Y’all seen this yet?

There might be a difference between message board fans & an actual Coach on the staff...
I mean I guess. But some people legit believe that these players are picking a university based on the location.

People out here constantly saying stuff like "do they know it snows in *enter cold weather state*!?!?!?! why would they want to go there!!!!!" or "yeah but can they get croquetas on a Saturday morning after an all nighter at e11even??????"

It is just straight up embarrassing man. Gat dam. Especially after the TNM/Paradise Camp/Turnover Chain ****. They gotta retire that schtick.

I mean I guess. But some people legit believe that these players are picking a university based on the location.

People out here constantly saying stuff like "do they know it snows in *enter cold weather state*!?!?!?! why would they want to go there!!!!!" or "yeah but can they get croquetas on a Saturday morning after an all nighter at e11even??????"

It is just straight up embarrassing man. Gat dam. Especially after the TNM/Paradise Camp/Turnover Chain ****. They gotta retire that schtick.
Fans are retarded. Coaches should be held to a higher standard
He’s right, but need add Winning in Miami is a lifetime. Who returns to Tuscaloosa after college?

You explain all that without being a clown and calling out Alabama… When the HC has mentioned Alabama as a standard of sorts…

He could literally explain it from his own experience but embarrassingly went low brow about Tuscaloosa…
Should be, it's a bad look IMO.
If y'all don't have context maybe hold off on judgements. What he was talking about is what the school itself and the city have to offer. Has zero to do with anything but education and the value of our network. Whoever recorded that and released a snippet should be banned from campus.
Keep his aahhhhh in the back office 🤣🤣🤣. No wonder we missed on all those CB's. The madafaka's psychology is out of this world🤣🤣🤣

Confused The Point GIF by Travis
Y’all are clowning but use the EXACT same reasoning when you’re in the recruiting threads 😅 something something bum**** cousin ****** town something something world class city something something the weather
The problem is what he said was the incorrect choice of words to convey what he was trying to say. I wish I knew enough about X's and O's to be a college coach somewhere because I would outrecruit 90% of these fools. Can't name drop the winningest program in the poll era. Yeah no **** we're not Tuscaloosa Rumph.

What he should've said is....

"We're not a small college town. This is a place that you may consider living in full-time after your playing days are over in the NFL, even more so if you play here for the Dolphins. Miami has become one of, if not the, most talked about city in the world and people from out of town are moving here left and right for a reason. The food, the nightlife, the swagger, the females, even the males if you're into that sorta thing. There are much more NIL opportunities here than in small towns. If you become a legend here at Miami, you'll be remembered for life in the city you actually live in and not have to pay for a cafecito or croqueta ever again in your life. What's that? You don't know what cafecito or croquetas are? Oh buddy you'll learn real quick."

Maybe the last part and a couple things can be moved around there but you catch my drift.
Lots of former Bama players return regularly for football games, basketball games, and a good number settle near or in Tuscaloosa. Dude I know did for years after he retired from the League.
Only the players who grew up in Alabama.
No former player raised outside of Bama chooses to live in that wasteland of a state. ****, no person not raised in Alabama, much less former players, have ever uttered the words, “I want to move to Alabama”. It’s a bunch of country bumpkins of all colors living in a state that is about 30 years behind the rest of the country.

Living in Bama is like living in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, etc…No one does it voluntarily. And this diatribe against the backwards *** state that is Alabama comes from someone living in Georgia. Even we look down on Alabama.
My apologies to the normal people living in Birmingham, but my advice to you is GET OUT.
Holy **** this is ******* CRINGEY as ****.

And "they" said we don't negative recruit smh
Lots of former Bama players return regularly for football games, basketball games, and a good number settle near or in Tuscaloosa. Dude I know did for years after he retired from the League.
Well, okay then. I’m referring to settling, clearly. And clearly, some do.

Still, Tuscaloosa, or Miami?
The program really just can’t get out of its own way. Was this clip new or during Manny era? Either way it’s bad