caught the end of it when D'onforio came on and where talking about the importance of Redshirting and he said how he wished he would have guys like Highsmith, Cornelious, and Rodgers for another year. :eekeyes:

He shouldn't have had kids. They'll be fat, sweaty, twitchy failures just like their pappy.

LULZ. Flubberneck stuck his fingers in Brad McCrimmon II's pig nose and dragged him all over the field on Saturday, and now he's busting out the I never get to see my kids sympathy card. Weak.
caught the end of it when D'onforio came on and where talking about the importance of Redshirting and he said how he wished he would have guys like Highsmith, Cornelious, and Rodgers for another year. :eekeyes:

Nooooooooooooo he didnt, dorito GTFUOH.....literally!

Whoa! Some of yall are going to0 far talking about the mans kids. Listen, the Vtech game is over. Its time to move on. If we want the players to mentally erase that game and prepare for Duke we as fans need to do the same.

I was ****ed off on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday just like you guys were. (Well Sat too. Sitting in that rain watching that **** was not fun) But we still have a shot at a 10 win season which hasnt been done since 2003. That is a win in my book. Now if we stumble to 8-5. That is another story. That is a HUGE failure and Al would be an idiot not to openly admit it.

Al knows whats up. He knows that loss was inexcusable and it is his "98' Syracuse blowout" game at the moment. Just a real embarassing loss that killed our momentum AND was a winnable game AND could have been a statement game. He blew it. The staff blew it and the players blew it. But just like we rebounded and salvaged the season by beating UCLA that same year. We can salvage this season by winning out and being a 10 win team with momemtum going into next year.
Well, I must say, if you bag on the players and the coaches WTF are you really rooting for? Are you waiting for the fuggin U on the helmet to win some games? The same guys in here hammering on AG are the same guys crapping all over Cornelius, Highsmith, Rodgers, Morris even PD4 prior to his injury. So what exactly do you expect? I just dont understand.

I was ****ed about that game, still am, but it does not change my opinion of AG. He is still the good coach that you guys all paid to fly a banner and thank. Did that change because we lost? Has there ever been a loss that you could not pick apart and find guys to blame? NO. Losing sucks. But your a fuggin ****** if you praise a guy for winning and call for his head two weeks later because of losses.

I just do not think we as fans truly give credit for how much effort is put into these kids by these coaches. This is their JOB. They love these kids, they want these kids to have success, they want them to always be focused. They lose lots of money if they lose their jobs. Our best players are still sophomores and its not even close.

McCord is definitely our best pass rusher, terrible against the run. TH3 is our best cover guy, not a great tackler. Our Safeties are not great, good maybe when all healthy but not good right now. It takes time to develop how to truly move and follow a quarterbacks eyes from the safety spot. DP and Gaines are good against the run, too slow in coverage. They have improved but still too slow. I can admit I do not understand how Highsmith and Cornelius grade out high enough to be handed uniforms anymore but they have gotten better.

Coley is obviously our best wr, still young making freshman mistakes. (one handed attempts, drops) Hurns is solid but not a true #1 wide out. Waters is a great #3 guy but that is about his ceiling. ML is obviously still hurt. SM, I dont even know. I can say I commend AG for sticking with him, I am sure it helps in recruiting for kids to feel like the coach will support them, but I feel like he has played himself out of a position. Sure he ends up with good numbers but he is not good under pressure and I think he has hit his ceiling until he fixes some mechanics and learns to read a defense. Its obvious the coaches are doing the reading of the defenses not the qb. I think a SR qb should be making the reads and calling the audibles not the whole offense standing up and looking over at the sideline for 20 seconds. I am hohum about the OL, I cant figure them out from week to week, I think they play well, I dont like some of the play calls they require guys to have to hold blocks too long. I would run it differently more slashing type runs looking for cutback lanes, quick hitter types and it seems like we do a good job on those types of plays.
Overall offensively, I think it is obvious we have missed on too many of the TOP level players in the past few years. Or we are not developing them well enough. I mean its obvious we got two really good ones because they play on another whole level, in Coley and Duke. The talent drop from them is pretty obvious.

