Xavier Lucas is a free man. Fickell is free to watch people ramrod his wife though.

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This is a great point. If they start going down the road of pointing fingers at us for tampering, let’s dive into how it played out for Hill. I’m sure he’s just always wanted to play for Wisconsin and there was no prior contact there at all….
The point is to drag this out to such a point that it will take 2-3 years or longer to litigate to resolution, cutting years off of Lucas's career and serving as an example to other players as to what can happen.

I can't help but think of this reading all these UW claims.

GIF by South Park
He's never going to get out.

The NCAA will do nothing.

Wisconsin has established the precedent that any school can prevent a transfer by simply refusing to file the paperwork.

Wisconsin's legal team will create such cost for Lucas that it will be cost prohibitive and take years for him to get out. Similar to a player challenging the NFL's three year requirement for entry.
I don't think so. This is a case filed against the University of Wisconsin, not the collective, so the issue here is does Wisconsin have to process the transfer request and what is the harm to the student if the transfer is not processed? In federal court this is an emergency hearing on the temporary injunction count that will happen in about five days to a week from filing the complaint. An oral ruling will probably come down from the bench and a written order will follow within 24 hours. Then the parties would be free to sort the rest of the mess out if they so decided. This **** aint rocket science. I could whip this out and get it filed within a couple hours.
This is a great point. If they start going down the road of pointing fingers at us for tampering, let’s dive into how it played out for Hill. I’m sure he’s just always wanted to play for Wisconsin and there was no prior contact there at all….
Yea he can enter portal and commit to them in less than a day. But They won't less Lucas come home for a month
This is a great point. If they start going down the road of pointing fingers at us for tampering, let’s dive into how it played out for Hill. I’m sure he’s just always wanted to play for Wisconsin and there was no prior contact there at all….

What if it's not even really about Xavier Lucas?

Maybe Fickle Luke Fickell is just mad at the world cause he got okey doked into hitching his little red wagon to TVD


fail raven symone GIF
You may be right that Wisconsin is willing to litigate, but I’d be surprised if they would get text messages. This thing would effectively be resolved at a preliminary injunction hearing. The attorney would file a motion for a preliminary injunction with the complaint and a hearing would happen pretty quickly. While a judge is likely to allow some expedited discovery prior to the hearing, the scope of discovery would likely be fairly limited and I don’t know how the text messages would be relevant to the relief sought.

Xavier’s attorney is probably doing everything possible to avoid this because getting a preliminary injunction is a fire drill and it costs a lot of money. In this situation his attorney is probably not admitted in Wisconsin and it takes some time to get admitted pro hac vice so you’re paying multiple attorneys. And then you basically have a mini bench trial. Could easily cost $100k or more. Thus, exhausting your options by trying to get the NCAA to intervene is the smart play, but the clock is ticking.

100% and thanks for the great response.

I have a feeling Heitner is only the face of a larger collection of legal minds working on this, and--who knows--maybe we have []__[] family admitted in WI.
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He's never going to get out.

The NCAA will do nothing.

Wisconsin has established the precedent that any school can prevent a transfer by simply refusing to file the paperwork.

Wisconsin's legal team will create such cost for Lucas that it will be cost prohibitive and take years for him to get out. Similar to a player challenging the NFL's three year requirement for entry.
There is literally a rule that states the schools have to enter kids into the portal within 48 business hours of receiving their portal paperwork. So either schools have to follow all of the rules or not. Not sure the NCAA wants a judge siding with UW and basically providing an avenue for schools to start picking and choosing which rules to follow.
He's never going to get out.

The NCAA will do nothing.

Wisconsin has established the precedent that any school can prevent a transfer by simply refusing to file the paperwork.

Wisconsin's legal team will create such cost for Lucas that it will be cost prohibitive and take years for him to get out. Similar to a player challenging the NFL's three year requirement for entry.

Dangerous move that can backfire, which is part of the reason most public universities don't engage in that tactic. By example, in Wisconsin:

Under Wis. Stat. § 895.044, a party or party’s attorney may be liable for costs and fees under the section for commencing, using, or continuing an action, special proceeding, counterclaim, defense, cross complaint, or appeal which:

(a) was commenced, used, or continued in bad faith, solely for the purposes of harassing or maliciously injuring another;

(b) The party or the party’s attorney knew, or should have known, that the action, special proceeding, counterclaim, defense, cross complaint, or appeal was without any reasonable basis in law or equity and could not be supported by a good faith argument for an extension, modification, or reversal of existing law.

Wis. Stat. § 895.044(1)(a)-(b).
So are they hoping that if they keep stalling he’ll eventually jsut change his mind? Lmao
Is their last day to register for classes after ours??? if so, I'd bet that's what they may be hoping for.. that he misses our window and is forced to just settle for them, but I just don't see how at this point they could fix the relationship... unless Bag$ make people forget anything.
He's never going to get out.

The NCAA will do nothing.

Wisconsin has established the precedent that any school can prevent a transfer by simply refusing to file the paperwork.

Wisconsin's legal team will create such cost for Lucas that it will be cost prohibitive and take years for him to get out. Similar to a player challenging the NFL's three year requirement for entry.
I’m still trying to figure out why he can’t just enroll in Miami. Is this a scholarship issue? Cant he just go to the registrars office and say he doesn’t want to enroll and rescind his scholarship or something? It’s weird.
How can I want to leave my job and my boss not let me?
MaThis be I’ve been out of school too long or don’t know the law governing student athletes
Is their last day to register for classes after ours??? if so, I'd bet that's what they may be hoping for.. that he misses our window and is forced to just settle for them, but I just don't see how at this point they could fix the relationship... unless Bag$ make people forget anything.
I think so, because Wisconsin starts classes a week later
I was up in Milwaukee in early-mid June, well the outskirts visiting friends in Wauwatosa. The Chik Fil A I went to wouldn’t give me half sweet/unsweet tea. Said there was no way they could do that, any ways the cheese curds are outstanding…
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