Winston's DNA Matches DNA On Victim's Underwear

Victim's attorney told ESPN @ 9 pm: "She's not recanting anything. She's told the truth and will continue to tell the truth."
It's not typical for a rape to be reported and a kit requested within hours of consensual ***. On top of that consider that 6-8% of all rape allegations are 'false' but remember that not all rapes are reported because of the shame these women fear (if all rapes were reported that percentage would be even smaller). Additionally, those that do report are under considerable pressure to recant. There are countless stories of rape victims being pressured to recant.

I don't need to know much more than I've already read to presume that she was/is under considerable pressure to make this go away and that the cops dragged every possible foot they had to make sure it did. At the very least....these cops are bad - and I'm inclined to believe the allegation under the circumstances.

Looks like she's still leaking Jamitin's DNA in that pic.

Not really funny if the young women was really raped. Have some respect, how would you like it if your daughter was raped?

Looks like she's still leaking Jamitin's DNA in that pic.

Not really funny if the young women was really raped. Have some respect, how would you like it if your daughter was raped?

It's not even her, you dope. I hope you and the chumps who liked your dumb post get raped for being so uptight. Might loosen you up a little.

Franchise you're a cool poster, but someone getting sexually assaulted is never funny or something to f**k around with. Nobody deserves that sh*t...unless you're Jerry Sandusky.