Who is your closet team?

The Vols, because my pops went there and was a die hard.

UCLA, because I went to law school there.

But, really, The U, cause it's all that matters.
I only have one luv, and IT'S ALL ABOUT THE U!
Every other team can DIAF, some alot more than others.
I root for different teams in different scenarios.

Fresno State - my alma mater

I root for all of the other Florida schools with the exception of UF.

I root for FSU 11 out of 12 weeks a season. (old school)

In general, I root against all big ten teams, for pac ten teams, against all SEC teams, against notre dame, even when they're not playing.
Got my Masters from Illinois, so I guess I sorta kinda keep an eye on them.

Grew up in Jacksonville which was pretty much Gator country so I guess I have a spot for them somewhere. Actually they annoy the heck out of me, always did, but since they carry my state's name they need to carry it well. Florida State has never been nor never will represent my state so they have never even made it to my closet.