Why do teams keep stacking the box

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ACC teams will probably play us softer and start playing two-high shell like NFL teams play Mahomes.

They'll want to minimize the number of possessions we have, and play bend but don't break defense forcing us to kick FGs. Realistically, that's the only way a team is beating us with Cam Ward as QB1.
USF went 2-high on that TD to Sam Brown — didn’t matter.

His anticipation and timing when he threw that ball over the corner and underneath the safety was textbook for beating Cover 2.
This year it has been really great to see a play develop and my heart to explode from poor execution. This is truly fun again.
A lot of coaches and teams are more demoralized by getting out-physicaled and ran over, easier to manage morale and the narrative by getting BBQ'd by Ward and then saying "We don't have to play Ward next week and Miami won't have him next year".
There’s still a lot of “run the ball and stop the run” mentality in football. It’s usually a good philosophy in college because there’s not a ton of elite passers. So forcing a team to be one dimensional is usually a good idea.

This is why having a game changer at quarterback changes everything about your team. There’s nothing a defense can do to really stop the offense.

This offense would be very solid with a good but not great quarterback. It because an all time great offense by having Cam Ward.
There probably isnt 2 linebackers in the country that can run with Chris Johnson so good luck.

Sh*t Cam under threw a lay up td tonight...if u wanna play shell he will hit Fletcher, CJ, and Martinez in the flat and they will get 10 a pop and Cam is cool with that...the'l break a tackle or 2 and then your still f*cked lol
That’s what the problem was with TVD last year. Just take the **** check down if they are dropping everybody into coverage!
You gotta have answers. My team I coach had trouble running the ball because they kept setting the 3 tech away from the running back when we ran counter. We adjusted by running tempo cause they had to switch at the last minute, ran inside zone for the double teams, and got into pistol so they didn’t know which side we were running to. Everybody has a game plan but how do you adjust when it’s not working. Thats what teams are gonna have to figure out. Cause if they don’t we bout to keep having a fun season!
We still condense sets so bring players in the box remember so that contributes. Helpful having two athletic TEs who can catch.

Another point though is that teams have done a good job of getting us into third and medium/long cam just converts because he’s a dude
ACC teams will probably play us softer and start playing two-high shell like NFL teams play Mahomes.

They'll want to minimize the number of possessions we have, and play bend but don't break defense forcing us to kick FGs. Realistically, that's the only way a team is beating us with Cam Ward as QB1.
Can definitely see some of the ACC teams on the schedule trying to go this route. Probably won't be VT next week though, they'll be more of the same.
Teams did the same the LSU in 2017. They ended up averaging 4.8 yards per carry which was like 36th in the country.

If you can sort of make a team one dimensional you have a better shot. You also have a better shot against a one dimensional passing team than a team running it down your throat.
Ward is averaging 11 ypa. A first down every try. Those are crazy stats. There's no reason to try to establish the run. Just keep throwing, scoring, and having the D get a few stops.

Then once up by 21+, the D can pin their ears back and the O can bleed the clock with the run.

Seems to be the formula for they year.
This is what I keep saying to people who say the running game is struggling. It's not. This is our identity until someone forces us to change it. We then know we can lean heavy on a stable of RB's. It's just like arroyo said in fall camp. Pick your poison.

The one thing I hope changes is Cam running slowly out of bounds. The S. FL player took that late hit because Cam let him chase him down. I know it helped but I don't want Cam getting hit like that.
ACC teams will probably play us softer and start playing two-high shell like NFL teams play Mahomes.

They'll want to minimize the number of possessions we have, and play bend but don't break defense forcing us to kick FGs. Realistically, that's the only way a team is beating us with Cam Ward as QB1.
This is the Defense that will kick start our rushing attack. If you don't stack the box on us we're going to average 5 to 6 yards a carry.
Teams did the same the LSU in 2017. They ended up averaging 4.8 yards per carry which was like 36th in the country.

If you can sort of make a team one dimensional you have a better shot. You also have a better shot against a one dimensional passing team than a team running it down your throat.
Good point. The 2019 LSU offense is generally considered the best offense in college history. They averaged 167 yards rushing per game at 4.9 ypc. Could they have ran the ball more/better? Probably. But when you have Burrow, Jefferson and Chase, why? If the point is to score as much as you can, why take the ball out of your best player’s hand unless the defense absolutely forces you to?
Teams are also ‘stacking the box’ to give him different pre and post snap looks. And, to try to disguise blitzes. They drop out of there many times.

It’s just not effective so long as Cam continues to use his feet in the pocket and is willing to occasionally check it down. The dump off to Martinez yesterday was elite stuff.

You’ll start to see teams play a lot more two high and nickel/dime in the future. You just can’t do what usf did (and ball state) and expect to not give up 50. Cam is way too good, both physically and mentally, and we have a ******* stable of receivers. So you’ll see teams start to lighten the box, and we’ll start gashing people in the run game. You’ll probably see Cam run a bit more on either designed runs or zone read once we get those looks.

For now, Dawson is just a kid in a candy store. I have an insanely accurate QB who you can’t confuse, possibly the best group of pass catchers in the country and a stonewall OL. When you do send an extra rusher, or confuse my front, my QB just evades the free rusher and makes a great throw to a voided area. And you keep playing single high with 7+ in the box. Ok, bet. You ******* dumbass. When teams switch it up, we will too, and you’ll see gash plays because our OL will maul smaller looks.

Btw, our all-conference LT and starting LG are both out. The OL is only going to get even better.