Yo mopes where you at

Essentially we're trying to get the best and an elite coaching staff bc the head coach sux. Worked at LSU so I am forced to roll with it until it likely ultimately fails and we're on to another HC. Just hope we take longer than an afternoon to make the next hire.
Successful HCs typically lose assistants during the off season bc of the teams success. They don't reshuffle their staff bc of their own incompetence.
Actually I'm not. I'm a lover of my alma mater and place where some of the best memories of my life happened.

I'm just not a miserable loser that would rather be "right" about Manny than see UM successful with Manny at the helm.
Questioning Manny doesn't mean I don't want the Canes to win. I'm not afraid to be proven wrong. I hope I am and am eating crow but from what's been exhibited thus far I don't have faith in Manny.
You mean like 13 months ago when Ed O won the national title after having fired half the guys on his staff and completely revamping the offense? Ooops
That's my point and why I specifically mentioned LSU. Ed O got lucky, we'll see how long he'll be there with another subpar season at LSU.
You Slurpers are getting a little aggressive again. Exercise a little humility. Act like you’ve been there before. And most of all...

Successful HCs typically lose assistants during the off season bc of the teams success. They don't reshuffle their staff bc of their own incompetence.
Truth Bomb, and deserving of some commentary. Slurps??

Probly go somethin' like this:

"Well...what happened was..we hired a rookie coach who's learning on the job, but don't point that out because if you do you're rooting against the program. And, oh yeah...EIGHT AND THREE BABY!!!

In all seriousness, Manny's put together a really nice staff.
Needed recruiters on defense ✔
Needed a technician for the DL ✔
Needed a knowledgeable, veteran voice to game plan (more than inexperienced proteges) ✔

*Now it needs to translate to W's. Hope it does.