Xavier Lucas is a free man. Fickell is free to watch people ramrod his wife though.

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I'm sure we will now have a flurry of Wisconsin fans claiming Xavier Lucas was given some money in December.


But it won't stop them from trying to use that as a "justification".
They have no grounds under the law or the NCAA rules to do why they’re doing. I hope they get their asses sued and they lose.

My question is why the NCAA hasn’t outright overridden them and said he’s in the portal? I think they could also be dragged into a suit if they aren’t willing to fix this immediately.

Yes. And, they would be on home turf, with hometown lawyers, presumably going up against a lightweight litigator from South Florida.

Still, really not worth it to UW. So my guess is that some big **** donor’s ego is driving this.

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You may be right that Wisconsin is willing to litigate, but I’d be surprised if they would get text messages. This thing would effectively be resolved at a preliminary injunction hearing. The attorney would file a motion for a preliminary injunction with the complaint and a hearing would happen pretty quickly. While a judge is likely to allow some expedited discovery prior to the hearing, the scope of discovery would likely be fairly limited and I don’t know how the text messages would be relevant to the relief sought.

Xavier’s attorney is probably doing everything possible to avoid this because getting a preliminary injunction is a fire drill and it costs a lot of money. In this situation his attorney is probably not admitted in Wisconsin and it takes some time to get admitted pro hac vice so you’re paying multiple attorneys. And then you basically have a mini bench trial. Could easily cost $100k or more. Thus, exhausting your options by trying to get the NCAA to intervene is the smart play, but the clock is ticking.

Yeah, all of that is bull**** in this situation. And that's nothing personal, it's just an observation that this is an incredibly simple lawsuit that is being muddied by Wisconsin bringing in a bunch of irrelevant issues.

The preliminary injunction can go incredibly quickly. One question.

Judge: "Counsel for the University of Wisconsin, are there any exceptions in either the NCAA Portal procedures or the University of Wisconsin bylaws that adopt the NCAA Portal procedures which allow for a delay of the 48-hour processing requirement?"

Wisconsin: "No."

Judge: "Preliminary injunction granted."
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So they’ve kicked our asses on the field for a decade now they’re going to kick our asses off the field as well 🤣
They have no grounds under the law or the NCAA rules to do why they’re doing. I hope they get their asses sued and they lose.

My question is why the NCAA hasn’t outright overridden them and said he’s in the portal? I think they could also be dragged into a suit if they aren’t willing to fix this immediately.

That second paragraph is key. At first I thought "hey, they don't want to offend Wisconsin", but now I'm leaning towards "hey, the NCAA is so freaking gun-shy that they are afraid to intervene in anything ever again".
i think they know they will lose, they probably will get a fine and slap on the wrist, but they are willing to pay the money in order to **** over miami who they probably believe tampered and lucas, who backed out and tried to leave

feels like they are trying to set a precedent
yes to all of that. And force Lucas to miss spring as his punishment
yes to all of that. And force Lucas to miss spring as his punishment
My question is couldn't he just transfer to a CC for the spring and then transfer from there to the school of his choice for the fall. Once he is at another school UW loses all power to keep him from going to where he wants for the fall. I guess they could hold up his transcripts to prevent him from being able to transfer to even a CC.
Isn't the scuttlebutt that the Lucas family reached out to Miami first and initiated contact?

Regardless of the scuttlebutt, we need to be aware of what is happening here.

The core issue is whether a university is obligated, by NCAA rules and the procedures of the university itself, to process a student-athlete's Portal paperwork within 48 hours. The answer to that is "yes" and there are no exceptions or excuses for not doing so.

Wisconsin is trying to LOAD UP this issue with a bunch of irrelevant, but salacious, "other issues". Such as "tampering" and "contractual disputes". And those may be lovely issues to discuss for another day, but they are not relevant to the core issue.

Wisconsin knows that any TRUE discussion of the core issue will take less than 90 seconds. So they are trying to distract everyone with bells and whistles and hot-button issues designed to give the APPEARANCE that this issue is more complicated than it actually is.

Do not fall for the bait.
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