I think there are still talent deficiencies on the team, and I question some of the play calls. However, I still see lots of breakdowns in coverages, lots of good calls but our DC but we miss a tackle of a sack. And the same on offense, I see some plays with a guy wide open and we drop it or fumble on a big play, I also see some plays that I think make no sense what so ever. These stretch plays take too long to develop. However ,I am willing to stand by the TEAM, the coaches and the players for the remainder of this season and root them on because they ARE the U. It may change next year it may not, but I surely will not sit here and post like I am soo much smarter than the coaches because I watch a lot of ESPN!

Move the F*ck on.... We got 3 more games here....
Well, I must say, if you bag on the players and the coaches WTF are you really rooting for? Are you waiting for the fuggin U on the helmet to win some games? The same guys in here hammering on AG are the same guys crapping all over Cornelius, Highsmith, Rodgers, Morris even PD4 prior to his injury. So what exactly do you expect? I just dont understand.

I was ****ed about that game, still am, but it does not change my opinion of AG. He is still the good coach that you guys all paid to fly a banner and thank. Did that change because we lost? Has there ever been a loss that you could not pick apart and find guys to blame? NO. Losing sucks. But your a fuggin ****** if you praise a guy for winning and call for his head two weeks later because of losses.

I just do not think we as fans truly give credit for how much effort is put into these kids by these coaches. This is their JOB. They love these kids, they want these kids to have success, they want them to always be focused. They lose lots of money if they lose their jobs. Our best players are still sophomores and its not even close.

McCord is definitely our best pass rusher, terrible against the run. TH3 is our best cover guy, not a great tackler. Our Safeties are not great, good maybe when all healthy but not good right now. It takes time to develop how to truly move and follow a quarterbacks eyes from the safety spot. DP and Gaines are good against the run, too slow in coverage. They have improved but still too slow. I can admit I do not understand how Highsmith and Cornelius grade out high enough to be handed uniforms anymore but they have gotten better.

Coley is obviously our best wr, still young making freshman mistakes. (one handed attempts, drops) Hurns is solid but not a true #1 wide out. Waters is a great #3 guy but that is about his ceiling. ML is obviously still hurt. SM, I dont even know. I can say I commend AG for sticking with him, I am sure it helps in recruiting for kids to feel like the coach will support them, but I feel like he has played himself out of a position. Sure he ends up with good numbers but he is not good under pressure and I think he has hit his ceiling until he fixes some mechanics and learns to read a defense. Its obvious the coaches are doing the reading of the defenses not the qb. I think a SR qb should be making the reads and calling the audibles not the whole offense standing up and looking over at the sideline for 20 seconds. I am hohum about the OL, I cant figure them out from week to week, I think they play well, I dont like some of the play calls they require guys to have to hold blocks too long. I would run it differently more slashing type runs looking for cutback lanes, quick hitter types and it seems like we do a good job on those types of plays.
Overall offensively, I think it is obvious we have missed on too many of the TOP level players in the past few years. Or we are not developing them well enough. I mean its obvious we got two really good ones because they play on another whole level, in Coley and Duke. The talent drop from them is pretty obvious.

I think there are still talent deficiencies on the team, and I question some of the play calls. However, I still see lots of breakdowns in coverages, lots of good calls but our DC but we miss a tackle of a sack. And the same on offense, I see some plays with a guy wide open and we drop it or fumble on a big play, I also see some plays that I think make no sense what so ever. These stretch plays take too long to develop. However ,I am willing to stand by the TEAM, the coaches and the players for the remainder of this season and root them on because they ARE the U. It may change next year it may not, but I surely will not sit here and post like I am soo much smarter than the coaches because I watch a lot of ESPN!

Welcome to Miami fandom: wacko, insane depression and anger or ridiculous, over the top bravado. Yet, always an empty stadium.
Whoa! Some of yall are going to0 far talking about the mans kids. Listen, the Vtech game is over. Its time to move on. If we want the players to mentally erase that game and prepare for Duke we as fans need to do the same.

