caught the end of it when D'onforio came on and where talking about the importance of Redshirting and he said how he wished he would have guys like Highsmith, Cornelious, and Rodgers for another year. :eekeyes:

Wow if he actually said this... Guys like that, though they are upperclassmen, are just not good enough to play at this level. We need to get rid of the rest of the rubbish and continue to bring in new and better talent. Good times are ahead once these JAGs are gone. Hate to bash a guy that puts in the time and plays as hard as they can but it is what it is.

So the new thing is to nitpick everything Golden says?

Even the harmless comments?

Ungrateful ****ing fans.... Yeah we hit a rough patch ok....He said earlier this season to temper expectations we still have a lot to fix and I realized that too.... But this man has been unwavering since the day he came here and I stand with him.

Actually, I think the fans were in line with the team and Al as far as expectations. It seemed to me that Al expected to win against FSU and so did the team. I am getting tired of fans being blamed for "expecting" to much. That is what we are supposed to do. Al has worked endlessly and has done a ton of great stuff, BUT when the same flaw persists on a team, game after game, year after year it can only be the coaching.

Since Al got here, timeout management, delay of game, and illegal procedure penalties have gotten much, much better. Staff corrected previous staff's flaws. Unfortunately, complete inability to tackle members of the other team just gets worse. Players running lose for easy passes and YAC just gets worse. The players keep getting blamed, but if the players you have can't play your system, you need to adapt the system to the players you have. Al is right about a lot of things, especially when he says we should blame him. We are, Al. Now fix it. You have fired many players, stop blaming the ones you kept. Take look in mirror and around the staff.
Listening to Golden this week has been frustrating. Stop making excuses for your coaches. He either blames himself (which he knows he can do that at the moment) or he blames the fumbles.

Give it a rest bro...what he says publicly is to defend his underlings.....thats his gig. A good CEO is not going to throw them under the bus in the media; he will show them the door behind closed doors - the right way to do it.

Who would work for him if he hung his employees out to dry?

Come on, man.

But that means he has to fire people at end of season. You suck as CEO if you keep failed staff.
Listening to Golden this week has been frustrating. Stop making excuses for your coaches. He either blames himself (which he knows he can do that at the moment) or he blames the fumbles.

I don't know why he'd blame the fumbles...