It was obvious to a few of us that this was exactly what was gonna happen. But some here couldn’t get past their own Miami shades. Nobody cares about Miami unless they’re good and they aren’t willing to spend to make that happen. There’s too many better options at their disposal. The rich guys at these schools in the middle of nowhere, live and die by it. And have much deeper pockets.

So I agree this was bound to happen. I don't agree that booster money will be the same size pool as money that Miami and USC (and maybe Notre Dame given their national brand and proximity to Chicago) can pull in from media. As you say, media is fair weather. The product needs to deliver results. But if we're winning, and Miamians are buying jerseys and packing Hard Rock, then I could see a major windfall for the Canes.

We can do the same thing - not at those numbers, which I do not believe are real, but as fans we can do the same thing. As an example, $1000.00 per month for a Miami-Dade County player is easily doable, if your company is in Miami-Dade.
So I agree this was bound to happen. I don't agree that booster money will be the same size pool as money that Miami and USC (and maybe Notre Dame given their national brand and proximity to Chicago) can pull in from media. As you say, media is fair weather. The product needs to deliver results. But if we're winning, and Miamians are buying jerseys and packing Hard Rock, then I could see a major windfall for the Canes.
Sure the money will start to come in, but who does Miami have that will spend upwards of $1 million on a kid? The amount of money they have is never gonna be matched. Not too mention the mindset and culture of Miami/LA vs oil country are polar opposites. Those guys aren’t in it for anything other than getting wins. Do you see those guys going on podcasts/twitter spaces and pimping themselves out?
This makes sense and is a very good plan by TAM. I may not like the result as a UM fan but I can appreciate how they are attacking the available avenues to paying players. The only potential downside will be when player X does not pan out. The school and player X both want him to transfer but the money keeps him at TAM. I guess a severance agreement can always be worked out.
If you're talking unlimited funds essentially, so what if a player or ten do not pan out. All that matters is the player is taking up a roster spot, and the school can theoretically pull the scholarship from the player and make him a student or walk-on.

Actually, would this not allow an A&M or Alabama to have a roster of hundreds? Scholarships would be irrelevant if we're talking a budget of $50 - $100M per year. The school could still have their 85 scholarships, but scores of additional players on salary that are 4 stars. Yes, they may not pay, but extreme hoarding of the talent would really prevent anyone from challenging in the future. You could basically render college football a four team league in Texas, Alabama, Georgia, and Texas A&M.
Go check the Harold Perkins thread, go check any UGA slobbering fest thread...

I’ll tell yall all the **** time why these teams are having astronomical recruiting classes.

People think these SEC country bumpkin Redneck HC’s are really some special Heaven sent recruiters, they’re not.

Money=Recruiting, Recruiting=Money, Top 5 class = Top 5 money spent, that’s the formula.
I just wonder which college will be the first to pay its players more than an NFL franchise.
With all the posturing so many posters do on CIS regarding their wealth, intelligence and success, we should have no problem matching that mark
I think that goes for Kirby too. He and Jimbo need to deliver a championship for all the money those donors are forking out

If/when Bama beats UGA on Monday, Kirby will have 1 conference championship in 6 years to show for all those recruiting class. Can’t imagine the powers that be envisioned that.

Another factor to consider, once the playoff expands, it’s another game or 2 for these bag coaches to corch it up.
Out of scholarships or class already at the 25 player limit? No big deal. With that kinda money they don't even need to offer kids scholarships anymore or worry about the 25 player class limit.

If they can convince a recruit to walk on, they can hand him a NIL deal worth whatever he wants, which can include an additional amount for the cost of the tuition money that they won't be getting from a scholarship.

Their booster's donations are in the tens of millions. It would be cheaper for them to pay multiple recruits a million each. It would SAVE those boosters money.

We're about to see 100+ players on rosters full of 4* and 5* players, with many of them being called walk ons.
Whether or not this specific news is true is irrelevant. The NIL decision triggered the inevitable professionalization of college sports. Now boosters don't need to hide their bags, they can expense them as marketing costs for whatever businesses they own. If they don't own a business, they can create one and run it at a loss to reduce their income tax. We know it's coming, the only thing that's surprising is how quickly the money is jumping in.

The real question becomes whether or not major media markets like Miami will counteract and ultimately dwarf the booster money out there. I think it will. But Mario has his work cut out for him.
If you STILL believe Miami is going to win out in the NIL deal you need help. Anyone with a functioning brain saw where this was going from Day 1, and it's only going there even faster than imagined now. What part of the city of Miami and it's residents and businesses not giving a single **** about the Miami Hurricanes is so difficult to grasp? How many years of empty stadiums do you need to see before reality sets in? Apparently more than 50
If/when Bama beats UGA on Monday, Kirby will have 1 conference championship in 6 years to show for all those recruiting class. Can’t imagine the powers that be envisioned that.

Another factor to consider, once the playoff expands, it’s another game or 2 for these bag coaches to corch it up.
So true. The GA donors are gonna hogtie Kirby if he doesn’t win. Only reason I’m rooting for Bama in this one is to put more heat on Kirby.
So true. The GA donors are gonna hogtie Kirby if he doesn’t win. Only reason I’m rooting for Bama in this one is to put more heat on Kirby.

And I think @Liberty City El said it a while ago, a UGA natty validates all the bag dropping they've been doing and that will only get worse if they actually win something of importance. I'd prefer Bama to be Bama and UGA be known as the "underachievers".
I mean it’s a big number but considering it doesn’t come from the school and their athletic budget is already in the $200 mill range, this is a decent price if it buys a title
I don't know, the number sounds suspiciously made-up (25-30 recruits, $25-30 million). I mean, it COULD be true, but every single player getting a million?

Now, on the other hand, if Jimbo had simply given Candy $1M per year to commit to him, he would still be in Tally...
Exactly. That reads like messageboard "expertise". Like the OU dude got a kernel of legit info and filled in the actual numbers with what he's guessing or is being lied to about.

As far as Texas "oil money" and specific to chronically 8-5/9-4 TAMU, I'll believe the actual results when I see them. It's not like the supposed "oil money" advantage hasn't been around forever and was theoretically an even bigger advantage when it could've been handed out "illegally" pre-NIL.