 especially when the kids are following strict plans to get them to the 220-230 area.
So is a Colombian 4 a USA 10?

TrumpyCane curious
No, it’s just more common to see 10s in general. I’m also biased and wasn’t being serious in either of my comments.
Not a thing wrong with 220. But everything wrong with suggesting our LBs should be 205 especially when the kids are following strict plans to get them to the 220-230 area.
... that's exactly why undersized players should come in at 205, especially with a lack of athletic traits.

It's easier to bulk up to 220 instead of trying to reshape 220.