Who gets the 2 extra scollies that opened up???

We haven't received the letter of notification of allegations from the NCAA yet, and the judgment on sanctions won't come for several months after that, so it's a virtual certainty that we won't know the penalties until after this class signs. So I fully expect that Golden loads up on commits on LOI day. As for how many JAGs he "runs off" tell me one he has done that to? Ray Ray, V Davis, J Johnson and Cain, they all self-selected out. I'm sure there are at least 4-5 more such kids on roster, so to me a class of 20+ seems right. And I am confident the staff already knows who they're looking to pick up.


Its absolutely laughable to deduct that we will hold back schollies in this class. We will load up as much as we can now...just like USC. Actually pretty much everything Bomb said we will be doing is completely incorrect and borderline crazy.

You know this for a fact?

Know what? That sanctions won't be announced until after February? Yes, based on basic math and NCAA rules. That Golden won't self-impose scholarships prior to NCAA ruling? No, but it makes no sense because it signals that we feel guilty, when the party line has been that everyone who committed infractions is gone or has already served their penalties (Dye). Meanwhile, in the FSU postgame and on Joe Rose, he said he would work aggressively to bring in more talent in this class. And offers are still going out. So...
Mr. Bomb. Do you realize that if we get to the ACC Champ game and then abruptly decide to not play it royally F#*@s the ACC? You can't do that. If you were going to forego the postseason or the ACC Champ game for that matter it should've been done prior to now. You don't just all of a sudden say you're going to forego the bowl at the last minute. The only reason that we did that last year is because the allegations came down on us so quickly. Also we are definitely not going to be withholding any schollies in this class...thats just dumb. We will load up on as many players as we can now.

There is a SLIGHT possibility of us foregoing the bowl game (I seriously doubt it will happen), but for us to just bend over the ACC at the last minute and say "Hey ACC and everyone else...we aren't going to play in your championship game next week!! Georgia Tech, VT, Duke you guys figure out...if you're free that weekend I guess you can go!!" Thats absolutely insane and it doesn't work that way. If we self-imposed before the season at least the ACC could have a plan in place, but now we would just be ******** them over. Also you do realize that there have never been 3 postseason game bans as punishment EVER right?! So why would we forego last year's bowl, this ACC Champ game, and the bowl game?

Another reason waiting to become bowl eligible before deciding to forego it is this...what if we don't reach eligibility? Then we can't declare ourselves out of it. If we went ahead and declared before the season started then we would at least get credit for saying we would be foregoing ahead of time.

Also you say it doesn't affect recruiting if we forego the bowl this season, but it actually DOES. We will have basically lied to all the freshmen this year if we self-impose a bowl ban this season. This kinda **** gets back to the recruits.

Bottomline is if we make it the ACC Championship game we are playing in it. The only thing that I think we would do is take the $$ somewhere as punishment. I seriously bet we are playing in it though.

There's a lot of things I feel you said wrong and I just feel your whole argument and logic is wrong, but the one thing I want to know is how do YOU know anything that coaches have told their players?

You aren't the brightest cat on this board are ya? Its been very well documented that Golden had told the recruits from the last class that the worst is behind us. I'm going on printed facts here...ones that I shouldn't have to go and find to prove to some thick-skulled kid on this site.

So since he told them that the worst is behind us that means if we get another bowl ban and a couple scholarship reductions thats worse than the complete media field day they had with other sanctions?