Xavier Lucas is a free man. Fickell is free to watch people ramrod his wife though.

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you continue to only think in terms of contract, when I specifically excluded that point.

Take deposit out of my hypothetical (even though it was reported he had received funds) and answer if it’s right.

Actually don’t, I couldn’t give a **** what you think . Have a great rest of your weekend
You are ******* wrong constantly on this. Log off

What a load of crap. I absolutely would, and have, spoken to people just as I do on this board. The fact that you can't handle it speaks volumes about yourself.

It's a simple request. Please stop lying and back-pedaling. It's unbecoming. For at least 10 posts, you have whined about Xavier Lucas "not doing the right thing" due to his contract. Nothing else.

Not to mention you falling for the old banana in the tailpipe trick of believing Wisconsin posters who claimed Xavier Lucas stole money, when his own attorney stated that no money was paid and no money was owed.

Just go away. People are tired of you caping for Wisconsin. not caping for Wisconsin . I’m not back peddling
No you haven't
No you wouldn’t
I’m not back peddling

My point remains the same, you shouldn’t agree to a contract then weasel out of it. If you don’t agree, then just disagree. This is a matter of opinion, so why are we arguing over opinions?
No you haven't
No you wouldn’t
I’m not back peddling

My point remains the same, you shouldn’t agree to a contract then weasel out of it. If you don’t agree, then just disagree. This is a matter of opinion, so why are we arguing over opinions?
Fran Healy Clown GIF by Travis
wow super good joke and insult. Amazing work 👍 very funny stuff

Over 100 pages of discussing Xavier Lucas.

Suddenly you show up to lecture everyone on "doing the right thing" and abiding by the terms of a contract you know nothing about.

Go away. Nobody cares about your pro-Wisconsin, pro-contract-as-the-Bible hot takes. Or your mock outrage over the use of one particular phrase.

You are just a toxic, clingy dope who can't take a hint and will never admit he is wrong, coming back over and over and over again to get the last word in.

We understood your narrow point-of-view the first three times you pontificated about it. Please let the adults on the board get back to discussing Xavier Lucas.

If what’s being discussed is true abd the issue is a contract signed by the player i wonder if you whatever school picks him up could just pay any debt that the athlete owes
No you haven't
No you wouldn’t
I’m not back peddling

My point remains the same, you shouldn’t agree to a contract then weasel out of it. If you don’t agree, then just disagree. This is a matter of opinion, so why are we arguing over opinions?
Listen, I know you’re really thick and you want to be right on this because you are probably never right anywhere else -but the collective contracts essentially have a provision for you leaving the school because you move out of their marketing area and they no longer have to pay you so the contingencies already there. They aren’t tied to pay for play- thus if the person plays somewhere else, the marketing area changes the contracts null and void and now shut the **** up.
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What is the NCAA's justification for not stepping in? Are they dragging their feet on purpose? They should've forced Wisconsin to put his name in the portal weeks ago. Something just doesn't pass the smell test.
Just dipping my toe in here, so not wanting to be involved in an argument with the board. Quoting this only as an example I see often.

His own lawyer has publicly stated that the NCAA has no power to force Wisconsin to do anything. They could punish Wisconsin for not following portal guidelines, but they can't force Wisconsin to put him in. Have no authority to do so. The NCAA is a governing body on behalf of the institutions and has no power to force action from them.

The school is violating NCAA policy by not putting him in, but that's only punishment after an investigation.

Wisconsin saying he has a contract with them does not supersede the NCAA policy. Just like if he is placed in the portal does that change any potential contract with Wisconsin that he has.

The best course of action for him is either to file an injunction with the court to force Wisconsin to place in portal. Or to simply enroll at another school and play chicken with the NCAA over eligibility (which they would lose based on quite a bit of precedent).

If Lucas wants to come to Miami (and I assume he does), he should simply enroll and give everyone a middle finger.

(I'm not an attorney, nor do I play one on tv. Any advice here is purely for entertainment purposes and should be treated as such)
The fact he hasn’t sued means his lawyer is even more incompetent than I think he is (which would be a stretch), or this thing is almost resolved and he’ll be in Miami in a matter of days.
how do we know he hasn't sued?
Whatever the end result is im hoping Lucas "on principle" tries to hold Wisconsin at fault for harming his marketing potential and strongly pushes NCAA to punish Wisconsin strongly for their clear rule breaking actions
Just dipping my toe in here, so not wanting to be involved in an argument with the board. Quoting this only as an example I see often.

His own lawyer has publicly stated that the NCAA has no power to force Wisconsin to do anything. They could punish Wisconsin for not following portal guidelines, but they can't force Wisconsin to put him in. Have no authority to do so. The NCAA is a governing body on behalf of the institutions and has no power to force action from them.

The school is violating NCAA policy by not putting him in, but that's only punishment after an investigation.

Wisconsin saying he has a contract with them does not supersede the NCAA policy. Just like if he is placed in the portal does that change any potential contract with Wisconsin that he has.

The best course of action for him is either to file an injunction with the court to force Wisconsin to place in portal. Or to simply enroll at another school and play chicken with the NCAA over eligibility (which they would lose based on quite a bit of precedent).

If Lucas wants to come to Miami (and I assume he does), he should simply enroll and give everyone a middle finger.

(I'm not an attorney, nor do I play one on tv. Any advice here is purely for entertainment purposes and should be treated as such)

Just dipping my toe in here, so not wanting to be involved in an argument with the board. Quoting this only as an example I see often.

His own lawyer has publicly stated that the NCAA has no power to force Wisconsin to do anything. They could punish Wisconsin for not following portal guidelines, but they can't force Wisconsin to put him in. Have no authority to do so. The NCAA is a governing body on behalf of the institutions and has no power to force action from them.

The school is violating NCAA policy by not putting him in, but that's only punishment after an investigation.

Wisconsin saying he has a contract with them does not supersede the NCAA policy. Just like if he is placed in the portal does that change any potential contract with Wisconsin that he has.

The best course of action for him is either to file an injunction with the court to force Wisconsin to place in portal. Or to simply enroll at another school and play chicken with the NCAA over eligibility (which they would lose based on quite a bit of precedent).

If Lucas wants to come to Miami (and I assume he does), he should simply enroll and give everyone a middle finger.

(I'm not an attorney, nor do I play one on tv. Any advice here is purely for entertainment purposes and should be treated as such)
Yeah another poster mentioned that.

It sets a dangerous precedent. If the NCAA can't act until after the fact and they're limited to giving them a slap on the wrist, other schools follow Wisconsin's example.
Yeah another poster mentioned that.

It sets a dangerous precedent. If the NCAA can't act until after the fact and they're limited to giving them a slap on the wrist, other schools follow Wisconsin's example.
Why would an illegal act that blatantly breaks the rules just be a slap on the wrist though?

There is literally not an easier case to give the NCAA to actually use their power lol. They could choose to either give a light punishment and then get ignored as you say, or they could go with a strong punishment for a clear and obviously rule and law violation and make it so no one will ever consider doing this AND obviously have the backing of the courts and best interest of the players behind them lol...

Punish them with 5 scholarship reduction, less recruiting days, and 3 yrs of probation.
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