I was ****ed off on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday just like you guys were. (Well Sat too. Sitting in that rain watching that **** was not fun) But we still have a shot at a 10 win season which hasnt been done since 2003. That is a win in my book. Now if we stumble to 8-5. That is another story. That is a HUGE failure and Al would be an idiot not to openly admit it.

Al knows whats up. He knows that loss was inexcusable and it is his "98' Syracuse blowout" game at the moment. Just a real embarassing loss that killed our momentum AND was a winnable game AND could have been a statement game. He blew it. The staff blew it and the players blew it. But just like we rebounded and salvaged the season by beating UCLA that same year. We can salvage this season by winning out and being a 10 win team with momemtum going into next year.

they're just jokes. calm down. i thought the FaceTime one i read was actually funny lol.
any info on snickers boy's ankle? usually its he's getting better but haven't seen a word bout it this week
**** QAM. They were defending Dorito all afternoon yesterday. Guzio, Crowder and that Cubano producer guy they have were all saying it's the players. Callers were calling in ripping them and Coach D, but they wouldn't have anything of it. Crowder does crack me up though. He might be the biggest redneck for a black person I've ever heard in my life. I guess that's why he went to Florida.
"Haven't seen my kids since Thursday" - Al Golden

Translation: "I've been busy day and night working on fixing the glaring problems facing this team"


"Haven't seen my kids since Thursday" - Randy Shannon

Translation: "Kids? Joe, Joe Joe, I ain't got no kids. Ain't none a dem freeloaders gettin' a dime a my semblance check."
any info on snickers boy's ankle? usually its he's getting better but haven't seen a word bout it this week

I heard his ankle is fine. He looks great, and his mechanics are fine, regardless of what those ignorant NFL scouts say.

**** QAM. They were defending Dorito all afternoon yesterday. Guzio, Crowder and that Cubano producer guy they have were all saying it's the players. Callers were calling in ripping them and Coach D, but they wouldn't have anything of it. Crowder does crack me up though. He might be the biggest redneck for a black person I've ever heard in my life. I guess that's why he went to Florida.

QAM's a joke. They know who is buttering their bread. They spent years defending Shanntard and C0cker too. Only the fringe commentators on there will ever think of criticizing a UM corch. The guys with the regular shows and Frankengacki and Dawn Ballick, Jr. wouldn't criticize a corch if their lives depended on it.

Gene Chizik, who is one of the top dog DCs over the last decade, flat out said there are corching issues on UM's defense. And, like any other coach, he is very hesitant to publicly criticize corches. So, you know it's gotta pretty bad for a coach to criticize a coach on the radio.
The interview was a joke. I caught part of it. He basically attributed the loss to the turnovers -- that they turned the tide quickly and that they didn't have enough guys respond to that type of adversity. It was like listening to ******* Corch Shannon all over again. Yes, the turnovers were brutal, as were the missed tackles, but the main problem is that that ****** offense looked like the Warren Moon-era Houston Oilers against us. He didn't even acknowledge that we gave up 500 yards to a future undrafted QB. It's a joke.
I will say this, with our crap defense, those two fumbles, and the downed punt put us REALLY far behind the 8 ball.. we go up 14 - 0 after the Coley punt return and it's a different ball game.
I will say this, with our crap defense, those two fumbles, and the downed punt put us REALLY far behind the 8 ball.. we go up 14 - 0 after the Coley punt return and it's a different ball game.

You're right, but that's not the point. Golden is ignoring the 500+ yards we gave up, and the fact that we looked like a middle school ****** school trying to stop 1984 Dan Marino, when we were in fact playing the middle school ****** QB.
I don't agree. How does that make our defense improve?

I will say this, with our crap defense, those two fumbles, and the downed punt put us REALLY far behind the 8 ball.. we go up 14 - 0 after the Coley punt return and it's a different ball game.