Yo mopes where you at

6-7, 8-3, 15-0
Manny just fired almost his entire defensive and offensive staff in his first 2 seasons as a HC.

I think the mOpEs (or as I like to call them, anyone w eyes and decent football knowledge) were on point from day one.

Where are they?

Ask in October. Game is won ON the field.

By the way, I dont think anyoneon the board is actively rooting for Miami to fail.
Yea I have to do a YT video.....no mope in me these are good moves. I'm not a blinder mope I speak facts and if u deserve criticism I'll say it and when u deserve respect I'll give it. Hope Manny pulls it out his *** cause he finally has a staff. I wasn't going to shut up about Rumph cause it was the truth and the linebacker evals. **** if they would of listened to the few on the board some guys should of been fired year one. Ok ok enough of that **** though he's made some nice hires and I hope it works out for him.

I really want to see how they hit the trail this recruiting cycle cause it should be fun. I for one feel like this brought him an extra year
I’m excited about the trail too. We finally have a staff where the top recruits we don’t all agree he’s $EC bound.
Manny just fired almost his entire defensive and offensive staff in his first 2 seasons as a HC.

I think the mOpEs (or as I like to call them, anyone w eyes and decent football knowledge) were on point from day one.

Where are they?

Ask in October. Game is won ON the field.

By the way, I dont think anyoneon the board is actively rooting for Miami to fail.
This. Seen the coaching staff purge many times, typically it buys the HC another year or two, because the issue is generally at the top. Question is has Manny learned to be a CEO yet? My issue with him was that he should have never been hired to cut his teeth at this program.

Just curious though, where are all of the Mario is our savior threads these days?
Manny made some great hires. Now when the season begins will these new coaches get in line with Manny’s vision or will they go against it? A divided coaching staff can net you mediocre results. I hope Manny learned and we start winning big.
Essentially we're trying to get the best and an elite coaching staff bc the head coach sux. Worked at LSU so I am forced to roll with it until it likely ultimately fails and we're on to another HC. Just hope we take longer than an afternoon to make the next hire.
I love the staff changes Manny finally made. Regardless of the Baker & Rumph fiasco at least one is gone and the other not impacting recruiting nor coaching. With this many changes you’d have to think that lightning in a bottle at least this s
Upcoming season as most OC’s don’t have film of these guys coaching collectively.
You rang?

I said repeatedly that if Baker was retained, this offseason was a bust. It seemed that way for a couple weeks (give or take) and I was ****ED!

Gotta give props now though. Whether he helped him find a job or not, just glad that dead weight is gone. Wish Patke was packing up too... but maybe I just need to be patient again!

Definitely happy about TRob and TWill and hope they end up being the goods!

Enjoy your win slurpers! Manny offseason champion back-to-back-to-back