Word is fletcher is out for the season…

You've missed the point.

Its not about passing more than running.

Its that when we run, its not schematically advantageous. Its also hampered by the fact that we don't have any game-breakers at RB.

And a lot of our passing comes in desperation mode when were down in crunch time. Mario passes because he has to. He runs because he wants to.
Game management. Clock management. Situational awareness.
A lot of grandkids. And alot of nieces and nephews. I didn’t even create this screen name. I’m not even on social media except for this message board. Lol. Too much drama. I’m retired and spend my days in Santo Domingo, Punta Cana, Tootsies, Goldfinger and Smoke on the Water (Weston stand up!). Other than that, I’m looking forward to my 42nd year being a season ticket holder. Salute! 🫡.
75 years old and using social security to crush international ***** and put young ladies through college???

winning charlie sheen GIF
he missed some titantic size holes last year.

query for the experts. can vision be learned?

I don't think so, it's more or less what you see is what you get, IMO.

That's not to say there aren't things you can do to help a RB other than pray he develops NFL vision, i.e., spreading teams out, not running into stacked boxes, not lining up your TE in an ineligible position, etc.
You say “lol” a lot for a guy that claims to be 75

I’m skeptical now…

Someone Reaction GIF
The lol checks out.... notice how it is capitalized with a period at the end of it? Reminds me of my dad needing to dictate texts cuz his *** cant see the phone so I will be driving out to lunch with him riding shotgun and hear "Okay period see you there shortly period leave some bourbon for me period ha ha ha"
The lol checks out.... notice how it is capitalized with a period at the end of it? Reminds me of my dad needing to dictate texts cuz his *** cant see the phone so I will be driving out to lunch with him riding shotgun and hear "Okay period see you there shortly period leave some bourbon for me period ha ha ha"
My in-laws facetime on 11 volume in the living room without warning. Which egregious behavior here is worse? Do we need a poll?
Our injuries under cristobal is stuff of legends
Why do people say **** like this? You know what's amusing is when we have had these injuries it's taken time to get back because he's trying to do right by the kids and their futures. He could rush them back and who cares what happens. Or he could give them the proper time to heal up fully.
Didnt know where else to put this or what Fletcher thread to bump but people in the comments think the caption of "Cant you tell im excited, Go canes 4 is back" is him saying he was/is cleared. I think Mario said at the start of spring ball he expected Fletcher back for Fall but we all know how that goes.

Didnt know where else to put this or what Fletcher thread to bump but people in the comments think the caption of "Cant you tell im excited, Go canes 4 is back" is him saying he was/is cleared. I think Mario said at the start of spring ball he expected Fletcher back for Fall but we all know how that goes.

I don’t know when he will be back, no one likely does. What I do know is, him posting these pics proves nothing either way.
I don’t know when he will be back, no one likely does. What I do know is, him posting these pics proves nothing either way.
Proves he has a nice smile while wearing a helmet..... So there :p
I'm sorry... Really bored today... LOL!!!
The phrase "4 is back" may allude to him wearing 4 again, and not necessarily to his health. However, that interview from earlier in the year where he talked about forming a duo with Martinez was a dead giveaway.