Y’all seen this yet?

Share the whole video if you got it. I’m tryin to see somethin.

Kevin Hart Whatever GIF

Just saw the clip and for all y’all clowning on rumph are completely missing it.

My take is that he was trying to take a (harmless) shot at sayin - I thought it was pretty funny, actually.

Harmless , but y’all love to hate on rump
Wrong. Dude I know lived all his life in Georgia before attending Alabama. NFL time took him from coast to coast. Once he retired he bought a bunch of land outside Tuscaloosa. You don’t have to like em but you make a mistake selling Bama short. Saban holds functions for former players and they return to workout, attend Spring practices etc. They also find former players jobs.
So this one dude from Georgia bought some land outside of Tuscaloosa, huh?

The nice thing about functions is that you get to go home after…

Rump is dry af but that quote was taken completely out of context
Only the players who grew up in Alabama.
No former player raised outside of Bama chooses to live in that wasteland of a state. ****, no person not raised in Alabama, much less former players, have ever uttered the words, “I want to move to Alabama”. It’s a bunch of country bumpkins of all colors living in a state that is about 30 years behind the rest of the country.

Living in Bama is like living in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, etc…No one does it voluntarily. And this diatribe against the backwards *** state that is Alabama comes from someone living in Georgia. Even we look down on Alabama.
My apologies to the normal people living in Birmingham, but my advice to you is GET OUT.
All of those “backward” states you mentioned have better teams than Miami.
I wouldn't mind seeing the whole thing, but ****, go after someone besides what is arguably the best football dynasty of all time.

I know it's likely old school, but if you're picking a school for its nightlife, good luck to you. If you can't find fun on a large college campus, you've got problems.
If y'all don't have context maybe hold off on judgements. What he was talking about is what the school itself and the city have to offer. Has zero to do with anything but education and the value of our network. Whoever recorded that and released a snippet should be banned from campus.
Yeah so if I was a 5-7 team and considered “off-season champs” where we do more talking than winning…I would probably keep winning teams out my mouth. Especially Bama who Cristobal looks at as a standard, and not try to negative recruit them in front of cameras and folks with social media platforms looking to build their brands…that’s just asking for s*** like this. What was he thinking
If y'all don't have context maybe hold off on judgements. What he was talking about is what the school itself and the city have to offer. Has zero to do with anything but education and the value of our network. Whoever recorded that and released a snippet should be banned from campus.
Exactly. The comment was more living in Bama / Tuscaloosa for four years. “It’s still Tuscaloosa“. How’s that any worse than all these coaches telling families “ don’t let your kids go to Miami because they’ll get murdered”. I’m amazed at how many people react to article titles or interviews without listening to the actual context before having an opinion.

It’s the definition of ignorant.
Exactly. The comment was more living in Bama / Tuscaloosa for four years. “It’s still Tuscaloosa“. How’s that any worse than all these coaches telling families “ don’t let your kids go to Miami because they’ll get murdered”. I’m amazed at how many people react to article titles or interviews without listening to the actual context before having an opinion.

It’s the definition of ignorant.
Amen. It's another day in the life of a college football fan. If people had any clue the **** these coaches say about us I'm curious how the responses would be. Like ***** *** t-rob and Raymond to simply name a couple dont talk nothing but **** about us. Yet they mad we lost cormani to the flavor of the month.
Only the players who grew up in Alabama.
No former player raised outside of Bama chooses to live in that wasteland of a state. ****, no person not raised in Alabama, much less former players, have ever uttered the words, “I want to move to Alabama”. It’s a bunch of country bumpkins of all colors living in a state that is about 30 years behind the rest of the country.

Living in Bama is like living in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, etc…No one does it voluntarily. And this diatribe against the backwards *** state that is Alabama comes from someone living in Georgia. Even we look down on Alabama.
My apologies to the normal people living in Birmingham, but my advice to you is GET OUT.
Hes Right GIF by MOODMAN
All of those “backward” states you mentioned have better teams than Miami.
That has nothing to do with living there after college. They have better teams because all the backwards *** bumpkins have nothing to care about other than giving their hard earned $20 to the state football program. I can’t believe whether people want to live in Alabama is even a question.
Georgia is Alabama if we didn’t have Atlanta. And if we didn’t have Atlanta, 50%of the people who currently live in Georgia would not live in Georgia.
That has nothing to do with living there after college. They have better teams because all the backwards *** bumpkins have nothing to care about other than giving their hard earned $20 to the state football program. I can’t believe whether people want to live in Alabama is even a question.
Georgia is Alabama if we didn’t have Atlanta. And if we didn’t have Atlanta, 50%of the people who currently live in Georgia would not live in Georgia.
You don’t have to live there after college. It’s just for college. Arguing about where something is when you have an entire campus is so dumb and a coping mechanism. Nobody cares about “not going back to train at whatever college” either. It’s all BS. It needs to be banned from being said on this board.

As far as people wanting to live in certain states, that’s on them. Everyone has a different opinion of what they want. They probably have a better standard of living, in those small towns, than most do in big cities.